
Sep 8, 2018
As story is for me more important than fancy gfx...where do I get the other un-remastered "Books" of this beautiful tale?


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017

UPDATE: Still Grinding, Progress and Processes… July 27, 2020
(as posted on our Patreon Page)

Hey everyone, I want to try to keep this as short as possible so that I can get back to work and finish this chapter up… I am so close to being done that I can taste it and really don’t want to lose the downhill momentum that I have going for me right now.

Currently, after a meeting and discussion with the guys, this is how the release schedule looks…

First week or two of August, the release of the Remastered Chapter One.

Last part of August (maybe the first week of September) the release of Chapter Two for everyone.

First part of October the release of Chapter Three

By then, without the extensive work of doing animations and keeping the releases down in size (like I did originally with “Wicked Choices: Book One”), I should be back to my regular release schedule of ONCE A MONTH which should be achievable till the end of the Prologue to “Wicked Choices: Agents of Karma” that will last for 6 to 7 chapters.

After that, things should need a few tweaks to the schedule and some adjustments, as that will take us to the semi-open sandbox of the game, which means a new process for us to learn and adapt to…

…speaking of processes… part of the reason why I am so off kilter with this release was because I thought I came up with a WONDERFUL idea while on the painkillers and waiting for the shot that I got for my back three weeks ago…

Normally, the process of creation for me has been this…

  • Create a bullet point rough of every event to happen in that chapter release.
  • Write out the scenes and dialogue, while arranging the sets, characters, clothing and poses to be used.
  • Begin to assemble them and render the images out according to the written scenes.
  • Do the post work on the images rendered in Photoshop.
  • Assemble the writing and image numbers in Twine and present them to the editor (Sierra3) and the programmer (Epadder).
BUT… while on pain killers, I had the crazy idea that I could save time by doing it this way…

  • Create a bullet point rough of every event to happen in that chapter release.
  • Arrange the sets, characters, clothing and poses to be used.
  • Assemble everything and start rendering.
  • Do the post work on the images rendered in Photoshop and do the writing and dialogue to the rendered scenes.
  • Assemble the writing that I just completed and the images rendered into Twine and present them to the editor and programmer.
Never mind the fact that also while coming up with this crazy scheme, that I also decided to do 540 frames of animation… all while on pain killers… one thing that I hadn’t taken into account while trying this process that I thought would be faster… is that sometimes a thought that a writer has isn’t as quickly expressed as they think it will be till it is written…

…so, thinking that just rendering all of the scenes and THEN writing to those scenes would be quicker, wasn’t… as suddenly, I found that I had to go back and expand the number of renders for that scene… which not only screwed up the idea that this would be FASTER, but now it also screwed up the numbering of the scenes... which could lead to confusion on the part of the programmer…

For example, normally the numbering of the images in the folder and in Twine works like this…




And if there is a side by side image (like a comic book panel) …




Nice crisp and easy to follow… normally.

But this time around, because of my stupid idea of rendering everything first and just writing to the images rendered, I found myself unable to fully express the situation of a particular scene or character experience and had to quickly add a few more renders… so now we have image numbering and file structure all messed up…

I really made a mess of things this month because I thought I was being clever and could be faster doing it this way and it WASN’T faster, in fact, if anything, it is MORE CONFUSING and required me to go back and change some of the already done renders, render new ones and inject them into the right place among the ones already rendered and try to do so without renaming over 1000 images!

So, Jack coming up with REALLY GREAT ideas while on painkillers… NOT-SO-GREAT and the reason why things are behind as much as they are is because of ME!

For which, I apologize, but the good news is that I almost have everything fixed and should be out of my hands soon and Epadder thinks he can make sense of the mess that I created without much trouble but to NOT DO THAT AGAIN!

So, I won’t do that again… just going to stick to my regular format of doing things and just do my job right.

Sorry to all of you and to Sierra3 and Epadder who are getting a mess to sort out and work with this time… it WON’T happen again.

So much for keeping this short too… *sigh* …I can’t wait till I’ve fully pulled my head out of my ass and get back on track with things the right way… this release has been FUBAR from the start, kind of like me.

