
Sep 22, 2016
No Steam does not have "Softer" rules. There's all sorts of shit on DLsite that would never under any circumstance be allowed on Steam. That said, where Steam seems to get the reputation of allowing anything comes from the fact their rules are vague and inconsistently enforced, especially when it comes to japanese games, which tend to get hit with the bans and rejections far more. In comparison, all DLsite typically asks for is that the work follows Japanese laws, which basically means mosaics, black bars, or whatever to censor. Sometimes they do require more than the competiton (like DMM), which means bigger mosaics or whatever, though typically this only happens for certain loli content. But in terms of content, pretty much anything is allowed. There's a list of games that are banned or rejected that is consistently updated here: . Even without the bias I still can't see Steam allowing a lot of the stuff that DLsite has on it.

Also, Ci-en wouldn't work for this because A.) Ci-en is owned by DLsite (or whoever owns DLsite), and B.) it still operates in Japan. As a result, Japanese law still applies. All it does is maybe reduces the chance of Ci-En noticing it isn't compliant or delays it. It does not however shield D-Lis from the rules or Japanese law and could end up hurting them if it is seen as trying to skirt around the law.

For somebody like D-Lis it makes no sense to try to get around DLSite's rules. By following DLSite's rules, DLSite is taking the risk, which is why DLSite is trying to err on the safe side. By trying to skirt around the rules, D-Lis would be taking more of the risk onto themselves. Perhaps they could release on DMM or fantia or whatever, but those still require mosaics or other forms of censorship and so it would only help if DLSite asked for bigger than usual mosaics or something. Those sites would most likely ask that the assets would be censored as well.

Ultimately, I don't know why you think they should try to get around the rules or law. At the end of the day, this is just a video game, an erotic one at that. I certainly don't get why D-Lis or DLSITE should put themselves at risk of several years in prison just so some people can get their rocks off to uncensored hentai.
It's more the fact that they forced them to add the "uncensorable without editing assets" censor when it has had a normal censor up until now.

Personally, censored assets feel, to me, like they should even try to draw the assets in the first place. Not to speak some of the censors are a fucking joke. The black bar censor that you can see y many doujins that doesn't hide anything but still serves to simply annoy are funny, but at least you can watch the porn.

The mosaic blurs are straight up unenjoyable. Some situations might still be hot, but that's it, isn't it? That is exactly why Japan is such a hole of perverts; You don't get when you want, it doesn't satisfy you because you can't see shit, so you go to "deeper and deeper" shit in order to actually get any enjoyment out of the porn.

Bah, anyways...All this(Delay+hard censor of even the old assets) killed most of my hype, lucky I still have old versions so I can merge assets.


May 15, 2018
Bruh.This conversation never going to be end if it keep arguing like this.
Dev okay to sell on Dlsite with japan censorship laws.
Japanese who is main target to sell this game okay with this censorship.
This is all about.

If you not okay with the censorship just wait for someone to uncensor it like the beta version you played before.
If you still not okay with it just don't buy don't play this game,do something you want to.
What the fuck is wrong with you guys?


Jun 28, 2018
What the fuck is wrong with you guys?
a case of coomeritis due to the delay

A Coomer, (Pronounced COOM-er), is an elusive creature that spends its whole life desperately trying to reach the next best nut. It is classed as a critically endangered species. The coomer was once thought to be nothing but fiction due to the rarity of these beasts.
Not much is known about the habits of these elusive creatures, but they are said to reside in tiny rooms that reek of mildew and B.O., floor littered with custom-made waifu pillows and the coom of the coomer itself. They are said to be mostly solitary, though there have been half a dozen cases of supposed coomer packs being sighted in the wild.
It is said that, if disturbed, the coomer will become enraged, and will attack the offending creature. It has been reported that a coomer may even coom upon its enemies, some say even stuffing them into homemade COOM jars on occasion.

description of a Coomer( person afflicted with coomeritis) taken from urban dictionary

stay safe friend, Coomers are dangerous creatures capable of intense COOM powers it is not known what their full capabilities are


Sep 22, 2016
Bruh.This conversation never going to be end if it keep arguing like this.
Dev okay to sell on Dlsite with japan censorship laws.
Japanese who is main target to sell this game okay with this censorship.
This is all about.

If you not okay with the censorship just wait for someone to uncensor it like the beta version you played before.
If you still not okay with it just don't buy don't play this game,do something you want to.
What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

No, for real though, I don't care about dropping the subject right now, I consider Ichigo has given me enough information to be "satisfied", and I don't mean happy about the game thing, I still think it's BS, but there's some things I had a very clear image of and this image has shifted a bit.


Oct 1, 2018
Personally, I only know that JP laws need this kind of media to be censored to a certain percentage in order to be able to dispense them publicly but I never knew the laws about its requirement that they needed to be up to a degree of difficulty for undoing them. It sounds rather nitpicky and annoying indeed.

But that's that, it's something above our control, although, one of Akamatsu Ken's political ideas is that he wishes this censorship away so that art makers have more freedom of expression, that's the best we can rooted for, I guess.


Aug 3, 2018
Honestly, I'm done with this kind of argument. The game will come out, we will buy it (some will pirate) and eventually someone will make an uncensored. So can we PLEASE stop arguing about JP law. Let's just await the release of the game, hopefully today or tomorrow since it would take 2-3 days.


