4.10 star(s) 187 Votes


Engaged Member
Feb 13, 2019
Here is a modified episode 10 with grammar corrected and color highlighted for an in-line walkthrough. Make sure the file is named ep10_convs.rpy and place it in your /game folder overwriting the existing file. start NML as you would normally and it will take a few extra seconds to start as it recompiles the new episode. Funny that he added the code to prevent the errors mentioned here but did nothing to fix the spelling or grammatical errors.

Fixed typo in line 4719
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Apr 28, 2018
Why isn't Lizzie's last name Smithson?
She is the mom's daughter not Phil's. If she didn't legally change her name it's still her birth name. Mom marries Phil takes his last name and legally changes it. I was in the same situation. I used the last name I have now since kindergarten but I didn't legally change it until I was 16. Fun fact: despite what Patreon will tell you I can legally marry anyone of my cousins on my step dad's side of the family. Would have made for pretty hot bed room talk. Alas it wasn't in the cards.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
i wasn't talking about choices. i never once mentioned choices. i said there is a lack of story. lack of story support. once choices have been made, for example, if you choose solo aimee, or jeane, then the game goes the same way anyway. there is no focus on the different story paths.

again. it's not about choices, but the lack of stories AFTER, the choices.
That was the point I was trying to make, the game expects you to stick by your choices.

If you pick a girl, it gives you the option to follow with her alone or stick your dick in everything. If it narrowed the path people wouldn't make the mistake of fucking every hole and the blow up at the prom won't happen.

Everything is about choices.
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Active Member
Feb 4, 2019
This is a title I slept on for a while, it's a goldmine of amazing looking characters, Milves & adult teenagers is a mix that can only be made in heaven.

My only complaint is the fuckboyness of the MC regardless of the choices we make, I tried to make a solo route where I only focus on one character but I couldn't, oh well...
I didn't have any problems creating solo paths for Lizzie/Venessa/Brandy/Amiee/Stephania & Jeane - in fact I think if I you try you can just get away with only BJ's from Cecile (at the strip club) and Nichole (at home) if you want to as they're part of the story. It's all about the choices. For example - use the walkthrough mod linked in the OP and avoid the green answers that may lead to paths you don't want. Sure, you still have to interact with the other girls but you don't have to bonk them if you want to stay faithful.

I opted to go with answers to build up a relationship with all characters at the start and created separate paths after the party as I found it more convenient that way.
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Oct 23, 2017
That was the point I was trying to make, the game expects you to stick by your choices.

If you pick a girl, it gives you the option to follow with her alone or stick your dick in everything. If it narrowed the path people wouldn't make the mistake of fucking every hole and the blow up at the prom won't happen.

Everything is about choices.
once again, i wasn't talking about choices. it is the stories that should be there as a result of the choices. the dev did not make stories for those choices. there is a lack of story. if you can't see that, then there's no point in arguing. my post was about lack of story content. period.


Active Member
Feb 4, 2019
once again, i wasn't talking about choices. it is the stories that should be there as a result of the choices. the dev did not make stories for those choices. there is a lack of story. if you can't see that, then there's no point in arguing. my post was about lack of story content. period.
I think the stories for Lizzie, Venessa, Jeane & Amiee are pretty developed - but those for Brandy & Stephania could have been developed further in Ep.10 - as they had no additional content. I guess RoyalCandy didn't have time or his patreons decided they didn't want it.

The other characters (except for Nichole possibly) are only after casual relationships and therefore no real stories to develop.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
once again, i wasn't talking about choices. it is the stories that should be there as a result of the choices. the dev did not make stories for those choices. there is a lack of story. if you can't see that, then there's no point in arguing. my post was about lack of story content. period.
Are you being purposefully dense?

I don't know how simpler I can make it.

You pick a girl it's then up to you to decide what to do, not the story. The story is left open like that on purpose so people can do what they want. If you got put on a girls path you wouldn't be able to make any mistakes and choices wouldn't matter.

Penfold Mole

Engaged Member
Respected User
May 22, 2017
: (including the compressed version and possibly the Android port)

- fixes animated backgrounds (videos) in the intro part of the game,
- fixes grammar in ep10 (thanks to m4dsk1llz - give him a like for the huge amount of repairs he made there!)
- fixes jump to mistyped e1c7_continue label bug in ep11 and some typos in text,
- fixes achievements page (adds missing saeki2 and alisuz achievements),
- adds a bugfix for old saves with bugged profile pages for the al-Tamer couple and for one of the Stephania's achievements.
update v0.2:
- fixes Dianna conversation bug in ep11 on the friendly Dianna path started in ep9 ( 3 <= e9_diannaApproach <= 4 ),
- fixes Brandy ending in ep11 in case you talked to Brandy and Nichole before threesome with Lizzie & Vanessa.

Big thanks to Meushi for pointing out both of these problems and proposing possible fixes for them!

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update v0.3:
- fixes Exception: Imagebutton does not have a idle image. (auto=u'images/episode11_GS//lobby_ss_%s.png'). and Exception: Imagebutton does not have a idle image. (auto=u'images/episode11_GS//ballroom_bn1_%s.png'). double slash bug that has been mostly haunting compressed and Android versions, but has its 'roots' in the official one.

Big thanks to hngg for figuring out what the problem actually is.

update v0.4:
- fixes a missing slash problem that my previous fix created, due to the inconsistency about how EP11 variable is being used in hotel_ballroom.rpy and hotel_lobby.rpy

Thanks to -AGP- and freakyfunk for reporting and big thanks to hngg again for pointing out the problem in the aforementioned files and providing fixed files for the patch!

