
Jun 27, 2017
I know its probably unpopular, but the thing that i hated the most about this game was always inconsistent art, i can play games without any art at all just so we clear, but i just hate when its all mashed together from different people, i heard they dubbled in some ai stuff and i honestly wouldnt mind if they just replaced all art with consistent AI so every character looks the same from scene to scene, the game does not lack in writing departement during scenes so its not like you can ruin it like other AI games with shitty writing and half assed "6 figers on each hand" art, just hire 1 dude that good at compiling and working with AI stuff and let them redo everything.
Counterpoint, use all that money they are getting to hire an actual artist instead to remake old scenes in a consistent art style. Not to throw shade at you, and I definitely get all the different styles being jarring, but AI for a game with as much backing as this is the lazy devs way out imo. Which is fitting for Roundscape I guess.

I'll be honest and say I mostly despise AI art and am a hate watcher of Arvus Games at this point (or at least whoever's making the big decisions, probably unfair to group the whole team as one). So I'm biased. That being said, there's no reason they couldn't. Would it take longer? Yeah, but who cares since everyone is always waiting after their constant missed release dates anyway. Would it cost them more? Yeah, but I can't fathom after raking in as much as they do for years now that they couldn't put aside part of the budget to hire someone. Look at Arenus as an example. That game was shit, but the artist they hired was easily the best part about it (and consistently the only art style). They could do a lot better with this game and actively chose not to.


Jun 7, 2017
Counterpoint, use all that money they are getting to hire an actual artist instead to remake old scenes in a consistent art style. Not to throw shade at you, and I definitely get all the different styles being jarring, but AI for a game with as much backing as this is the lazy devs way out imo. Which is fitting for Roundscape I guess.

I'll be honest and say I mostly despise AI art and am a hate watcher of Arvus Games at this point (or at least whoever's making the big decisions, probably unfair to group the whole team as one). So I'm biased. That being said, there's no reason they couldn't. Would it take longer? Yeah, but who cares since everyone is always waiting after their constant missed release dates anyway. Would it cost them more? Yeah, but I can't fathom after raking in as much as they do for years now that they couldn't put aside part of the budget to hire someone. Look at Arenus as an example. That game was shit, but the artist they hired was easily the best part about it (and consistently the only art style). They could do a lot better with this game and actively chose not to.
I agree with you, its obviously better to hire great artist to do all the work, but in practice, its impossible with this game, it would take years to redraw all the art because there so much scenes in this game, AI art on the other hand will take months at best and less if a person doing the work actually knows what their doing, sure it would look a bit soulless, but if its consistent i assure you it would be alot better then some mach up of different artists that barely follow chracter description with zero consistency of proportions and stuff like that, with AI you can just be consistent with everything with enought "retries" on generation and with good pc its not that hard.
I love the art in Arenus, but lets be honest, the game was in development for years, who knows how long it took for the artist to draw all the scenes and there wasnt even half as many as in roundscape(probably less then 25 percent even).
Look at other games that change artist midgame and how much of a setback it is, i know game is already "finished" but i feel like AI is a cheap way to reinvent it and if people dislike it its not like its the end of the world, old art is still there and they only lose a little bit of money to hire 1 guy to do all the work and probably gain from it no matter what.
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