
Active Member
Apr 17, 2021
Interesting how your tone changes when asked to back up what you're saying. Feel free to quote where I've made any assumptions or spewed lies about you by the way, kinda curious what you're referring to.

If you fail to understand why my tone have changed, re-read my post. Afterwards, if you still don't understand, well, it's not my fault nor my problem that you experience reading comprehension disability.

Oh, and FYI, I'm a backer of the game myself, so no need to try invaliding what I say by implying "you don't play the game therefore you don't know what's going on"
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Feb 26, 2019
You're also in the Fallen Doll thread where I've seen some of your comments related to Star Citizen. While you don't outright say it's a scam, it's clearly implied by the kinds of things you say about it, which is why I said, "They already have it made up in their minds which games are scams so there's no point going back and forth unless you're just killing time." If you don't see how I came to this conclusion you should read your post history related to SC in the Fallen Doll thread plus some of the things you've "joked" about here.

This portion, "People continuously posting in threads on a game they consider to be a scam are just doing it to be spiteful to the devs and to rain on anyone that disagrees anyway. I've realized this the past few days lol." Was a general statement, not directed towards you, was what I realized after chatting with Purple.

Oh, and FYI, I'm a backer of the game myself, so no need to try invaliding what I say by implying "you don't play the game therefore you don't know what's going on"
Just because you're a backer doesn't mean you're in the know, hence me mentioning playing on and off and admitting I was unfamiliar with one of the bugs you mentioned. You claimed there were bugs present since 2014 that were still in the game and I asked for examples and explained why, not to make it seem like SC was a perfect spotless game, but to actually see if you knew what you were actually talking about because based on your post history on SC it's almost always implying it's a scam, which is the kind of thing you see from people that hate the game without actually knowing the first thing about it other than it being a space game with expensive ships you can purchase with real money.
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Active Member
Jun 24, 2018
You're also in the Fallen Doll thread where I've seen some of your comments related to Star Citizen. While you don't outright say it's a scam, it's clearly implied by the kinds of things you say about it, which is why I said, "They already have it made up in their minds which games are scams so there's no point going back and forth unless you're just killing time." If you don't see how I came to this conclusion you should read your post history related to SC in the Fallen Doll thread plus some of the things you've "joked" about here.

This portion, "People continuously posting in threads on a game they consider to be a scam are just doing it to be spiteful to the devs and to rain on anyone that disagrees anyway. I've realized this the past few days lol." Was a general statement, not directed towards you, was what I realized after chatting with Purple.
I think scam is generally the wrong word, and people know it so they try to wiggle in and like to pretend they're smart when they pivot their own empty counter-argument on bad word choice(cough @adamrekkler cough).

The games are actual products with real teams and real development. They are just exploiting their fandom and hype maliciously and by intent through the means in which they are going through production.

I've said it a billion times already now, but I don't care if it's your money to do whatever with or if you somehow think you're a genius because you spent $300+ 'supporting' a game that's going to be $10 if it ever even releases that has spent 3 times as long in development and earned 10 times the budget of indie masterpieces like Terraria, Stardew Valley, Lethal League, Hollow Knight, all with a larger team in most cases, just to release at best a mediocre game. You're still being exploited and used like the sheep you are, and there's a reason why people intervene in unhealthy stockholme syndrome toxic relationships like this.

Also annoys me that people act as if these games wouldn't exist without them (the sheer arrogance...) when 99% of the games in existence today, ero or otherwise, exist without exploitive crowdfunding.

Following the game and liking the idea or whatever incomplete chunklet is there is utterly irrelevant. 90% of the reason why it's even a problem is BECAUSE developers are holding something interesting ransom and forcing you to pay monthly if you don't want to see the puppy drown.

Really, really obvious to me but equally obvious is that a lot pf people are expressing opinions on things they barely understand while simultaneously proving why the con game will always eat well.

Just to make it clear: Even if games like Star Citizen release and even if they are good, they will never, EVER, justify the exploitive things they've done to get there nor the people they leave behind as victims who aren't even socially intelligence enough to understand they're victims.

THAT is why people hate them.


New Member
Dec 11, 2018
yea I tried that in the past but I prefer doing it in posts. less time consuming, leaves more time for work.. but if you guys think it could help make such dev updates more approachable I could give it another go.

The better the communication, the less fuel for the fire in threads like this, but only up to a point. Even just listing out what is being worked on other than animations would honestly be the best way to start off a dev update, in what would hopefully be the first of many.

I don't like grilling developers. Doesn't feel good and I don't want to be one of the many straws that breaks a camels back. But after the most recent update, it amounted to only animations when the discussion here has been that there is zero movement towards anything that resembles gameplay - furthering adding fuel to an already bad discussion.

However you may feel about me or any other poster here, you have to at least be self aware that it (latest update) kind of fell right into the worst things people are saying about this project.

Telling is fine, but showing is better. And if you have something new (not just a new animation) in-game to show, then why not promote it?

