
Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Ok I see what you are saying now but still my point still stands that if he didn't have what he needed or the skill he needed he could have cut his work load in half by adding just a static picture or just straight text and focused more on the events and the management... I also still believe if he is done with this game he should release the source code like whoremaster did and let the community fix any flaws and add new and engaging content

Pretty much this

ForgottenMan1 Grow a pair and use your words kid.
I don't disagree with releasing the source, then we might see the game double or even triple its current capability. Just look at what happened once the 8ch boys took over the development of Free Cities, it's really coming along nicely. The static picutre thing really wouldn't work very well in a game like this, though. Too much of a 3D Game type game, I mean the tag when I say 3D Game, for 3DCG, again referring to the tag, to come in.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
Any chance you will go the Whoremaster route and release the source code so that other people can mod and bug fix and further advance content of this game and or make their own unique spins?
totally agree here. this would help the game so much. maybe it could grow to a smiliar size as free cities (as alex mentioned). with the actual engine you can redo a lot of faulty animations if you know what you are doing. and that will cost much less time than doing 3d pc renderings for games such as HTML based ones.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
totally agree here. this would help the game so much. maybe it could grow to a smiliar size as free cities (as alex mentioned). with the actual engine you can redo a lot of faulty animations if you know what you are doing. and that will cost much less time than doing 3d pc renderings for games such as HTML based ones.
Indeed, those still renders take A LOT of time to produce, I've done it and it is seriously time consuming. I would definitely continue trying to work with what we already have given the opportunity.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2019
It seems cryo pods event is completely broken (in fact cryo podded slaves are broken, since it's impossible to summon them - it's the first time I encounter this bug). This thing such a glitchy mess it's unbelievable, and I have numerous errors in log… And this UI is awful. Maybe dev should opensource it, that would help. Probably. xD

I'd consider the current state an early alpha, honestly.

BTW I see black textures after "training", and that's most definitely a bug. Actually I found multiple bugs related to training (also it doesn't work properly at all).
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Dec 12, 2018
I am sure if it's a bad install or new/old bugs

Speaker lost her mettalic skin and chubby it cleared up after playing 3 days

Rules exempt still doesn't work

All the leader events were 3 feet below where they would normally sit/stands

At first after conquering/raid when you try to inspect your spoils, it dumps you back to the station. This happens more often than not.

My human slaves sometimes have fae features like ears. PS any way to fix this?


Engaged Member
Sep 25, 2016
I don't disagree with releasing the source, then we might see the game double or even triple its current capability. Just look at what happened once the 8ch boys took over the development of Free Cities, it's really coming along nicely. The static picutre thing really wouldn't work very well in a game like this, though. Too much of a 3D Game type game, I mean the tag when I say 3D Game, for 3DCG, again referring to the tag, to come in.
totally agree here. this would help the game so much. maybe it could grow to a smiliar size as free cities (as alex mentioned). with the actual engine you can redo a lot of faulty animations if you know what you are doing. and that will cost much less time than doing 3d pc renderings for games such as HTML based ones.

Hey I might be an asshole when it comes to voicing my opinion but I mean I do usually make some valid points and good ideas/criticisms I just tend to say so what people think are aggressive I am just passionate is all xD


Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
Hey I might be an asshole when it comes to voicing my opinion but I mean I do usually make some valid points and good ideas/criticisms I just tend to say so what people think are aggressive I am just passionate is all xD
no need to tell me. im the one getting all the facepalms lately.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
It seems cryo pods event is completely broken (in fact cryo podded slaves are broken, since it's impossible to summon them - it's the first time I encounter this bug). This thing such a glitchy mess it's unbelievable, and I have numerous errors in log… And this UI is awful. Maybe dev should opensource it, that would help. Probably. xD

I'd consider the current state an early alpha, honestly.

