
Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
do you have info on when they will release this version on steam? previous version is really really good already imo.. cant wait for this one.
From their discord: "This comes with lots of patch notes and fixes, because of this you can expect the Steam Release to be delayed slightly to the middle of October to give us time to fix up more issues."
Is the UE5 beta the latest one? And another question, is creampie a thing in this game, it seems like every time I have male-female sex and the act is finished there is no semen being seen in the vagina. I'm sorry if this is intended lol, I'm more of a creampie man LOL
The UE5 beta is the latest version available on Steam, but a new one should be incoming soon. As for visual creampies, that's not really a thing afaik. The latest Patreon version did just get messy leftovers for external ejaculation though, but even that doesn't stick around post-scene from what I saw.
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Feb 15, 2020
i have started a new game in UE5 the hell do i do character creation stuff the female character is in a hidous mask outfit


Jun 27, 2019
i have started a new game in UE5 the hell do i do character creation stuff the female character is in a hidous mask outfit
Complete the main missions and you will eventually meet sorceress where you can create your own character at an oblesik or whatever its called


Jul 4, 2018
sorry if i sound like a zoomer but at this point i just gotta point this out:

Inhouse development definition widely vary from consumer definitions and the consumer known alpha/beta/release/gold status isinsanely ambigous ,and just doesnt fit this lets extrapolate
if alpha means proof of concept, then this is an alpha by the virtue ofbeing nothing more.
Years late, but just checking this game out now.
But alpha/beta status were and are clearly defined. They're just misused CONSTANTLY.

Working backwards:
A released game is 100% complete. It's done. If you play through the game, you don't ever reach some point where it's obvious that there's something missing. When expansions/etc get added, any additions are layer over the existing game, or new areas/zones/etc.
A beta game is feature complete, but still existing in the content development phase. That is, during beta, no new mechanics, gameplay loops, or major aspects of the game are going to be added.
An alpha game is feature incomplete. It doesn't matter whether it's in in-house testing, closed testing, open testing, or early access for sale. If there are features left to add/change, it's not complete.
A pre-alpha game is one that is not yet in the testing phases. So, as soon as a game is put on EA, it cannot be pre-alpha anymore, because you are allowing the public to test your game - and, presumably, you've done actual gameplay testing yourself to make sure the players aren't going to be paying you $$$ and crashing constantly due to bugs.

So you have a game, and you put in a temporary stat system until you get around to re-doing it, just so you can let people play the game. That game is in alpha. Once you re-do the stat system, it's in beta. You can rebalance the stats, but being in beta is a promise that you're not planning to add new stats, or re-do the entire system again.


Anyways, semantics over, so far, I'm pleasantly impressed by the game - though EA ("Forever alpha") for over 3 years now doesn't make me too keen on actually buying it.

Very much looks like this is just going to be another slow-development game that gets strung along forever, with the devs doing the minimum amount of work to keep it looking "in progress". 2 months of work, with an update list that is basically "added 5 minutes of new content, 3 menu buttons, and fix a grass model" isn't the kind of EA I want to support with a purchase.

If you're going to make a game, and put a price tag on that game BEFORE the game is finished, to me, that means you should be working on the game full-time (at LEAST 30 hours/week), and cranking those updates out much faster - as well as hiring people to assist with getting the game out faster if it has the financial support to do so.

If you can't complete your game in 2-3 years of work, then you either need to hire more people, or delay asking/begging for money.
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Magister Masquerade

Sojourn in Slumber
Jun 24, 2018
For a pretty well funded and sizable team of industry veterans, they sure are taking their time. This isn't a AAA game yet they're spending AAA time.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
I'm a bit curious, how well-funded they are and how many people are on their team?
There are five or so people. For funding, the best you can do is look up guesses on sites like graphtreon and then make super rough guesses to account for taxes, fees like currency conversion and steam/patreon's take, and how much they spend on the software they're using.

They seem to be making a fair amount, but certainly not enough money that I would be comfortable doing nothing were I in their place.

Magister Masquerade

Sojourn in Slumber
Jun 24, 2018
I'm a bit curious, how well-funded they are and how many people are on their team?
I don't know their exact size, but it seems to be bigger than the 5 the TheInternetIsForThis believes on their actual development team unless something changed. I bought the game on Steam already to support them ages ago, and I remember them saying they were doing incredibly well to the point where they were trying coax former colleagues from the standard gaming industry over to their team.

I don't think Patraeon is their only source of funding either (I believe they said they took out standard business loans before), but certainly since you can both buy it on Steam OR their support platforms, it's much higher than we think.

My point was that they are aiming for a AA quality game, have funding other devs only dream of, and are all veterans from the industry who prior game development experience.

I know game development isn't uniform, but I'm a pragmatic guy so once you start crossing a bunch of reference points I start raising my eyes. There have been other games with smaller teams and less money that have completely finished in the team they've taken to not even reach the halfway point.

Engine remakes/ports are also a common patreon milking trick and leave a bad taste in my mouth, as it essentially allows them to remake already done content and charge for it while giving them an excuse to take longer. And based on a ton of developers from the SFW industry, swapping to Unreal 5 mid-development is catastrophically moronic as you're basically starting from scratch AND have to learn a completely new engine since 5 is so different.

Would explain why they can't even reach parity between the two versions yet and why they're even bothering to develop content for their Unreal 4 engine (I honestly don't have any knowledge about this, so they might have a good reason.)

Not pointing a finger at the devs yet, but I am waggling it. I only check out the game when the Steam version updates since that's where I am own it, and each update has become increasingly depressing. Their graphteon is also insane... They could be potentially earning half a mil a year on top of Steam purchases, and if you know how indie game dev works, likely already had most of their funding through investment, indie dev funds, or business loans.

Dunno, I feel like after 5 years the game should be near done, not approaching parity with an old version that's maybe 1/4 of the way there if we're generous.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
I don't know their exact size, but it seems to be bigger than the 5 the TheInternetIsForThis believes on their actual development team unless something changed. I bought the game on Steam already to support them ages ago, and I remember them saying they were doing incredibly well to the point where they were trying coax former colleagues from the standard gaming industry over to their team.
The game explicitly started with four developers (Echo, Gargleham, Z, and one other whose name is escaping me at the moment). They've since brought on Bob as an "Associate Developer" and Pelorix as a writer, . They also hire out for assets, mostly in the form of animation and voice acting. Those are also credited separately and appear to be working on a commission basis or similar rather than being direct team members.

So while there are more people whose work has gone into the game, the actual development team is very, very small.

As for sources of funding, substar plays second fiddle to Patreon by quite a lot, and Steam is one-time purchasing and thus has a significantly lower impact than Patreon for similar reasons.


New Member
Nov 12, 2020
Anytime i download it says i dont have a patreon, theres a no patreon version? or am i doing it wrong?
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