VN Ren'Py Abandoned Offcuts [v0.3.1] [stencilbits]

4.80 star(s) 77 Votes
May 15, 2022
End of march 2024 update: Eyes got worse. It hurts to read. TLDR......

End of April 2024 update: Eyes got so bad I need glasses. Will try to proofread. TLDR......

End of May 2024 update: Lenses in glasses had to be increased in size. Still can't proofread. TLDR......

End of June 2024 update: Lenses are now as thick as a mans arm but still can't proofread. TLDR......

End of July 2024 update: I am now legally blind. I have to get a dog and a cane now. I'll try to proofread the script but I first have to learn braille. TLDR......

End of August 2024 update: I have learned braille and will be rubbing my fingers across my screen to proofread. I should be able to give a release date soon. TLDR......

End of September 2024 update: I played a joke on my dog and stuck my index finger in its ass and it bit me. I lost 7 fingers so I can't proofread right now. I'll try again next month. TLDR......

End of October 2024 update: My fingers were attached but my dog was taken away. I couldn't find my way home all month so I had no time to look at the script. I'll try again. TLDR......

End of November 2024: Its a miracle! My doctor gave me an experimental serum. He told me he got it from some place called Black Mesa. Who cares! I'm cured! Now all I have to do is learn how to read and write again since the serum caused me to forget how. TLDR......

End of December 2024 update: I can now read and write again! I'll take one final look at the script before I push it out to my patrons. TLDR......
Aug 16, 2019
Seems that Stencilbita is losing even more support. Normally I only post fake update, but this is straight from Patreon.
Monthly Update: Eye of the Beholder Edition
3 days ago

Another month passes, so it's time for the tried and true monthly update! In a few previous updates, I have been mostly going through my eyesight issues, and this update is no different. Fortunately, there is some good news this time! After all the treatments, the condition of my right eye has been improving nicely. Focusing and reading still tires it out fast, but other than that, it should hopefully be back to normal very soon. Unfortunately, my left eye is not improving as fast as we had hoped, so it's still eyepatch time for me when I need to do anything that needs non-blurry vision (like reading or writing) because my eyes are currently so mismatched. Still, using only one eye is now at least possible, so I don't have to worry about my day job so much anymore, which is also a big relief for me.

Anyway, this is a pretty short update post too. Hopefully, in the next update I will have managed to get my other eye back in business too, pirate life in heavy doses is not for me. And if the worst happens and I can't get my other eye in shape soon (or ever), I should still be able to finish Offcuts 0.4 with even one eye as the release has been mostly ready for a while now.

As always, I'm not going to take any Patreon payments until Offcuts 0.4 is out (I'll temporarily suspend my Patreon at the end of each month until then). Thanks for your endless patience!
Even the folks who mock his excuses have barely posted.


Dec 31, 2022
Impressive being able to come up with almost 5 years of excuses. So at 1 excuse per month, in a few months hitting 5 years. That would make 60 excuses. I wouldn't want to call Stencilbits a liar but.....
Maybe that's just extreme case of procrastination (I know that from myself) or bipolar disorder. In any case I agree, that is quite an achievement but I hope dev is aware of his problem and will go for counseling or something. If that's not some kind of mental health problem then he is just extreme liar and that is something to work on too... :coffee:


New Member
Sep 15, 2020
how is this game on page 2 of top rated games on the site with people saying its been almost 5 years without a update. Are we trolling here or is it that good of a game
on another note almost 5 years of lying is a mythical, light yagami level feat


Nov 5, 2020
how is this game on page 2 of top rated games on the site with people saying its been almost 5 years without a update. Are we trolling here or is it that good of a game
on another note almost 5 years of lying is a mythical, light yagami level feat
The existing game has complete content for several story routes. It's decent. The abrupt change from "game development" to "slow-moving social breakdown via patreon post" is something to behold, but if instead of "abandoned" it said "completed" the game would still be not bad - most of us are here because we liked it.


Aug 19, 2018
The existing game has complete content for several story routes. It's decent. The abrupt change from "game development" to "slow-moving social breakdown via patreon post" is something to behold, but if instead of "abandoned" it said "completed" the game would still be not bad - most of us are here because we liked it.
The only thing that really upsets me is that the Alice route is the one that was next, and that was the specific one I was most looking forward to.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2020
The existing game has complete content for several story routes. It's decent. The abrupt change from "game development" to "slow-moving social breakdown via patreon post" is something to behold, but if instead of "abandoned" it said "completed" the game would still be not bad - most of us are here because we liked it.
Exactly this the completed routes are still good enough to play even through the bs thats saying something of stencils talent he just so lazy
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Aug 16, 2019
Fake Update time!!
It's April, Fools! Edition:

Picture of Alice dressed as April O'Neil while hugging a Mr.T plushie.

