3.60 star(s) 25 Votes


Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
can someone post the 32 bits versions? ...
As far as I know not all builds were also created as 32 bits ones, some as 64 bits / VR only. I'll quote passages, pls read up for yourself, too. ;) I'm using my naming conventions bc that is how I sort them, just saying.
  • There is the MGI Demo1 Day1 build in 32 bits, 219 mbs:
... Demo Day 1: was just a short one where you get to meet kitty (Ara, a Nekomata), hornie (Suzu, an Anthro-Hornet) and slimey (Eris, a Demon Slime), names according to the . ...(Faranne, an Elven girl has a cameo).
... pretty much one of the oldest. Art is a little dated, and it's short. The link from OP to has got the download.
  • There is also the more 'complete' MGI Demo2 Day2 build in 32 bits, 709 mbs:
Moon got it a while ago, in all flavours, pls check:
(Win 32 bits)
Day 2 Demos:
... As mentioned there are two 'Day 2' Demo builds. The second and most recent is the bigger 'complete' Demo 2 build, the older one is the 'partial' Demo 2. ...The 'partial' one features as new girls the Robot (Ophelia) and the Elf (Faranne). The Shark (Mako) and one Foxy girl (Renge or Sayuri) have their appearance in the 'complete' one.
  • There is another MGI Patreon Mako2 build in 32 bits, 270 mbs, with shark girl (different to the 2 builds of old itch.io pack), got russian installer:
Big thanks to
update Mako 2 (Win 32 bits)
  • Last one I know is MGI Patreon Shuri build in 32 bits, 255 mbs, sorta elf girl with bunny ears:
Courtesy of
Win 32 bits:
The 4(?) old Showcase Demo builds are 64 bits only, too.
The two Halloween Demo builds are 64 bits only I guess.
The Patreon Eris build is 64 bits - it's among the newest, maybe there is a 32 bit one out there?
The VA Secret Build (for Voice Acting) is also 64 bits only atm.

Storywise you don't miss much, contentwise there are some 'trailers' (Showcase Builds), and the VR thingy is funny. The game is far from release of a 'chapter one' or sth.. Hope I helped somewhat, if you're confused now just give a bark. ;)

Edit: mentioned new VA Secret Build, 2nd Mako build 32 bits added.
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Aug 4, 2017
As far as I know not all builds were created as 32 bits ones. Some are 64 bits / VR only. I'll quote passages, pls read up for yourself, too. ;) I'm using my naming conventions bc that is how I sorted them, just saying.
  • There is the MGI Demo1 Day1 build in 32 bits, 219 mbs:

... pretty much one of the oldest. Art is a little dated, and it's short. The link from OP to has got the download.
  • There is also the more 'complete' MGI Demo2 Day2 build in 32 bits, 709 mbs:
Moon got it a while ago, in all flavours, pls check:

  • The last one I know of is MGI Patreon Shuri build in 32 bits, 255 mbs, sorta elf girl with bunny ears:
Courtesy of

The 4(?) old Showcase Demo builds are 64 bits only, too.
The two Halloween Demo builds are 64 bits only I guess.
The new Patreon Eris build is also 64 bits - but it's among the newest, maybe there is a 32 bit one to be found?

Storywise you don't miss much, contentwise there are some 'trailers', and the VR thingy is funny. The game is still far from release of a 'chapter one' or sth.. Hope I helped somewhat, if you're totally confused now just give a bark. ;)
thanks but those are 64 bits, i was looking for 32 bits, bad luck i guess, thank you anyway
(sorry for my English)
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Deleted member 30700

Active Member
May 11, 2017
Anyone has the Halloween V2 download link? I can only find V1 here.
believe it or not, the Halloween v1 & v2 are both on youtube. You can watch the entire gameplay on there without a download. As a matter of fact, you can watch the variations of the game on YouTube. Just do a search for it and you will be surprised as to what you will find. I don't know if you want to download all of those demos, they are quite large.

Deleted member 30700

Active Member
May 11, 2017
On another note, Everything in MGI is unorganized and most are just different scenes that haven't been put together. I REALLY want this game to succeed. It is just taking soooooo long to put together. I don't know if it ever will.:frown: I hope this game doesn't go away, I would love to see it put together
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Apr 23, 2017
If you can give more info we wouldn't be unthankfull. What plant girl (give description and maybe links)? Link to source?
I believe he's talking about . It's only a couple of pictures, not a build though.

Edit: wrong link
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Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
Ty @rezidu
Well I think I had seen a plant girl some time ago iirc. Maybe dev is keeping her behind paywall now to not leak latest content. Same goes with centaur girl, no update.
3.60 star(s) 25 Votes