But, at least now you all know where things stand, the reason for the meeting (my fault, my fault) and how we intend to get back on track and get back to doing regular releases for everyone.

Sorry again for my screw up and if anyone hears me say: “Hey, I have a really GREAT idea…” while I am on painkillers, do us all a favor and smack the sh*t out of me… please… you’ll save us all a headache by doing so!!

Now, I need to get back to work and finish this stuff off… talk soon.



Mar 19, 2018
Jack, I think I caught your working too hard on things bug...

I told you how I was writing a novel, It ended out over 340 pages, then I realised, those were full A4 pages, not novel sized...
One book has turned into 2 so far, and the third is already being worked on lol, Ive submitted the first to publishers, so hopefully soon Ill become a published author.
Whenever I try to cut bits out the story, it jumps up by a thousand words, maybe we should start a writers anonymous, or unanimous... both work right?

Anyway its good to see you are well, despite the medications making you feel a little off, and yeah ive been there, some of the things I've had to take over the last couple of years have made me feel loopy.

I hope Sierra3 and Epadder can figure it all out, and that its not as confusing as you think.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
How do I change or omit the incest within the game, and change related characters to friends or something?


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
Alright, while still in the first day (night) of the game we get a scene where the MCs daughter is talking with her cousin Claire, who walks in after cleaning in their mothers' bathroom, with a new glow about her, who sits down beside Paige, then explains how HER FATHER was not ONLY her first, how she was a LOT YOUNGER than Paige is now, which is just out of high school I think, AND to add insult to injury, her pedophile father was also her brothers first??
I haven't continued with the story, but I am trying to remember if it is Claire's father that died, which would make that feel like a minor amount of justice.
How can this not only be created but allowed to be put into the story at all?
What's worse, is there are actually people who actively LOOK for content like this....actively...LOOK....for it.
I have stopped playing the game after reading that, and cannot see myself continuing to see anything develop unless what I just mentioned the only portion of pedophilia?
Yet just by me posting this, I will most likely have idiots and assholes trying to step up and defend any or all of this, or just pathetically "facepalming" or something equally useless and idiotic, being keyboard warriors since they are too cowardly to actually speak up or defend anything I said here in person.
So save energy and just forget about doing it.


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
I've said my piece of for this game quiet often and I'm sure you can find my view point of it.
So as another one say: Opinions are like asshohles everyone have one. You, me, everybody.

So you don't like the plot, cause of the incest/paedophilia it has happend, OK. As I said and I'm quiet sure Jack would agree it is something for plot reason. A lot of other things happen in this game and most times is it for plot.
And the whole Crawford family is around incest and some crazy shitty sex rituals. This is a plot element. Do I like what happen in the story? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Do I like what happen in chapter 2 of Wicked Choice? No. Yet this is one of the reasons why I think Jack does a fucking good job at story telling, because I'm angry at a fictional character in a fictional story.

If you don't like it or if you don't even want to read the whole story, then it is simple not your cup of tea.
I 'm also quiet sure that Jack would never add paedophilia content to the game, more than a backstory element and more than he already have. It was a single comment about what happen to Claire, what trully is shit. She doesn't deserve it and for sure would be better of if her family wasn't who they are. At least from her own comment the thing back then seems better at was she have to deal with her family now. Makes it not better, but also not worser.

As I also have otherwise written, this game isn't a happy-go-lucky one. It has heavy themes on it and it also don't sugar coat it much.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
I've said my piece of for this game quiet often and I'm sure you can find my view point of it.
So as another one say: Opinions are like asshohles everyone have one. You, me everybody.

So you don't like the plot, cause of the incest/paedophilia it has happend, OK. As I said and I'm quiet sure Jack would agree it is something for plot reason. A lot of other things happen in this game and most times is it for plot.
And the whole Crawford family is around incest and some crazy shitty sex rituals. This is a plot element. Do I like what happen in the story? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Do I like what happen in chapter 2 of Wicked Choice? No. Yet this is one of the reasons why I think Jack does a fucking good job at story telling, because I'm angry at a fictional character in a fictional story.

