
Nov 30, 2019
So, here's my final post on my fanmade enemy ideas. Thank you for the patience of sitting through all my rants, if indeed you still are. In this finale, I'll go through some more bosses, as well as mention some deeper lore behind the proposed "secret ending", which will require a ranting of its own. So, for the uninitiated, this is the last part of the detailed list of my ideas for new enemies and bosses... Am I being annoying? I'm being annoying, aren't I?

A different take on an existing boss, this time it's an alternate version of the Praying Maiden. To explain this, I need to go knees deep into some fanmade lore, so here's some backstory:
During her typical exploration of the Nameless Lake, Aradia comes upon the Praying Maiden, a giant kneeling woman that cares for the elementals inhabiting the Lake, as well as guarding the Thorn Witch's Sword. This is the story we're all familiar with, but the fight and the end animation to this boss are a bit... let's say, "underwhelming"? It's just the Mossy Fishman ending with extra steps. So I added some more ideas to the lore of this figure.
In this new scenario, should Aradia encounter the Praying Maiden while carrying a certain item... who is also a character (long story, I won't get into it now), she will fight the Maiden as usual, but instead of slaying her the character in question will deduce how the screams of the Maiden are actually an ancient form of language dictated through hypersensitive singing. Being able to interpret the Maiden's words now, Aradia can explain that she is on a quest to take revenge against the Church, and the Praying Maiden recognized the sincerity behind her words and allows her to pass through to collect the Thorn Witch's Sword, which she claims to be her birthright. She also pacifies all Mermaids and Dryads... Ahem, the Cold Girls and Green Ladies (god I hate those translations) into leaving Aradia alone as she leaves the Lake. However, as Aradia leaves the vicinity of the Maiden, the Inquisition arrives and begins an assault on the Lake, with the Cold Girls and Green Ladies now believing Aradia lead them to the Lake, calling her a traitorous human and attack her regardlessly. Fighting her way through to find another exit, Aradia is ultimately halted by a new boss enemy... which is the Praying Maiden, altered into a new horrifying monster by the Inquisitors called Maiden In Berserk, essentially the old Maiden that has gone on a rampage due to a thorned crown implanted onto her forehead. No longer kneeling down peacefully or singing prayers, she is now crawling on all fours and screaming in agony as the thorned crown causes her to go berserk, hence her name. The character Aradia brought with ensures her that she is no longer trying to communicate with her screams, but is simply wailing like a wild beast unchained. With a heavy heart, Aradia needs to fight the Maiden to pacify her, and upon winning the fight the Maiden manages to break free from the crown device's brain control, but only for a brief time to relay a message to Aradia, which is interpreted as a plea for help, asking Ardia to kill her and end her rampage. A wish that Aradia hesitatingly obliges, and in the scene where she is forced to kill someone she just made friends with as a result of the Church's meddling reinforces her desire to destroy their entire organization.

Boss Fight:
Maiden in Berserk is a towering opponent, crawling on all fours while relentlessly chasing after Aradia. She is tall enough to be jumped on, using her back as a platform, but doing do risks the Maiden jumping and crushing Aradia against the ceiling of the cave where the battle takes place in. The only other way to get around the Maiden is to walk beneath her belly, risking taking on her savage strikes and kicks (ironically, it's right below her belly that Aradia can avoid direct attacks from the Maiden), however Aradia must attack the Maiden's head to damage her at all (more specifically, the thorned crown-shaped device on her head). The Maiden will attempt to slam her hands or feet against Aradia, and each hit on the ground will cause the sharp crystal stalactites to drop from the ceiling, that can potentially damage her. On occassion, the Maiden in Berserk will scream and cause magical projectiles to emerge, much like in her previous battle (albeit colored red instead of blue), as well as cause crystals that dropped down to explode. She will also attempt to headbutt Aradia to quickly close the distance between the two, and one of her ultimate attacks involves reaching all the way to one side of the field, and charging up a screaming beam attack that covers the entire ground area of the field, which can only be evaded by jumping over it at the right time, or climbing atop of the Maiden herself before she blasts it. Strangely enough, Maiden In Berserk's physical attacks can be parried, however Aradia will have to climb her way up the Maiden's back side and rush over her back to reach her head in order to execute a Revenge Strike.