...for a game all about people fucking, at least tease the players with something lol


Feb 26, 2019
I think scam is generally the wrong word, and people know it so they try to wiggle in and like to pretend they're smart when they pivot their own empty counter-argument on bad word choice(cough @adamrekkler cough).

The games are actual products with real teams and real development. They are just exploiting their fandom and hype maliciously and by intent through the means in which they are going through production.
Looking at both Wild Life and Star Citizen, there isn't a single case where I personally felt exploited in anyway. These games offered something I thought was interesting and so I play them.

I've said it a billion times already now, but I don't care if it's your money to do whatever with or if you somehow think you're a genius because you spent $300+ 'supporting' a game that's going to be $10 if it ever even releases that has spent 3 times as long in development and earned 10 times the budget of indie masterpieces like Terraria, Stardew Valley, Lethal League, Hollow Knight, all with a larger team in most cases, just to release at best a mediocre game. You're still being exploited and used like the sheep you are, and there's a reason why people intervene in unhealthy stockholme syndrome toxic relationships like this.
This is something you see especially with Star Citizen and surprisingly quite a bit here in this Wild Life thread. People that like to make victims out of a game's supporters. I'll never understand this take or why it's hard to accept the fact that people just enjoy the game without having been preyed on by developers. If you think (x) game is mediocre that's cool, but that does not mean people are somehow mentally stunted to where they can't use their better judgement to see whether developers are trying to take advantage of them, they simply like the game. Being an armchair Doctor/Psychologist diagnosing people with x,y,z won't change that no matter how strongly you feel on the subject.

Also annoys me that people act as if these games wouldn't exist without them (the sheer arrogance...) when 99% of the games in existence today, ero or otherwise, exist without exploitive crowdfunding.

Following the game and liking the idea or whatever incomplete chunklet is there is utterly irrelevant. 90% of the reason why it's even a problem is BECAUSE developers are holding something interesting ransom and forcing you to pay monthly if you don't want to see the puppy drown.
What do you think is being held ransom by developers of WL and Star Citizen?

Just to make it clear: Even if games like Star Citizen release and even if they are good, they will never, EVER, justify the exploitive things they've done to get there nor the people they leave behind as victims who aren't even socially intelligence enough to understand they're victims.
THAT is why people hate them.
This kind of take reads to me as, "I'm right and even if I'm wrong, I'm still right". Regardless of what a game does, people that view games with this mentality will always find issue with something, nothing will satisfy them. It reminds me of the situation with Cyberpunk. Everyone knows Cyberpunk had a rocky launch, and despite the game improving over the years you still have people swearing it's a horrible game and making callbacks to its launch to justify the hate. Nothing the developers do will ever make these people happy. It was interesting seeing how the overall outlook on Cyberpunk changed around the time Phantom Liberty dropped and all the comparisons between it and Starfield started happening as people began playing it themselves and discovering Cyberpunk is actually a good game rather than believing opinions from people that will never be happy.

I believe Squadron 42 and Star Citizen will be the same case.

You mentioned how you hate how some people believe they're geniuses for supporting (x), but have you considered the reverse with people taking annoyance by those acting like they're smarter for choosing not to support? The idea that people who willing choose to support these games are victims is already demeaning and downplaying their intelligence. It's hypocritical. I do think there are issues with SC and definitely some things that can be seen as exploitive - the ship paints for example, although you can buy them in-game with in-game currency, they have shown off a more player controlled system years ago, but instead we still get sold basic ship paints for stupid prices - these kinds of things are called out repeatedly by the same community you're painting as victims. The same community that's being painted as victims are the same people to call out CIG and flood the forums with nothing but criticism when something iffy happens.

People just enjoy these games, people want to see them succeed. That doesn't make them blind to issues, that doesn't mean they have stockholm syndrome, it doesn't mean they suffer from sunk cost fallacy, it doesn't mean any of the things people try to prescribe. That could be the case for some people, but not the majority of the playerbases. Be realistic.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2021
The idea that people who willing choose to support these games are victims is already demeaning and downplaying their intelligence. It's hypocritical.
No, they really have low intelligence and self control, so I don't think it is hypocritical.

I do think there are issues with SC and definitely some things that can be seen as exploitive - the ship paints for example, although you can buy them in-game with in-game currency, they have shown off a more player controlled system years ago, but instead we still get sold basic ship paints for stupid prices - these kinds of things are called out repeatedly by the same community you're painting as victims.
These "victims" then proceed to buy those paints as if that's what a normal person would do. Oh by the way this behavior is not exclusive to SC suckers. We see the same behavior with basically any multiplayer game that has microtransactions. Some are even based around exploiting people to their (wallet's)limit.

The same community that's being painted as victims are the same people to call out CIG and flood the forums with nothing but criticism when something iffy happens.
The same community also makes youtube videos about how awesome SC is one day after "flooding the forums with criticism".

