So we got more Nikki, more Karen, and no Haley. Pretty much the perfect update.
The game is finally over for me because I don't care one bit about Haley. I was so glad when the MC dumped her ass.
I wish we had the option to dump Haley. There were two perfect opportunities. The first was after she almost gets the MC killed over a cell phone, and the second was when he walks in on her cheating on him. Yet she's the one to break it off, and she does so because she walks in on the MC having sex with Nikki. Which was exactly what she was doing earlier.
I've always hated Haley, so it annoys me whenever the MC talks about how much he loves her. I spent the whole game avoiding her as much as possible, and cheating on her with five different women, so his actions clearly show that he doesn't care about her. Yet even after Haley dumps the MC, and after she stands by and watches her new boyfriend assault the MC, the MC still talks about how sad he is that Haley got away. It's pathetic. She was a trash character and the game would've been so much better without her in it.
Oh well, nothing to be done about it now I guess. Hopefully we will eventually get a Nikki only ending, as that's the one I wanted the most from the start. She was the original star of the game, and she straight up asks you if you could ever see yourself in a serious relationship with her, so it is very strange that she doesn't have one already.