... Wow, I just realized I have WAY too many Fatality ideas... I blame Mortal Kombat- Am I a terrible person?... Anyway...

Animation (FATALITY WARNING): The Maiden in Berserk wil grab Aradia while assuming a sitting posture. Aradia will naturally try (in vain) to struggle and punch her way out of the Maiden's tight grip, before realizing her fate. The Maiden will first unveil the cloth on her crotch, and use Aradia's entire top half of her body as a dildo to pleasure herself in a disturbing display of semi-unbirth. After Aradia has been soaked in enough of her "love juices", the Maiden will bring Aradia closer to her mouth, and partially swallow her, the animation showing only Aradia's hips and legs dangling from the Maiden's mouth. Regaining her senses for a second, Aradia will try to wiggle her way out, only for the Maiden to take a hard bite, presumably crunching Aradia's upper half to bits, at which point her legs will stop moving (presumably killing her at that point). After a trail of blood flows down Aradia's legs, the maiden will swallow the rest of her as well, then sticking her tongue out and rubbing her belly in sattisfaction.

An optional boss that can be found at the far left end of the White Cathedral Rooftop, at a wide area overseeing a full moon. Reaching this area early will have Aradia discover some kind of closed up dimensional rift. Her instincts will warn her how "virgins" cannot access the portal at this time, hinting at how to fight the boss inside. Gameplay-wise, Aradia will have to suffer through enough rapes, swallowing and taking a certain total amount of cum and suffer a certain number of pregnancies before the portal opens (I won't go into specific numbers, that idea by itself should be telling enough). Once the sufficient number of rapes has occured, a scene will play out at the portal instead, where Aradia feels a powerful presence emerging.
What emerges from the portal is a hideous enemy resembling a Large Sinner Slave, albeit one armed with a minigun! Aradia prepares to fight the monster, but her enthusiasm is cut short as the giant enemy is instantly killed by a bullet to the head, fired from the portal. After a few moments, the true boss jumps out of the portal, and without exchanging any dialogue challenges Aradia to a challenging fight.
This is Schonheit, the main heroine from Dlis' other game, Bullet Requiem. The bestiary describes her as an interdimensional traveler, hell-bent on slaying demons and specializing in using enchanted twin guns. This entire encounter serves as one giant heap of fanservice, downright to the defeat animation scriped solely for the sake of excitement. After a difficult fight, a scene plays out with both Aradia and Schonheit being battered up and exhausted. Again, without saying a word, Schonheit bows in respect to Aradia and retreats back into the portal, and her Essence can then be traded in the shop for the Twin Requiem, the most powerful gun magic in the game.

Boss Fight:
Without exaggeration, Schonheit is the most difficult fight in the game, providing Aradia with an enormous challenge as she constantly tries to keep her distance away from her and attack with her twin pistols. She uses pretty much the same moveset she had in Bullet Requiem (albeit one nerfed down to Night of Revenge standards), typically releasing multiple volleys of twin shots in any direction. Should Aradia come close enough to attack her up close, Schonheit can counter by either dashing or sliding her way out of harm's way, harming Aradia as she moves. Since all of Schonheit's attacks are long-ranged, there's no way for Aradia to parry them or use Revenge Strike on her. The only narrow window of opportunity that allows Aradia to damage her opponent greatly is when she reloads her guns, once every 30 shots taken. Other attacks of her include Firework Grenade, where she fires her guns into the air and lets her loads rain down upon the field like meteors, the Demon Orb where she combines both guns to create a massive sphere of destruction that keeps following Aradia around (and will do so until she's either hit or blocks the attack), and Ground Zero, where she climbs atop of one of the floating platforms and shoots the ground, vaporizing it and turning the fight into a round of Floor Is Lava, forcing both women to duke it out from atop of the platforms until the ground solidifies again. But her most deadly attack is the Silver Requiem, where she retreats to one corner of the field, charges up a magic enchantment, before releasing the mother of all bullet hells, her projectiles covering literally every inch of the screen. Attempts to block or dash through this attack will eventually result in massive hits that can quickly kill the player in a short period of time, so the only way to avoid getting hit is to either interrupt Schonheit before she finishes her chanting of the attack, or to get right behind her as she fires it, which is actually recommended since it gives Aradia the opportunity to attack Schonheit repeatedly as she doesn't move while she's firing Silver Requiem.