If you don't like it or if you don't even want to read the whole story, then it is simple not your cup of tea.
I 'm also quiet sure that Jack would never add paedophilia content to the game, more than a backstory element and more than he already have. It was a single comment about what happen to Claire, what trully is shit. She doesn't deserve it and for sure would be better of if her family wasn't who they are. At least from her own comment the thing back then seems better at was she have to deal with her family now. Makes it not better, but also not worser.

As I also have otherwise written, this game isn't a happy-go-lucky one. It has heavy themes on it and it also don't sugar coat it much.
I thank you for the clarity on this.
I read a lot of literature from a lot of different authors who have a variety method of telling a story, so I can understand leading the reader down a dark path that they NEED to take, in order to make sense of what is to come, to fill in the backstory of why we are there in the first place.
I was just shocked at what I was reading, thinking that this is how the course of the novel was going to take me, and admittedly I was not going to continue that road at all.
Now I can just take a deep breath, and open that door again to continue the road I am being led.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
I do not support, endorse, nor do I like to produce pedophilia... period.

Personally, I don't even get into incest... but, the story called for it as you will discover in Chapter 4 (or was it 5... jeeze this game is a monster)... regardless, the situation with the Crawfords is screwed up and yes, many within that family were abused at an early age... never shown, briefly mentioned... but it holds bearing to the mythos of the story and also helps to explain how screwed up of a situation that the MC is in.

And they call HIM (you) the Antichrist! HA!

Also, consider carefully... the fact that Claire tells her cousin that her father, who basically took her (and her brother's) innocence at an early age and that relationship to her was of 'love' and the 'best thing that happened to her', should demonstrate just how messed up her life is... which, when you get to Chapter 2, you'll discover just how messed up it is...

Sometimes, getting hit with a cold washcloth... while unpleasant... is just the sort of thing we sometimes need to notice someone.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017

UPDATE: A Clearing Through the Clouds… August 4, 2020
(as posted on our Patreon Page)

Hello, my friends, I am PLEASED TO REPORT that the section, totaling nearly 1gb (before they are reduced by Epadder) of 610 images and an impressive word count that boggles my mind, ’s introduction and story into the RemasteredChapter One” of the prologue to “Wicked Choices: Agents of Karma” was finished yesterday!!

It has already been sent to Epadder and Sierra3 to be proofed, programed in and have sound and music added to the section and I am now returning my focus to finishing out the part with the nun and Cardinal… that should be completed and out to them by this weekend…

…then, it will get into your well deserving hands, while I return focus to finishing the impressively LARGE Chapter Two” and out to you as well.

Sorry that I’ve not spent a lot of time talking with people on Discord or haven’t replied to some of your messages, been focused on trying to get this thing done for everyone and will reach out to you soon, if I haven’t touched back with you yet!!!

Healthwise, I am doing sort of OK, so long as I don’t get stubborn and try to overdo things… Hurricane (now Tropical Storm) Isaias has thankfully brought a huge swath of water up to Michigan with its arrival, which has been in the mid-to-high 90’s or triple digits (Fahrenheit) for the last two months.

Back and spine wise, I am a bit sore, as I always am when it rains… having a barometric body that foretells the weather before it happens… but, not bad enough to be munching on painkillers like they are a bag of M&M’s or Skittles.

So long as I am frequently reminded (or yelled at) by the wife to get out of the office chair and stretch my back and legs, I am OK. So, as of right now, I think that I can hold out till October before my next spinal injection shot… *fingers crossed*.

Well, this UPDATE is seriously brief, but that is probably a good thing, as it means I can hop into and try to finish this last section and get the game out to all of you!!

Thank you for your constant support, your love and concern and, most of all, your friendship!

Be safe, take care and come prepared to PLAY SOON!

Bye for now,


Feb 1, 2020
I am trying to find a walkthrough is there one if not that is alright still plan to play anyway. Just thought there might be one because when I read the changelog it said something about one.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
I do not support, endorse, nor do I like to produce pedophilia... period.

