4.30 star(s) 64 Votes


Active Member
Aug 24, 2020
I can totally agree with the points about how the MC looks, his model and haircut feels a little like a fish out of water in this setting. But when it comes to battle and being a super badass, i don't know what you guys were expecting. He's still in training, and is in his first real mission, how do you expect him to take vamps out no problem with basically zero real combat experience? During his fight with Leliana he took things seriously and did the right thing at the time which was to try and lure her out of the city so that other people don't get killed. He is a joker yes but i believe when things get real and lives are at stake, he is capable of being serious and do the right things. I think you guys were expecting him to be a killing machine from the get go just because he's the swordbearer.


Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
I had a feeling I'd trigger someone with that post, but just because we're currently experiencing a culturally degenerative era in the West doesn't mean my views on masculinity are any less valid. As for me worrying about why a man's looks matter to me, well, that's not necessary, because I already know why it matters to me, and I already told you in the first post. It's in the fucking medieval era and he's got a goofy ass modern haircut which I'm sure requires a lot of product to maintain lol. It's immersion breaking. Why not have the MC break out an Iphone and start playing some rap music? Also, don't pretend like you don't give a shit what the MC looks like in games. If the MC was 5'4", obese and elderly, you wouldn't be playing. Everyone cares what the MC looks like and a lot of us don't want to play as a little soy boy. Sorry if that offends you.
Just admit you need to feel attracted to the man to enjoy the game. I won't judge you cause I'm a soyboy, and you'll feel so much less stress and anxiety once you stop trying to repress your desires.


Nov 22, 2023
Just admit you need to feel attracted to the man to enjoy the game. I won't judge you cause I'm a soyboy, and you'll feel so much less stress and anxiety once you stop trying to repress your desires.
Damn boy, you really were triggered lol. I must've really touched on your insecurities. What is it, can't grow a beard properly? Daddy upset because you were the runt of the family? Don't worry about it man. You're not any less of a man because of it. You just won't be featured as the protagonist in an AVN lol. Run along now.
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4.30 star(s) 64 Votes