No offense, but if i have to read the Dev diary to get my expectations right I can still blame the writing in game. Until Nikki's mystery boyfriend was introduced (who didn't get his own story arc or was even a character) the game was pretty open about anything. But now i realize why the game stopped scoring points. If the game only had one ending why bother tracking. Sadly, that is not the only problem with the game otherwise the ending wouldn't have sucked.
But point taken, I was probably fooled by the incest patch. With the current ending it is rather pointless and could have been neglected, right from the start.
Dave Filoni
wurg to the rescue! If you can, give this mystery boyfriend, that snatches 'title-girl' a handsome face and charming personality. If i get NTRed than only by the best their is, at what he does.
Oh... and i request a happy vegan ending with
Gollum Ashley, she was MC's only friend.