I think narrowing down peoples dislike of Bosun to just his physical features is a bit simplistic. While his body wasn't the best (nor would it have made sense for him to be physically fit, given his backstory) the main objection to him was as a protagonist he wasn't a compelling character to follow, if you are going to ask players to spend the second half of the game to tear down everything they had spent the first part building you need a protagonist you can root for, either because there motivation is compelling or because they are a genuinely funny and likable character.It's shallow, but I think the main problem with Bosun was his physic. I see no problem with what was described, but the devils can be in the details.
Not giving ETA is wise, at least until you are 99,99% finished. You can tell people it's an estimate all you want, there is always a minority of toxic "fan" that will take those estimate for a blood oath on your firstborn. The same advice should be followed for features. don't announce until you are certain you can deliver, for the same reason.
However, I think you should advertise your game better for your next release (in more place than this one and your site).
My main hope for the rework is twofold; that the new second half protagonist, whatever form they take ends up being more interesting to follow. They could be the worst character in the world in a moral or ethical sense as long as they can be compelling and that this new protagonist both involves more varied corruption scenes so that the scene itself along with character interactions afterwards can be more interesting to follow rather than reducing characters down to one dimensional fuckpuppets as that doesn't make for a compelling cast of characters to follow and the game up till the second half had been as much about the interactions of the cast as it had been about the strategy gameplay.