Just finished it a little while ago. It was much better once I got to the point where I could go to bed to skip to the day. Overall I really enjoyed it, you caught the feeling of village of nightmare 1/2 near perfectly. The only issue I had with it was the same one I have with village of nightmare, and that is we have stats, skills, rpg mechanics, etc, but it does not do anything. Nor does collecting dark energy seem to have a purpose yet. It would be cool if our character could evolve and gain some sweet succubus powers we could actually use in game. We got powers during action scenes, but not any elsewhere. Would be cool to have some powers that fit them (examples: invisibility, shape change to someone, possession, alter sex, summon:<slimes, ropers, etc>, release pheromones, put to sleep/enter dreams, etc). I know this would be hard to do, but it would be nice if it could show up. With that said, the game was really good and look forward to see what has been done with chapter 2.