BTW I see black textures after "training", and that's most definitely a bug. Actually I found multiple bugs related to training (also it doesn't work properly at all).
Early alpha has barely any of the features that are planned, this has all of them.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2019
Early alpha has barely any of the features that are planned, this has all of them.
It has some content, but everything is either completely broken or unimplemented. So maybe about 30% done. This is not how you develop your games: first you plan properly (things such as proper ui and good controls included), then you code, after everything is ready and work properly as intended you finalize content and then you're done with alpha. I'm not sure if 1 person can do it all, but that 1 person should be able to do at least something properly (you're either a programmer, an animation artist, or whatever). Perhaps it would be better if there was an option to disable h-animations as well as mini games completely and errors were fixed first -- to call it a release is a tad bit of an exaggeration. And basically anyone should be able to see poor UI and obnoxious controls.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
It has some content, but everything is either completely broken or unimplemented. So maybe about 30% done. This is not how you develop your games: first you plan properly (things such as proper ui and good controls included), then you code, after everything is ready and work properly as intended you finalize content and then you're done with alpha. I'm not sure if 1 person can do it all, but that 1 person should be able to do at least something properly (you're either a programmer, an animation artist, or whatever). Perhaps it would be better if there was an option to disable h-animations as well as mini games completely and errors were fixed first -- to call it a release is a tad bit of an exaggeration. And basically anyone should be able to see poor UI and obnoxious controls.
That's the way an early Alpha is, little content, many bugs. No, finalizing content is NEVER done in Alpha, it is done in late Beta at the earliest. This has all planned content with a few persistent bugs that just decided they won't die without a fight. Yes, one person could do it, but they need the proper tools and assets, which this dev did not have. It sounds like he used the base version of Unity, meaning no extras added, since he specifically said that the animations issue was because he was trying to use custom animations Unity isn't fully capable of doing out of the box, those last four words being the hint to me that this used the base engine with no add-ons. The UI takes a little getting used to, but it really isn't that bad now that the issue from 0.29, some of the stats running out of view when other stats got too big, is gone. Not sure what you mean by mini games, but the H animations are an integral part that differentiates this as a 3D Game from a 3DCG game, which is NOT what he was going for, so it would not work out in his plan to not have the animations. No, anything put out to players is a release even if it isn't complete or is buggy, perfection is nearly impossible, especially when literally every change in code can break something or even everything. Example, the game Lilith's Throne is going through a delay yet again because its dev broke literally everything while reworking one aspect.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2019
No, finalizing content is NEVER done in Alpha, it is done in late Beta at the earliest.
The BETA stage is when everything is ready and fully playable, but some aspects are unpolished/unfinished and bugs (destructive too) are expected. Not when everything is completely broken and nonexistent. As of now it only has "simple to implement" content, so, it is alpha IMO.

Completely broken animations with bad models (don't forget clipping) and annoying minigames (which were not explained properly - poor game design) make it much worse, static models (properly aligned) would make it better. It's all there is, I don't really care if it's animated or not.

I didn't complain about alpha and I can give it some slack, but it's too often that we see games going straight from half-baked alpha to rushed early release only because devs grew bored with it. Pathetic.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
The BETA stage is when everything is ready and fully playable, but some aspects are unpolished/unfinished and bugs (destructive too) are expected. Not when everything is completely broken and nonexistent. As of now it only has "simple to implement" content, so, it is alpha IMO.

Completely broken animations with bad models (don't forget clipping) and annoying minigames (which were not explained properly - poor game design) make it much worse, static models (properly aligned) would make it better. It's all there is, I don't really care if it's animated or not.

I didn't complain about alpha and I can give it some slack, but it's too often that we see games going straight from half-baked alpha to rushed early release only because devs grew bored with it. Pathetic.
No, the Beta stage is when a lot of the content is playable and the player can start to get an idea of what the final game will be like, not all of it has to be finished to be Beta. There is nothing that is 'nonexistent' in this game except that which was not intended to exist in the first place. As I said, bugs can happen any time code is altered, so even the final version is not safe from getting them. None of the content was simple to implement, not when he was literally fighting against the engine for half of it, and simple to make content only does NOT mean that a game is in Alpha. A game can be made with ONLY simple to make content and not be considered Alpha when it is in its final release. The animations are broken because he tried to use custom animations the base engine was not fully able to render and the models are DAZ, so there's not much that can be done about them being bad, that's just DAZ for you. Still have no idea what mini games you mean because there really aren't any, just events that you read through and then make a decision that alters a stat and sometimes begins a sex scene. No, static models would NOT make it better because this is a real time 3D Game, not a 3DCG game. It would be no better than Free Cities, the game it definitely takes inspiration from, with static 3DCG.


Jun 26, 2017
I'm just glad the developer is actually checking forums like these and responding sincerely to the feedback here. A lot of developers don't even acknowledge the game once they slap the "1.0" on it.