Personally, I don't even get into incest... but, the story called for it as you will discover in Chapter 4 (or was it 5... jeeze this game is a monster)... regardless, the situation with the Crawfords is screwed up and yes, many within that family were abused at an early age... never shown, briefly mentioned... but it holds bearing to the mythos of the story and also helps to explain how screwed up of a situation that the MC is in.

And they call HIM (you) the Antichrist! HA!

Also, consider carefully... the fact that Claire tells her cousin that her father, who basically took her (and her brother's) innocence at an early age and that relationship to her was of 'love' and the 'best thing that happened to her', should demonstrate just how messed up her life is... which, when you get to Chapter 2, you'll discover just how messed up it is...

Sometimes, getting hit with a cold washcloth... while unpleasant... is just the sort of thing we sometimes need to notice someone.
Well, I just got back into town from my job and had a chance to sit down and complete the story so far.
There are allegations and hints as you said to the things, including anything to do with 'Charlie" that initially physically sickened me, yet nothing was shown (thankfully), and the cold washcloth did move the story along very well.

I went back and thoroughly chose every possible avenue I could at the time, to progress in the manner that the story seemed to properly lead into (Dayum there were MANY) and have come to appreciate not only the VERY interesting story you are expertly weaving but the art, animation, and choices we are given to work through as well.
This is one impressive Choose-your-own-adventure-novel!

You sure know how to leave someone on the edge of their seat with each chapter, and I seriously cannot wait for the next installment...I am HOOKED!

I am pleasantly shocked at how much my own views have changed, from not wanting to even look at anything more, to forcefully turning my own head, to taking a deep breath and marching through, to appreciate the world around me, to actually enjoying the story that I have been immersing myself in, to finally not only siding with the MC, but encouraging him in-story to do the "right thing" even though that view is askewed by"normal" standards.

I am making choices that I would IRL, such as punishment for a certain young man that thought he could get away with "punishing" his family member, and thankfully we aren't given more insidious choices to follow through on...or I would have even IF Karma herself and the Fates had other plans in motion.

Speaking about Karma, I am interested in seeing if she will become a more....personal individual in the MCs life, how we are going to not only FINALLY find out about his own wife and what she has been doing for a YEAR-AND-A-HALF (seriously the MC is wearing some mighty thick rose-colored glasses if he is oblivious as to what is taking place here...that is so frustrating), but it is clear that you have some very interesting methods-to-your-madness, and I am even more intrigued to see how you are going to lay it all out in the future.

Now...(sigh)...I have to actually be patient and wait, which I am notoriously horrible at, this is why I usually wait until a season of a show, like say "The Boys" is complete so I can binge-watch it from start to finish, but I am more than aware at how much time and effort you have to put in, just for a single scene, let alone a full complete chapter, so you have a new Follower, Jack and if I was able to, a new heavy Patreon as well.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Well, I just got back into town from my job and had a chance to sit down and complete the story so far.
There are allegations and hints as you said to the things, including anything to do with 'Charlie" that initially physically sickened me, yet nothing was shown (thankfully), and the cold washcloth did move the story along very well.

I went back and thoroughly chose every possible avenue I could at the time, to progress in the manner that the story seemed to properly lead into (Dayum there were MANY) and have come to appreciate not only the VERY interesting story you are expertly weaving but the art, animation, and choices we are given to work through as well.
This is one impressive Choose-your-own-adventure-novel!

You sure know how to leave someone on the edge of their seat with each chapter, and I seriously cannot wait for the next installment...I am HOOKED!

I am pleasantly shocked at how much my own views have changed, from not wanting to even look at anything more, to forcefully turning my own head, to taking a deep breath and marching through, to appreciate the world around me, to actually enjoying the story that I have been immersing myself in, to finally not only siding with the MC, but encouraging him in-story to do the "right thing" even though that view is askewed by"normal" standards.

I am making choices that I would IRL, such as punishment for a certain young man that thought he could get away with "punishing" his family member, and thankfully we aren't given more insidious choices to follow through on...or I would have even IF Karma herself and the Fates had other plans in motion.