Animation: Schonheit will approach Aradia and load her gun, expecting an easy win... but as she is about to aim her gun at her opponent, Aradia immediatelly stands up and pulls her own gun, aiming it at Schonheit's face, resulting in a Texas Standoff. Impressed by this display, Schonheit then pulls Aradia closer into a tight hug and gives her a deep kiss. This confuses Aradia at first, but as the animation progresses, she does something unexpected: she kisses back, giving in to her desires. Both women drop their guns and proceed to hug each other passionately while tongue-kissing. Afterwards, they'll assume an even more erotic posture, where Schonheit begins fondling Aradia's breasts and Aradia wraps Schonheit's leg around her hips. This passionate exchange continues until the screen fades to black. After the blackout, it is revealed that both women have stripped down their clothing and engaged in a scissoring session, with Aradia on top. After they both come from the experience, the screen fades to black again, resetting the stage to allow Aradia to challenge Schonheit once again instead of giving her a Game Over.
The point of this animation is to provide at least one instance where Aradia gives consent to sexual intercourse and undeniably enjoys it. No violence, no brainwashing, just pure unadulturated scene between the two Dlis heroines.

Now we get to a more lore-impacted part of my fanfic. The Secret Crypt is a new location that can be accessed after the final fight with True Aradia, and provides the player with a new challenge and a new secret final boss. So, gather around kids, it's story time. Also... SPOILER ALERT for anyone that hasn't beaten the game to this point yet.
During the regular course of the game, Aradia finally reaches for the Peak of White Cathedral, where True Aradia reveals that she was a clone of hers all along. From there, there are 2 possible endings: if the player has collected enough Karma through rescues, they can chose an option early on to join True Aradia in her conquest, resulting in a brief scene where both of them massacred all the Inquisitors, along with all of the witches, which is regarded as the Bad End. Denying this will result in a two-part boss battle, and after Aradia defeats True Aradia, Vendetta shows up to reveal the full story, how she raised Aradia from a heap of clone bodies to execute her vengeance. After that, True Aradia once again offers Aradia the choice of following her, which the player can either accept or deny... except both decisions result in the same ending: with Aradia fatally wounding True Aradia, and then taking her sister's pendant and comitting suicide by stabbing herself with it, claiming how the only way to stop the cycle of revenge is to destroy all witches, herself included. It is a heart-appealing, tear-jerking scene that you wouldn't expect to see in a game like this, which is pretty remarkable on its own.
Aradia dies! That ending sucks! So I came up with a better one...
In this fanfic, there is a third option to be taken if the player has completed 4 sidequests throughout the story: the Ranch event where they beat Kijinmaru and then Suzune afterwards; the events of Unnamed Lake with the Praying Maiden and Maiden in Berserk; the events at Castle Blutstein and the confrontation with Sanguine; and the events at Harpy's Peak and their fight with Garuda; completing all these results in Aradia comming into contact with new characters that all feel a great dept to Aradia, so the third option says "I will end it all!", where she still fatally injures True Aradia, but then hesitates to take her own life as she remembers the people she helped. Vendetta finally stops Aradia from comitting suicide, and then a third party... whom I haven't named yet, but she's essentially a talking head of an immortal witch- confronts Aradia with her words, mentioning how her origins don't matter. Regardless if she came from a loving family or a test tube, Aradia has made choices that changed people's lives for the better, and that's all that matters. In the end, Aradia is still Aradia. Contemplating her words, Aradia is distracted and fails to notice True Aradia getting up behind her and forming a Thorn Spear... only to then turn the spear her way and impaling herself with it instead, in an act of one-upping Aradia's suicide. Sparing Aradia a gruesome fate, True Aradia claims to have done this to make sure at least one Aradia can remain alive and live long enough to enjoy the new world that is free of the Church's command. She dies in Aradia's arms, as a sister rather than an adversary. Despite the Pope's death, tho, there are still Inquisitors running around terrorizing people, and Aradia decides to join Vendetta to make sure this new world is safe from their rampage again.
Thus, Aradia survives the post-credit scene, and both her and Vendetta return safely to their hideout in the Church, with Aradia now being in possession of her sister's lost pendant. Her revenge now complete, she attempts to travel the world again to slay evil monsters and help people... but something happens as she tries to use the Altair for fast travel.
It reacts to her sister's pendant, opening a teleportation route to a new secret location... named the Secret Crypt... a final dungeon that looks to be very similar to, if not the SAME AS the dungeon seen in the Gallery and Punishment Room parts.
And inside this Crypt...