It's that time again where I use Bullshit no jutsu to justify my lack of release this month. So, let me spin the wheel of excuses:
OK the wheel landed on cybernetic implants, so, I'm on a waiting list for a cybernetic ocular implant . This will require at least 8 months of rest with 13 more of therapy, which translates to a 35 years delay on the release at best. Then these renders will be too outdated for release, so might as well restart from scratch. No one wants 2019 renders in 2059!

As always my patreon is more frozen than Elsa's butthole and I won't thaw it until I release offcuts 0.4, but with the remake in order, I have to start from 0.1 and that means by the time I reach 0.4 again, we'll probably be on 2099.

No steam version: My :poop: work ethic is not welcome there.

0.4 with Alice's route will be released soon-ish :KEK:

but with my delays, I might start all over.:FacePalm:

last but not least

..-. ..- -.-. -.- -.-- --- ..-
I wrote it in Braille for those who don't believe I'm going blind...

(Wait, that's Morse... feh! The average f95 fapper won't lnow the difference)
  • Haha
Reactions: AhrimanH


Jul 5, 2017
Released 3 days early for members.

Another month passes by, which means it's time for the good, old monthly update! In the few previous updates I have been mostly chronicling my eye pressure health issue saga, which is now most likely culminating in a minor surgery. My right eye is pretty much perfect again, but my left eye still has problems. To prevent any permanent damage, it will likely need a small operation soon if nothing else works. So, in the next update post, I'm hopefully either mostly back to normal or live a permanent pirate life. I already have the eyepatch, so I would only have to buy a parrot and a wooden leg. Still, the prognosis looks good, so I'm pretty optimistic about it.

This was another pretty short update post, but with any luck the next update should have more news if things go as planned. Even if things don't work out perfectly, releasing Offcuts 0.4 should still be possible even in my current state, although continuing this hobby after that might prove more difficult. While I have become used to using only one eye, reading and writing still stress my good eye out quite a bit. According to some others, it can get better as you get more used to using only one eye and unconsciously re-train some eye muscles or something, but hopefully, I don't have to go that far. So, let's hope for the best for now!

As always, I'm not going to take any Patreon payments until Offcuts 0.4 is out (I'll temporarily suspend my Patreon at the end of each month until then). Thanks for your endless patience!
May 15, 2022
To prevent any permanent damage, it will likely need a small operation soon if nothing else works.

Next months excuse is all ready to go.

Surgical complications.
Recovery from said surgery.
Could not do surgery because of "insert reason here" and will be scheduled for next month.
Surgery was a success but the surgeon decided to do both eyes just for shits and giggles, unable to see until May 30th.


Dec 31, 2022
I'm kinda new in his story and I wonder... Does anyone really care? I mean he kinda act like a celebrity or something...? Why not just post info that he has health issues and will be back in few months or something, is there really a need to post every few weeks what has he been doing last days? Who the fuck cares if all he says is related to his personal life and not game dev? And it lasts for 4 years? I'm confused here...


Feb 15, 2019
I'm kinda new in his story and I wonder... Does anyone really care? I mean he kinda act like a celebrity or something...? Why not just post info that he has health issues and will be back in few months or something, is there really a need to post every few weeks what has he been doing last days? Who the fuck cares if all he says is related to his personal life and not game dev? And it lasts for 4 years? I'm confused here...
It's been 5 years now if i remember correctly. Before this eye surgery excuse arc, there was the " oh my computer wiped some files and i have to redo them ". That lasted for about 4-5 months and then it was just the usual " it's almost ready, just need to go through the script again ".
Some people think this is a some kind of a social experiment or he is just stringing people along for shits and giggles. Others think he made simple AI to come up with excuses every month. Still doing this for 5 years every single month is really weird.
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Jun 24, 2021
To prevent any permanent damage, it will likely need a small operation soon if nothing else works.

Next months excuse is all ready to go.
Next month? Nah.

To prevent any permanent damage
So, in the next update post, I'm hopefully either mostly back to normal or live a permanent pirate life.

releasing Offcuts 0.4 should still be possible even in my current state, although continuing this hobby after that might prove more difficult.

but hopefully, I don't have to go that far.

Thanks for your endless patience!
Man already has one leg out.
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Aug 16, 2019
I'm kinda new in his story and I wonder... Does anyone really care? I mean he kinda act like a celebrity or something...? Why not just post info that he has health issues and will be back in few months or something, is there really a need to post every few weeks what has he been doing last days? Who the fuck cares if all he says is related to his personal life and not game dev? And it lasts for 4 years? I'm confused here...
I don't know about everyone else, but for me it's all about the Memes. Stencilbits has become a meme with his excuses and I'm gere to make fun of them until 0.4 with Alice route finally comes out or George RR Martin releases the winds of winter, whichever comes first.
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4.80 star(s) 77 Votes