4.30 star(s) 185 Votes


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
To me, Oceans Vns are among the best in terms of visual quality, but they are not the most visually appealing. There is more to visual quality than high res models and high textures, which are the 2 things Ocean excels at. Some others are better with their lighting, color palette, art-style, backgrounds, etc. But I am not going to try to convince anybody. You like what you like.
Oh don't get me wrong, I agree with your statement in that visual quality is more than high res models and high textures.

I just think the candidates you chose to support your claim, specifically the ones I mentioned, other ones I don't know, are not particularly impressive.
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May 30, 2020
Oceans biggest drawback is his perfectionist nature, causing him to constantly want to polish everything to the Nth degree and not being happy with previous work.
Well... If you would have told a couple of years ago that Oceans biggest drawback was just the fact that he was a perfectionist, I would have 100% agreed with you. And with that I mean the time where Ocean took over Summer Gone (SG), the time when he did his first rework of SG (the one right after taking over) and when he started to question the story and direction of WIABs pre-rework state.

However, right now, theres more to it than just perfectionism in my opinion. He kept his perfectionistic ways but then another thing started to be more apparent unfortunately.

In my opinion, Oceans biggest flaw is funnily enough one of his biggest strengths and one of the reasons why he grew so much in popularity in such a short amount of time: Ocean is a "People Pleaser".

That wouldnt be a bad thing necessarily, but here it is because Ocean wants to please EVERYONE at the same time: He wants to please SG fans, he wants to please WIAB fans, he wants to please the fans of both (patreons), he wants to please himself... Unless someone is living in a different reality/timeline than me, its IMPOSSIBLE to please EVERYONE at the same time. Sure you can try, but something eventually has to "give"... Unfortunately for us WIAB fans, the something that "gives" seems to always be WIAB. :(:(

Then, when you add People pleasing to his already established Perfectionistic nature, you essentially come up with a vicious cycle. For example: He wants everything to be perfect and takes his time. People start complaining about the waiting times. He tries to pick up the pace. Replays what he did, doesnt like it and has to change what he just done. and so on... (Just an example, since you could apply it to everything he did in the last year unfortunately).

Those 2 aspects arent gonna change, so all we can do is cope for the better... Which in the case of WIAB is getting increasingly tougher unfortunately. :(:(


Nov 13, 2017
The story is this game was so all over the place the last time I played it, wish he'd drop it for SG. Renders amazing sure, but after you got to the house it was just a shitshow. Tbf I never played the previous edition of the game so idk any of the "lore" or w.e but thats the point, new player and shit was just "but why", "huh" and lot of pacing issues imo.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2020
The story is this game was so all over the place the last time I played it, wish he'd drop it for SG. Renders amazing sure, but after you got to the house it was just a shitshow. Tbf I never played the previous edition of the game so idk any of the "lore" or w.e but thats the point, new player and shit was just "but why", "huh" and lot of pacing issues imo.
So the same as what was thought of SG in its first 2 chapters?


Jun 13, 2021
Jesus! If you want somebody to read all that text, I suggest you bring something more than pretty pictures and vanilla sex with a girlfriend. Halfway through the first chapter, I'm just skipping text to see if anything ever happens. Nope! The mom is kind of a weird character, though. (But the Timestamps model was better looking.)

It's not terrible writing, but if that's all you've got to show so far, I wish I had the last hour back.
Oct 10, 2022
Jesus! If you want somebody to read all that text, I suggest you bring something more than pretty pictures and vanilla sex with a girlfriend. Halfway through the first chapter, I'm just skipping text to see if anything ever happens. Nope! The mom is kind of a weird character, though. (But the Timestamps model was better looking.)

It's not terrible writing, but if that's all you've got to show so far, I wish I had the last hour back.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2020
Everyone has their opinion but to say wiab is better than Summers gone considering where both VN are right now in development sorry but that is one of dumbest things I have read in a long time once again I know it's someone's option but it's a really bad one
exactly the same as saying SG is better, just someone's silly opinion.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2020

This log was supposed to be out yesterday... Sorry!
There are sometimes days when I enter a hyperfocus state during work and time becomes a blur... Sorry, that happened yesterday.

The current numbers are:
Chapter 3: 1680
Chapter 3x5: (560) -> 635

My current focus is primarily on SG, as it's releasing this month.
The work during a release week can't really be split into parts, so the more effective way is to set up WiAB renders, and while those are being rendered over several days, I work on the technical aspects of SG.
After the SG Beta releases, WIAB will enter the technical phase and be my main focus until its release.
And because WiAB's next Chapter is already quite advanced, I shouldn't have a double release again.
So the release timetable looks as follows:

1. SG Chapter 5 Beta - October
2. WiAB Chapter 3 Beta - November
3. WiAB Chapter 3 Full - November/December (2 weeks after the Beta.)
4. SG Chapter 5 Full & Steam release- December/January (It completes the last part of the rework.)
5. WiAB Chapter 3.5 - No ETA yet.
6. SG Season 2 - Chapter 1 - No ETA yet.
The good part about me spacing out and missing the log yesterday was... I felt inspired to do a treat today...
So I created a five-picture set with Monica.

As always with the treats, the rest can be found

The preview block is active again. I don't want to spoil any more stuff.
SG CH 5 is almost out and WiAB CH 3 will follow soon.

- Ocean
4.30 star(s) 185 Votes