Know what? I'll stop here. This next section will take a long time to explain, so I better tell that story next time. We still have one new common enemy... well, actually, it's three versions of one new enemy, to showcase, before revealing the secret final boss in a new storyline. See you then.
Regardless of whether this comes true or not eventually, I do hope we get a better ending later on, the regular ending is definitely real well done but it's a sad conclusion that almost feels just as bad as the bad ending.

goddammit, now im sad.
Last edited:
Aug 13, 2020
Yes, first post needs fixing.
Yes, people are lazy, this page is live proof of it.
No, search isn't hard to use, iirc top posts are the latest.
No, none of us is entitled to anything. I already pinged OP, try doing the same. It would be great for everyone for the first post to be fixed but that's up to those managing the thread.


Feb 9, 2018
As for the missing weapons, I only missed 2, it is the 2 between "Elegance" and "Judgement" in the Weapon Info section in the church.
The spear in the spider area below the bridge, and the spear left of area 6 Passage altar(near diary and lever).

I unlocked everything in the game except for the enemy below "librarian" in the enemy list(not the gallery), can't unlock/find it no matter what. Already made 2 runs through all the game and can't find it. My guess is that it is the pleasure device that is bugged and isn't unlocking.


New Member
May 30, 2020
The spear in the spider area below the bridge, and the spear left of area 6 Passage altar(near diary and lever).

I unlocked everything in the game except for the enemy below "librarian" in the enemy list(not the gallery), can't unlock/find it no matter what. Already made 2 runs through all the game and can't find it. My guess is that it is the pleasure device that is bugged and isn't unlocking.
That enemy is just a Tangled Ivy trap in the White Cathedral Garden.
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New Member
Apr 25, 2023
Night of Revenge 1.07
With BepInEx, AutoTranslator with the status menu text fixed and all diaries translated, helper plugin pack v1.0.0.1 from kumarin (uncensor + cheats) and Kek1245 map . I uploaded this because all problems with peoples trying working with ReiPatcher. Only need change the keys because i use the arrows for move.

pregnancy system is not working


Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
NoR Discord Server Link:

Combat Mod description post (link)

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT MENU BUG (Getting stuck at it):
"Try space to exit, or E. Or the cancel action button on gamepad. Apparently avoiding using the mouse in the menu helps."

Update, Nov 16 2023:

Download now includes:
- 1.07 Version
- My old 0.32 animation mod ported to 1.07
- Latest available translation
- Uncensored assets (Textures-Mosaic removal)
- Full gallery save
- No soft locks


Original post:
So, it's that bad, huh?
I guess I'll just post 1.07 with no softlock at the first Forest area. I also took the liberty to remove that dumb mosaic removal plugin, which breaks some effects and patched two mosaic "material"/shaders so mosaic won't render at all. This is the method I've been using since ver. 0.25/earlier and that works without BepInEx plugins. Assets are uncensored, so everything should work as expected.
It also includes fully unlocked gallery.
The point was to share a version 1.07 without soflock


Last edited:


Active Member
Sep 12, 2019
i need confirmation before i play this game, the game isnt tagged completed yet right? so it still isnt finished yet? the dev still giving update to the game?


