so the game is on hold because of potential lawsuit ?
understanable, the other one is a good one to be profit and this can be (just to sastify horny bois)
take your time brother, you need it when it came to those lawsuit
PUT was out because of such thing too
i don't want another parody to be killed just because it doesn't fit their way of portray the original characters
Not directly, this version of the game was taken off of Patreon to avoid the potential for a lawsuit and another version of the game with completely original characters made with Honey Select 2 took its place. As a result, this one is currently on hold while the other gets more focus for funding reasons among others.
There's no lawsuit. There's nothing but fears in his own head, at present. So the game is on permanent hold, because chances are slim he'll resume it. The other game makes him money and he thinks this one doesn't. So, probably best to move on. Lots of other games out there doing great Parody games.
There is no permanent hold, but there would have been if he had continued using this version for funding. This version is on hold because the other one, as the funded project, gets priority.
As long as the Developer says that he returns to this game at some point, your reply here is bullshit.
He is not a "Icstor" Variant so you can't judge him here. ICC Creations also works on two games and Filf gets on hold a couple of months before he starts working on it again (right now, He works for new updates).
Also how are you so sure that it is unreasonable fear in this case? Maybe he really got problems and was asked to remove it.
You should really READ the RULES here and how this game got the On Hold Tag. The Developer communitate here that the Game get's a break but will come back. This my friend is "on hold" and not "abandoned". Get your facts right.
Either way, no one really cares for the Non Parody (H) Version since the Parody Version is better so I hope that the new Update comes soon.
The removal was done as a precaution, there was no copyright holder telling him to stop, he started the other version as the one to be getting Patreon funding to make sure that didn't happen in the first place. The problem here is a clash between player impatience (and it is not a single player, there is a group of them) focused on the completely free version, the one that is not being funded by Patreon to avoid potential copyright issues, and the developer placing more focus on the one getting him funding to continue development.
These players need to understand that game development is not a free industry, we (I say we because I am also a hobbyist developer that refuses to release specifically because of this kind of drama, I develop for my own enjoyment) can't just pull a game engine, video assets, graphical assets, audio assets, and a completed code structure out of thin air. There isn't a single developer on the planet that can singlehandedly make every aspect of a game without preexisting assets or commissioning new ones, there are expenses involved. For the majority of Patreon developers, that's where Patreon comes in. Patreon gives us the funding, assuming people are willing to subscribe, without having to take every expense out of our own pockets, which then frees us up to make a better game than we could have without ever spending anything (free assets tend to suck...horribly. They are completely unsuited to be anything except a placeholder, so we have to get funding at some point to replace them or the game is guaranteed to fail. Paid assets tend to not be cheap enough to completely fund it out of a lone developer's pocket, only big companies like Microsoft and small teams that pool resources can pull that off without risking being unable to pay living expenses).