Hey people i put up this guide to help people that are starting using the mod or don't know how to get more rare and legendary slaves to see if it helps.
Damn this really helps veteran player too, thanks

idk that breeding in house wont kill the f slaves, that would help so much. Also Angel to Devil quite nasty dang.
well, hope the one who really needs it, read it tho.
Also to add to the guide: preparing slaves to have profession will helps with finance from early until late game. For early: Warrior and blacksmith (only needs sum of all essences > 1) then mid and late game: Knight (sum of all essences > 10).
This usually only matters for normal and harder difficulty tho (Easy difficulty have 1/5 cost and prices so it wont matter).
Also, some traits so OP u might want:
Undying Soul - After death, 75% chance for resurrection every DAY (need Eternal Essence 6 or 1 of the parent have it)
Corrupted Womb - After failed conception, 20% HP restoration (need Demonic Essence 4 or 1 of the parent have it)
Lastly, Brothel have 4 Factions of clients with 4 (now 5 or 6 idk) types. the higher the reputation of each faction, it unlock better type of clients (with more picky needs but more money). Also u start unlock 2 factions (Mercenary and Religious) then u need to unlock 2 more (Knight Order and Arcane). to unlock Knight Order: lvl 4 rep with Mercenary OR Religious
This is the type of clients for each factions that I know:
Mercenary > Brigand-Thug-Plunderer-Marauder-Assassin,
Religious > Cultist-Disciple-DarkPriest-Necromancer-DeathKnight,
Knight > Squire-Esquire-Templar-Esquire-Chaplain
Arcane > Acolyte-Magician-Evoker-Conjurer-Elementalist