Speaking about Karma, I am interested in seeing if she will become a more....personal individual in the MCs life, how we are going to not only FINALLY find out about his own wife and what she has been doing for a YEAR-AND-A-HALF (seriously the MC is wearing some mighty thick rose-colored glasses if he is oblivious as to what is taking place here...that is so frustrating), but it is clear that you have some very interesting methods-to-your-madness, and I am even more intrigued to see how you are going to lay it all out in the future.

Now...(sigh)...I have to actually be patient and wait, which I am notoriously horrible at, this is why I usually wait until a season of a show, like say "The Boys" is complete so I can binge-watch it from start to finish, but I am more than aware at how much time and effort you have to put in, just for a single scene, let alone a full complete chapter, so you have a new Follower, Jack and if I was able to, a new heavy Patreon as well.
Thank you so much for the kind words and for gritting your teeth, pushing past your comfort level and giving our game a serious playthrough enough to find yourself liking it and being 'HOOKED' on it!

Like I alluded to in my post to you, there are even elements to the story that even challenges my own personal thoughts and viewpoints... as I said, I am not into incest and even arbore child-molestation and don't get into bestiality at all.

But, those things needed to be painted into the story to fully demonstrate the mad, mad world that you (as the MC) find yourself in, that the 'perfect' family that everyone sees isn't quite so 'perfect' on the inside and actually holds some pretty dark 'Flower's in the Attic' sort secrets...

...even the MC's 'perfect' little family holds their own secrets, that his daughters aren't so 'innocent' and 'sexually naive' as he believes them to be and the blinders he chooses to wear in regard to his wife's infidelity is a situation that he is going to have to face as the story continues... no matter how much that may change his family.

As for Karma, she is going to play a BIG ROLE in the coming story, in fact, her involvement and potential (along with the other non-Angelion or Demonothan 'gods') affiliation to the 'Antichrist' (you) in future releases will be fully demonstrated in our new game "Wicked Choices: Agent's of Karma" which the Remastered version will be released this month to everyone.

The choices you make as an Agent of Karma (working for Karma and doing her bidding, as a different MC) is seriously going to impact what happens to the 'Antichrist' in "Wicked Choices: Book Two"... he will either have yet ONE MORE race of beings looking to snuff him out... or have a powerful group of allies and love interests to draw from.

While Karma IS an antagonist of sorts to the 'Antichrist', she is BY FAR not the main antagonist to the 'Antichrist' in "Wicked Choices: Agents of Karma"... nope... someone else is and someone much, much closer to the 'Antichrist' and the full scope of that and what you'll have to face when you return to playing as the 'Antichrist' and as 'Princess Lynara' will be revealed in that game series!!!

So, yeah, there are some very 'distasteful' things that some people will have to face and deal with, while playing our game... but such as it is in Real Life... and when it comes to those particular pieces... well, I've found that the reader's imagination can fill in all of the blanks without me having to render them for people to see... this gives the player the ability to exercise the extent that they want their imagination to go without me totally offending them by providing pictures to display it. ;)

Welcome aboard our crazy train, TheREALCandyman, there are drinks and snacks in the food car and our next stop isn't too far away. :devilish::ROFLMAO:


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
Yeah, one thing done one my list for 2020: Bring others in this crazy game.:LOL:
What do I earn for this service Jack?
And now, I only have the usual on the best intension list of 2020 (altogether make more out off your life, look to your friends and look to yourself). ;)


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
On a side note the Wicked Choice card game (WCCG?) that are you intent to make sometimes - not asking for a time frame.
As you wrote it on Patreon you will release it on Steam, do you intent to sell it through other channels?
As I personally don't like Steam, so I would skip it if this would be the only store to buy it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
Thank you so much for the kind words and for gritting your teeth, pushing past your comfort level and giving our game a serious playthrough enough to find yourself liking it and being 'HOOKED' on it!

Like I alluded to in my post to you, there are even elements to the story that even challenges my own personal thoughts and viewpoints... as I said, I am not into incest and even arbore child-molestation and don't get into bestiality at all.