People just enjoy these games, people want to see them succeed. That doesn't make them blind to issues, that doesn't mean they have stockholm syndrome, it doesn't mean they have sunk cost fallacy, it doesn't mean any of the things people try to prescribe.
It literally means those; these people really do lack self control and are not intelligent enough to research and find how they are being exploited.

That could be the case for some people, but not the majority of the playerbase. Be realistic.
Some people? Lmao, you have no idea what you are talking about. There is an entire gaming genre that revolves around exploiting people to the limit and it is called "gacha". Guess what happens with the "community" in these games? They are literally exactly same as those SC suckers you are describing. They too flood forums with "criticism" but they also buy every new "waifu" that comes out, instantly.
Mar 18, 2018
I'm kind of tired of listening to this thread go in circles with "scam this" and "scam that" and move the topic to something cool like RANKING ALL THE GOATMEN-SKELETON CHARACTERS IN THE GAME IN TERMS OF WHO'D YOU DATE



May 3, 2018
I'm kind of tired of listening to this thread go in circles with "scam this" and "scam that" and move the topic to something cool like RANKING ALL THE GOATMEN-SKELETON CHARACTERS IN THE GAME IN TERMS OF WHO'D YOU DATE

Most of the characters have the same animation. There is no new animation. Its a copy and paste


Active Member
Jun 24, 2018
Not going to waste my time addressing most of your post since it's basically a long-winded "nuh uh, I'm no victim, I'd definitely know it if I were" as you sit there shuffling nervously with a black eye.

But I did want to come in here and stare in utter disbelief at your 'be realistic' glib. I am beyond realistic, you're the one living a literal delusion lmao. If you're confused as to why people are raising their eyebrows at people like you, then you either didn't read my post or let your brain shelter you from the hard truth.

Either way, I do fully admit my complaining is ultimately pointless, because I don't think people like you can ever be helped without serious regulation changes, same for gacha games and similar predatory practices in the gaming industry... But I'm tired of people saying variations of "it's not a big deal" only to watch a dude on stream slowly realize he spent $15k USD for a statistically different weapon that looks the same as the basic one for a game that will eventually shut down and start crying, right there, on stream. Even if that's not you, you're enabling people like that and just don't seem to care. In my eyes, that makes you just as bad as the soulless corps doing all these predatory practices.

Some people really need a firm helping hand, personally I think it should be to slap them across the face instead of hold them back at the chest, but hey, whatever.

Just don't blame me for shaking my head at your back and wondering where the people who care about you are in your life to teach you better. Or that these developers lack any sense of morality, or, at the very best, reasonable amounts of competence.
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Feb 26, 2019
I am not sure why but it slow in my system. I can play GTA 5 smoothly bytheway. Is there a solution??
This game could still use some optimization so it might not be an issue with your PC and could just be the game itself. What are your specs and what resolution and settings are you running?


Feb 26, 2019
Not going to waste my time addressing most of your post since it's basically a long-winded "nuh uh, I'm no victim, I'd definitely know it if I were" as you sit there shuffling nervously with a black eye.

But I did want to come in here and stare in utter disbelief at your 'be realistic' glib. I am beyond realistic, you're the one living a literal delusion lmao. If you're confused as to why people are raising their eyebrows at people like you, then you either didn't read my post or let your brain shelter you from the hard truth.
This is just a whole lot of, "I'm right and you're wrong". You form your opinions and pass them off as fact then when faced with a counterargument you go, "well you're just too far gone/blind to see what I'm talking about!" . You're free to believe what you want, but as much as you hate it people will still enjoy the games they enjoy and life will continue.

Either way, I do fully admit my complaining is ultimately pointless, because I don't think people like you can ever be helped without serious regulation changes, same for gacha games and similar predatory practices in the gaming industry... But I'm tired of people saying variations of "it's not a big deal" only to watch a dude on stream slowly realize he spent $15k USD for a statistically different weapon that looks the same as the basic one for a game that will eventually shut down and start crying, right there, on stream. Even if that's not you, you're enabling people like that and just don't seem to care. In my eyes, that makes you just as bad as the soulless corps doing all these predatory practices.

Some people really need a firm helping hand, personally I think it should be to slap them across the face instead of hold them back at the chest, but hey, whatever.

Just don't blame me for shaking my head at your back and wondering where the people who care about you are in your life to teach you better. Or that these developers lack any sense of morality, or, at the very best, reasonable amounts of competence.
The amount of projection and assumption in this blurb is crazy.

Your whole argument that I'm some kind of victim for enjoying the game goes out the window considering I bought the game when I was a HS student back in 2016~ and haven't spent any money on it since, yet I've still enjoyed the game over the years. That's 9 years on and off of playing and getting more than my moneys worth, but yeah sure, my life sure is in shambles and the people around me definitely are wondering where everything went wrong /s

In the meantime I'll continue playing the games I want to play and you can keep telling me and others how we're victims and being preyed on by x,y,z developers. I'm sure with you being so much smarter than everyone else , your message will eventually get through.
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