StationmasterDev , please take the time you need to get back into this. This year's fucked over an lot of game development plans, so take things at your own pace, I'll be waiting patiently for the eventual v1.1.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
Glad to se you got somewhere with this, to be honest you got further than most Devs do on here.
Re Animation and clipping.
Not sure why clipping is an issue! If the clothes have the correct shaders to block out the body parts there should be no clipping. If they dont have the shader texture, they can be made easly from the material textures.
And Animation, thats quite specialist. What I would sugest is you contact a couple of animators on Loverslab (SkyrimSE or Fallout)and ask to use there base anims(As the Lifeplay Dev did). You may need to pay them a small amount, then drop the IK and just alight actors in containers, so they fit together properly.
Also not sure what happend to the Vag models I gave you, If you assigned the base model textures to them they should be seemless, they where for me!
Anyway glad to see you finnished it, will try it out later.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Glad to se you got somewhere with this, to be honest you got further than most Devs do on here.
Re Animation and clipping.
Not sure why clipping is an issue! If the clothes have the correct shaders to block out the body parts there should be no clipping. If they dont have the shader texture, they can be made easly from the material textures.
And Animation, thats quite specialist. What I would sugest is you contact a couple of animators on Loverslab (SkyrimSE or Fallout)and ask to use there base anims(As the Lifeplay Dev did). You may need to pay them a small amount, then drop the IK and just alight actors in containers, so they fit together properly.
Also not sure what happend to the Vag models I gave you, If you assigned the base model textures to them they should be seemless, they where for me!
Anyway glad to see you finnished it, will try it out later.
The animations issue is because he was doing something the engine wasn't fully capable of without add-ons, he admitted to this months ago, so adding the LL animations would still cause the same issue. Remember that both Skyrim and Fallout run on different engines that are much more capable than Unity in their base form, so their engines are able to handle the custom animations LL added. To fix the issue, it may take actually purchasing the add-ons from the Unity store that allow the engine to better render these animations, either that or someone a bit more skilled that knows how to coax the engine into cooperating in its base form, no offense StationmasterDev.


New Member
May 24, 2020
Thanks as always for the feedback. I was expecting a slightly... different reaction to 1.0, to be honest, but what's life without surprises. The bugs that are showing up here (with the exception of clothing clipping and the animation engine, which I'm writing off as un-fixable for this project) are going onto my list for 1.1.

My plan is to start work on that pretty soon after Quid Pro Quo version 0.1 is out (hopefully in a few weeks). I hadn't planned on opening this project again for at least another few months, but there are a lot of new-to-me bugs that have been reported here.

This game is probably too big for one person (certainly me) to polish in a reasonable amount of time though, so I probably won't be able to fix everything. If it's any consolation, I've learned a lot, and Quid Pro Quo will be much more reasonable in scope.

Thanks for your hard work!

The fun thing is that v1.0 looks much more buggy than v0.3+

Two new big troubles that I noticed within several minutes:

1) Everyone at station is naked (strategic view) until I choose non-custom outfit for a person. Non-custom outfits looks correct.
So I can't edit an outfit for guests or citizens and they are still naked in strategic view.
Defenitely non-critical but looks stupid, and there was no such problem at v0.3+

2) FPS dropping dreadfully and kinda randomly in close view. This effect was at v0.3+ but less severe.
At v1.0 it becomes 20x times stronger (approximately) and applies immediately, not after playing some time as it was at v0.3+
This thing, actually, makes editing/training slaves impossible sometimes (I just have not enough patience to edit a lot of stats with 1FPS).
It seems to me that effect is bound to person... somehow... I'm not sure but different slaves are lagging different.
So the primary slave's stat for me now is "Lag-ability". If them drops FPS so get rid of them :)

Not wooden PC, believe me. Bad english - sorry for that.
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Active Member
Jul 9, 2017
The animations issue is because he was doing something the engine wasn't fully capable of without add-ons, he admitted to this months ago, so adding the LL animations would still cause the same issue. Remember that both Skyrim and Fallout run on different engines that are much more capable than Unity in their base form, so their engines are able to handle the custom animations LL added. To fix the issue, it may take actually purchasing the add-ons from the Unity store that allow the engine to better render these animations, either that or someone a bit more skilled that knows how to coax the engine into cooperating in its base form, no offense StationmasterDev.
Sorry dont mean to be disrespectfull, but this is not the case.
I am VERY aware of the engine, animations and retargeting within Unity. Using the same models as these, the same outfits, and the same Engine, within minutes I can and have reused animations from Mixamo and reversed animations from Oldrim to run with these very same models.
I made the slave outfits as well as nipple and Vag clothing addons within this game for stationmasterdev and had them fully morphed and animated with Mixamo animations.
So yes this could be done, and done easly.
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