New Member
Apr 21, 2023
i need confirmation before i play this game, the game isnt tagged completed yet right? so it still isnt finished yet? the dev still giving update to the game?
the game is not finished yet and we are still in version 1.0.7, I did some research and I read that for the moment the author is not publishing any updates.

"Authors Note: Thank you for reading! I wanted to apologize for the long gap between posts since this month was pretty crazy for me. On top of that the next few months might also keep me busy so I will likely be covering shorter games that require less in depth analysis. Though I haven't checked I believe this one is the longest so far in terms of word count but was still a lot of fun to write. Anyway as always I appreciate your support! And since the reception was so positive on the last post be sure to check out some of the polls down below!"
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New Member
Apr 21, 2023
i have a problem with the game:

i installed the game from lewdzone with already the translated version and everything else, the game already has the pre recorded saves and i already installed asset 11 which crashed the game.
the problem is that the gallery is not complete, it unlocks the animations only after defeating that particular enemy, the fact is that I don't know the positions of the enemies and I would like to know if it's just my problem or a common thing.
If you have any information to solve the problem I would be grateful.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2019
the game is not finished yet and we are still in version 1.0.7, I did some research and I read that for the moment the author is not publishing any updates.

"Authors Note: Thank you for reading! I wanted to apologize for the long gap between posts since this month was pretty crazy for me. On top of that the next few months might also keep me busy so I will likely be covering shorter games that require less in depth analysis. Though I haven't checked I believe this one is the longest so far in terms of word count but was still a lot of fun to write. Anyway as always I appreciate your support! And since the reception was so positive on the last post be sure to check out some of the polls down below!"
okay thanks, ill wait for the full game


New Member
Apr 21, 2023
Cheat is wrong, the game is finished.
I'll be honest, I've read from various places that the game is under development and not finished (see img), after you told me that the game is finished I went to check and apparently yes, you're right,
it should be finished with version e1.0.5 but i'm not sure. I apologize for having made a mistake in my description but having received several bugs and with the lack of many keys (es map)
I thought it was still under development and therefore not yet completed.

sorry for my mistake.
[Unity] Night Of Revenge - v1.0.7 by D-Lis 18+ Adult xxx Porn Game Download - Opera 11_06_2023...png )


New Member
Jul 29, 2022
I'll be honest, I've read from various places that the game is under development and not finished (see img), after you told me that the game is finished I went to check and apparently yes, you're right,
it should be finished with version e1.0.5 but i'm not sure. I apologize for having made a mistake in my description but having received several bugs and with the lack of many keys (es map)
I thought it was still under development and therefore not yet completed.

sorry for my mistake.
View attachment 2690799 )
Game is finished. Only very small updates are gonna happen. Dlis (The developer) has said this himself on his Cien (blog). I recommend anyone in this thread to join the NoR discord if they're looking for extra content (mods, better translations etc.) That website you posted a screenshot of sucks btw.


Active Member
Dec 6, 2017
So, it's that bad, huh?
I guess I'll just post 1.07 with no softlock at the first Forest area. I also took the liberty to remove that dumb mosaic removal plugin, which breaks some effects and patched two mosaic "material"/shaders so mosaic won't render at all. This is the method I've been using since ver. 0.25/earlier and that works without BepInEx plugins. Assets are uncensored, so everything should work as expected.
No idea what translation is used at this point, feel free to check it yourself - for me it doesn't seem that bad, but feel free to report if that's a bad one. Maybe I'll take a look if a good translation can be patched in this version without softlocks.
It also includes fully unlocked gallery.
The point was to share a version 1.07 without soflock:

MEGA (link)

View attachment 2690071

very nice


Nov 13, 2017
I dont know if it was answered or not but seeing how this topic has 340 pages searching would take a lot of time so ill just ask. How to break breakable ground, in Pilgrim Path there are two locations with breakable ground, the 2nd can be broken by luring the minotaur in, but he cant reach the first one. Can any other enemies break ground?
4.50 star(s) 80 Votes