I keep trying to figure out which of the recent messages to branch from, but I can't decide. I'll just add a clean comment.
I've made no secret of the fact that I am polyamorous by nature, and have known it since 1981, years before Morning Glory Zell coined the word polyamorous. I think it is one reason I love MNF so much. The dream of having a family like this (minus the incest) had been a dream of mine for a long time (though I never thought to exclude men). For me, the idea that the members of the group interact with each other is healthy and wholesome. For me, this open arrangement, where the women are occasionally and casually intimate in various ways with each other nurtures my soul. I feel it actually helps to lower my blood pressure. I appreciate Killer7 so much.
All this is despite actually having partners sometimes find themselves closer to another partner rather than me. My most recent partner, after a decade together, decided she wanted to build a household of two with her other boyfriend and now they are married. It hurts, but life happens. For me, it is one of the risks of open/poly relationships, but that risk is outweighed by the benefits of polyamorous connections. Monogamy does not protect one from loss.
Like the adage, "It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all," I made a vow to myself long ago that I would rather be open and be hurt from time to time rather than shut down and isolate.