Besides the two rpy files fixed by hngg, I added rpyc compilations of these files and their originals with *.orig extension, plus the original scenes.rpy and rpyc files to restore original EP11 variable for games already patched with v0.3 patch. Without the original scenes file that slash will still be missing because of the modified EP11 variable in patched games.

Anybody still trying to play the game with bugfix patch v0.3, please patch it again with the new v0.4 patch!


Optional replacement for the final scene sequence, where 'h'-key for hiding the text box and rollback aren't working and text box background can not be removed by my Ren'Py dialog transparency patch.
It also contains the same kind of replacement for the introduction sequence of the game with similar problems.

All text and images there are the same as in the original, I just replaced the cumbersome sequence of separate screens and loads of unoptimized repeating code with standard Ren'Py's scene statements and built-in narrator character for the dialog box.
It means that dialog box becomes as large as it normally is in the game, but can now be hidden by 'h'-key and rollback is working there.

If you want to make the box disappear completely, add transparency patch from my signature.


How to use these patches:

Extract the contents of the patch file into the root folder of the game (the main folder with the game launcher NoMoreSecrets.exe and NoMoreSecrets.sh files in it).
Let it overwrite the original files.

Patches are in zip format.
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Engaged Member
Jun 12, 2017
One of the issues with this and for the most part every one of these porn games, is that they are all works in progress and the story is not flushed out beforehand. None of them have complete scripts or even storyboards and this one is no exception. If you look at each episode as part of a whole story, you can see that there are a lot of things that just defy any attempt at continuity. Stuff is just dropped and never mentioned again, other plot points are wrapped up in unbelievable ways (like the missing girl). That is all the result of writing each update as a separate section instead of having some sort of completed story or outline of a story. Think about all the Hollywood movies that we are all hyped for but suffer from rewrites or director changes, etc. and end up being some of the worst pieces of shit or just cash grabs.

Please note that I still really like this VN.

Even though I 100% believe this and I have story ideas for my own game, I will likely never do one. I am not a writer and can't put a complete story together to save my life. If I could, that is how I would start, with a complete episodic story, and just release it over time as artwork is added to each episode. That way I can build a Patreon following while releasing content on a regular basis. No need to bow to the whims of the donors fetishes as the story is already complete. I can always dream.
Indeed I noticed that with the majority of the porn games I have played. I can't think of one that had the story 100% complete before hand and that is a shame seeing as quite a few of the games I have seen over the years would have been so much better had this happened.

One of the sad points about this game I have played was up until the most part I thought there were actually consequences and a 0% harem chance which is something that is quite rare in these kinds of games but sadly this isn't the case. that aspect was honestly there (at least with the main girls not including the stripper/teachers) until this latest BS where two of the main girls agree to share you.

Hell prior to this I was impressed that nicole the girl who seemed the most open to sharing as long as she had a peace of you made you choose between here and brandy seeing as Brandy's friendship with her meant so much. Plus after reading a post from before I blame the following for this.

1) the author for copping out. I mean I understand he is doing this for money, but at the same time had he not copped out I doubt he would have lost some of his patreons due to listening to the few who wanted more Porn with less plot.

2) The patreons who wanted more Porn with less plot. Seriously at said point in the story it was obvious that said game was a story driven game that while having porn had a structure and wasn't just a game where you could stick your dick into everything and there would be no consequences at any point. Why even suggest something like that in a game that was originally not going that route? If anything if they didn't like it I would have suggested abandoning ship and finding another game that works like this.


Engaged Member
Feb 13, 2019
Mistress_Kixen with regard to Patreons, in my opinion the problem is a short-sighted view of revenue, some devs think the loss of a single donor is life or death, food on the table or starving. I don't know if RoyalCandy thinks this way, but it is just a very narrow view of what support is. You don't have to please everyone, you don't have to listen to everyone, the customer isn't always right. In this case, these people are not really customers, Patreon is just like any other crowd-funding platform, when you subscribe, you are donating to the dev because you like the work the dev is doing and what to see them continue and thrive. There should be no expectation by the donors that their whims will be satisfied.

With respect to NML, my favorite girl is Brandy, she is the only one that genuinely wants a relationship. I believe she is the only one that would be hurt by the MC's actions. Stephania wants to go slow then says 'fuck it, fuck me.' Jeane is a hypocrite and shows an incredible level of righteous indignation when confronting Phill. Amie is incredibly naive if she thinks a single purity test makes the MC a catch. Lizzie and Vanessa are sharing, really? The rest of the girls / ladies (Amber, Cecile, Anastasia, Diana, Saeki, Suzy, am I missing anyone) are, to put it bluntly, cum buckets for the MC. You can make him a vile, conniving person with no consequences up to and through episode 10. Now since episode 11 is the end, what we are going to see (I can almost guarantee this) is a rush to wrap up stories with a half-assed attempt to portray consequences for previous actions or a total cluster fuck where they all live happily ever after, with everyone pregnant. Just another typical VN.

And I still like this VN.

Penfold Mole

Engaged Member
Respected User
May 22, 2017
for confirmation purpose only, do i take the whole files in the incest patch folder or just put the whole patch folder inside the game directory?
The whole 'patch' folder with everything in it, not just files from it.
4.10 star(s) 187 Votes