Sep 22, 2016
I love when people argue two seperate points. Like bystanders can see that they both agree and are arguing about different things, but the people actually arguing cannot. It's a very funny sight to behold.
And thus the coomer the argument did dismiss,
None of them wanted to see the game end up like this,
With heavy hearts and balls they stared into the abyss,
Noticing once more Japan's laws are amiss.
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Apr 25, 2021
no you fucker, quit relying on sparknotes or i'll tell your english teacher, if you don't read you'll never get educated
Dude. Some of your posts are Waifu-filled paragraphs with enough cringe to make me physically recoil and back away from my computer, even going so far as to make me consider taking month long breaks from the internet. Then some of your posts make up some of the funniest shit i've ever read. You are difficult to read to say the least.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
Zetsuko you remind me so much of myself, such uncanny ability to be confidently wrong, such comfort with relying on one's own assumptions and internal logic, such willingness to believe other parties are just being stupid or unreasonable

also much anger

hold me bro :(

Aradia deserves better men than the likes of us, she should be with someone who treats her right
Are we still going to discuss what exactly Aradia deserves?
Sep 30, 2017
It's more the fact that they forced them to add the "uncensorable without editing assets" censor when it has had a normal censor up until now.

Personally, censored assets feel, to me, like they should even try to draw the assets in the first place. Not to speak some of the censors are a fucking joke. The black bar censor that you can see y many doujins that doesn't hide anything but still serves to simply annoy are funny, but at least you can watch the porn.

The mosaic blurs are straight up unenjoyable. Some situations might still be hot, but that's it, isn't it? That is exactly why Japan is such a hole of perverts; You don't get when you want, it doesn't satisfy you because you can't see shit, so you go to "deeper and deeper" shit in order to actually get any enjoyment out of the porn.

Bah, anyways...All this(Delay+hard censor of even the old assets) killed most of my hype, lucky I still have old versions so I can merge assets.
So the reason it is coming up now is that 99%+ of the stuff on DLsite is not so easy to decensor. It's either manga/cg that has censorship applied directly to the image, audio that has nothing to censor, or games where the assets are censored. Every once in a while you get a game that can be uncensored, but usually you end up with assets that were clearly not made to be seen without the censorship. As a result those games don't likely fall afoul of anything. But I would not be surprised that DLsite may have become aware of "uncensored" versions of those games and became aware that something like this could happen with Night of Revenge, or hell, they may have come across the uncensored versions of Night of Revenge itself and didn't want to risk coming across as selling an easily uncensored version of the game. If D-Lis was unhappy about this, they could have chose not to sell at all, they could have chose to release the game uncensored elsewhere or a patch and risk their own ass. At the least DLsite doesn't care what the dev does off platform, unlike Patreon and Valve, who do seem to care enough to ban devs or games.

I don't think anybody likes mosaics (though I have seen some attempts to decensor looking worse than them), but it sounds very much like a you problem if their existence in a work completely negates your enjoyment out of them and sounds like you should stick to western made games or the games that western publishers and platforms deem safe enough for you to see. Personally, I've seen terrible use of censorship in both japanese and western games. Like I've seen mosaics that went way overboard, but the majority of things that have them don't have them that bad and I would rather put up with them than the kind of censorship in western games, which tend to go towards cutting content or changing it to fit somebody else's more prudish values. At least mosaics let you know what has been censored, whereas with a lot of western made or censored stuff you might not ever realize unless you've seen what was cut before. Point is, it could be a lot worse.

Take Crisis Point. Earlier versions of the game had a completely different tone to modern versions of it, because A.)Patreon was against a lot of the content in those versions and B.)The developer said they wanted to pivot away from the original tone anyway. Even if the latter was true, they were still going to have to change it due to Patreon's rules in a lot of ways. They had already had to change a certain enemy before to appear more alien due to Patreon censorship requirements, and later on changed another, but the context change of how the sex happens makes it a different kind of adult game. If D-Lis had been developing the game and using Patreon to fund it, the game could have been fundamentally different. Instead all that is changing is that they have to add some the censorship to the mosaics themselves. And there's no real reason to get so mad, there's still 0.54 that is "uncensored" if you want to see that content and I'm sure that the assets from it could potentially be used to create a patch that partially decensors the game.


New Member
Oct 14, 2022
Edited and moved to game section.
View attachment 656038

Night of Revenge is a 2D action RPG hack and slash Game from D-Lis, the maker of Bullet Requiem from back in 2015, The gameplay is inspired by Dark Souls and Metroidvania with combine visuals action of its above-average production values.
You play as character "Aradia" the main female protagonist of the game that fight corruption and her mission is to save the girls who are being torned and tortured by monster; as playthrough in your journey you'll be navigating each level and fighting enemies and bosses along the way, with some light puzzle-solving elements in stages with many unique enemies.

The game doesn't have a main story yet and currently is still being developed, for now it's available for an early inexperience gameplay walkthrough with verison updates.

Thread Updated: 2021-09-22
Release Date: 2021-03-31
Original Title: 魔女は復讐の夜に "Witch is on the Night of Revenge"
Developer/Publisher: D-Lis - - - -
Censored: No
Version: 0.54 Uncensored
OS: Windows
Language: Japanese, English
Voices: Japanese
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Win: MEGA - - - -

(patch above require XUnity translator) here
WIP Thread

Thanks tewi for sharing the game

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