But, those things needed to be painted into the story to fully demonstrate the mad, mad world that you (as the MC) find yourself in, that the 'perfect' family that everyone sees isn't quite so 'perfect' on the inside and actually holds some pretty dark 'Flower's in the Attic' sort secrets...

...even the MC's 'perfect' little family holds their own secrets, that his daughters aren't so 'innocent' and 'sexually naive' as he believes them to be and the blinders he chooses to wear in regard to his wife's infidelity is a situation that he is going to have to face as the story continues... no matter how much that may change his family.

As for Karma, she is going to play a BIG ROLE in the coming story, in fact, her involvement and potential (along with the other non-Angelion or Demonothan 'gods') affiliation to the 'Antichrist' (you) in future releases will be fully demonstrated in our new game "Wicked Choices: Agent's of Karma" which the Remastered version will be released this month to everyone.

The choices you make as an Agent of Karma (working for Karma and doing her bidding, as a different MC) is seriously going to impact what happens to the 'Antichrist' in "Wicked Choices: Book Two"... he will either have yet ONE MORE race of beings looking to snuff him out... or have a powerful group of allies and love interests to draw from.

While Karma IS an antagonist of sorts to the 'Antichrist', she is BY FAR not the main antagonist to the 'Antichrist' in "Wicked Choices: Agents of Karma"... nope... someone else is and someone much, much closer to the 'Antichrist' and the full scope of that and what you'll have to face when you return to playing as the 'Antichrist' and as 'Princess Lynara' will be revealed in that game series!!!

So, yeah, there are some very 'distasteful' things that some people will have to face and deal with, while playing our game... but such as it is in Real Life... and when it comes to those particular pieces... well, I've found that the reader's imagination can fill in all of the blanks without me having to render them for people to see... this gives the player the ability to exercise the extent that they want their imagination to go without me totally offending them by providing pictures to display it. ;)

Welcome aboard our crazy train, TheREALCandyman, there are drinks and snacks in the food car and our next stop isn't too far away. :devilish::ROFLMAO:
I am glad to hear about Karma being more prominent in the future, and really am patiently waiting to continue the story.
So I am happy to have boarded the crazy train, and will continue to ride it from station to station.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
On a side note the Wicked Choice card game (WCCG?) that are you intent to make sometimes - not asking for a time frame.
As you wrote it on Patreon you will release it on Steam, do you intent to sell it through other channels?
As I personally don't like Steam, so I would skip it if this would be the only store to buy it.
In regard to the Wicked Choices the Card Game, right now there is no set time table for it.
Honestly, the amount of work and effort that will need to go into doing that isn't anywhere where we need to be to do that and still have time to do our normal work on the games... when it is done, it will be bundled within the other "Wicked Choices" games as an extra feature, but pulled out and assembled to be a stand alone title that will be sold on Steam to people who've never heard of Wicked Choices... and to also prevent containing content that might be objectionable to mainstream audiences.

But, to be clear, when it is created it will be bundled within our games... sort of a side game to play while playing the Main Game, just stripped out of the Main Games to be a stand alone to Steam audiences. ;)


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
In regard to the Wicked Choices the Card Game, right now there is no set time table for it.
Honestly, the amount of work and effort that will need to go into doing that isn't anywhere where we need to be to do that and still have time to do our normal work on the games... when it is done, it will be bundled within the other "Wicked Choices" games as an extra feature, but pulled out and assembled to be a stand alone title that will be sold on Steam to people who've never heard of Wicked Choices... and to also prevent containing content that might be objectionable to mainstream audiences.

But, to be clear, when it is created it will be bundled within our games... sort of a side game to play while playing the Main Game, just stripped out of the Main Games to be a stand alone to Steam audiences. ;)
Nice to hear. No pressure from me, only from them:ROFLMAO::

Other than that Steam looks not so much user or dev friendly for me. Main point is that, apperently, a game release on steam must be at least as expensive in the other shops as it is on steam. So I'm curious what your approach will be.;)
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4.30 star(s) 82 Votes