Actually your casual lovers with Mina before the hana GF choice it would make sense to bring it up at that point that you made a "promise" to Mina and see how Hana feels about it and if thats a big no from her (doubtful since she really likes her and lets you fuck everyone at work LOL) is when she could can tell you but right now the story goes you become lovers with Mina and make promise/deal then Hana you have the choice to date or cheat or say go fuck yourself.. then you can tell Mina about Hana... I'd much rather of the option to tell Hana the first time around about the mina thing (she cn say no thats fine) just seems weird as fuck you don't have the option to mention it since you start things with Mina first not Hana
like im not even asking for her to allow you to be with mina just the option to be up front with her from the get go like "yes lets do this but just so you know me a Mina fouled around already and made deal so i'll have to tell it can't happen anymore tomorrow" Cause you know thats kinda what "transparency" means.. to be up front with your shit.
That's what I was thinking as well. Even more of a reason to be able to tell Hana about Mina. She already says she would like to teach her a few things so who knows. At the very least you would know where she stands with that whole deal. Then you could tell Mina if she was or not or just say fuck it and go for it no matter how she feels. Just a thought.
I don't understand what people think would be accomplished by name dropping Mina in this situation.
The MC
already has the option to enter into a non-exclusive relationship with Hana, and Hana will accept it without question. You don't need to go into details, just take "yes" for an answer! Sure, the MC could bring up Mina in hopes of setting up a threesome down the line, but what's the rush? Better to let Hana get used to her new fuck buddy arrangement before going for a triple body score. There's plenty of time to propose this later.
Meanwhile if the MC picks the girlfriend route, bringing up Mina is completely nonsensical. The whole point of that route is that the MC wants to make a special commitment to Hana despite their circumstances. The MC is promising to eschew all other women outside the Club; Mina is another woman outside the Club, so she's included automatically. The only reason to mention her specifically would be to ask for an exception, which would be both insulting and counterproductive in these circumstances.
If you're worried about locking yourself out of future content with Mina and Hana together... don't pick the girlfriend route. How is this complicated?
Well, when it comes to August and your relationship with his daughter there are two major points to remember. One is that if we made the attempt during the game to get halfway in August´s good graces, we learn during several situations that he is ok with our relationship with Hana, be it "just" FwB or boy/girlfriend.
The second is something our "home invaders" Abel and Sophia told us. August is a man you should not give a reason to think you are becoming a problem. So your "has been" example is something you do at your own risk. There is a fine line between showing some backbone and becoming an annoyance.
I don't know that we should put *too* much stock in anything Abel says. His description of August is certainly plausible, but he doesn't provide any hard evidence for his speculation and Abel's motives are highly suspect.
That said, it's obvious pissing off August would be a bad idea, the question is what that would take. At the moment, his overriding priority seems to be bonding with Hana. He evidently thinks having the MC around the Club helps Hana feel comfortable. She likes the MC (the exact amount depending on our choices) and clearly feels better having him around - both as someone her age, and as a fellow newcomer trying to find their role in the place.
I suspect August is willing to tolerate a fair amount of disrespect as long as the MC continues to serve the main goal. If the MC should stop making Hana comfortable, that's when we'll need to walk a lot more carefully. And if the MC manages to piss Hana off enough to be a net discomfort to her, that's when things could quite literally end in blood.
All the more reason not to cheat on her.