Hi guys: I've been playing all the games from this developer since it started and although they have a lot of similarities between them, I personally love them, and I hope Lee continues lighting the spark and continues creating other games and extending this one as long as he considers it correct do it.
Criticizing is easy and I personally don't criticize what I don't know how to do, this is simply a game and as such I don't take it as seriously as those who find everything wrong, congratulations Bob and please don't give up keep going. Greetings.....
hola chicos : Yo estoy jugando todos los juegos de este desarrollador desde que comenzó y aunque tienen mucho de similitud entre ellos a mi en lo personal me encantan, y ojala lee siga alumbrando la chispa y siga creando otros juegos y alargando este mientras él considere correcto hacerlo.
criticar es facil y yo personalmete no critico lo que no sé hacer, esto sencillamente es un juego y como tal no me lo tomo tan a pecho como esos que todo lo encuentran mal, felicidades Bob y por favor no desmayes sigue adelante. Saludos....