
Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
I completely understand, and it is true, some folks just will not care at all if the initial premise in the first year of development, just devolves... Not all, but I'm sure plenty of folks out there just skip through the story anyway, just to get to the erotic content...

Really, the reason so many folks are buggered about how things are going in the recent year, is that this VN seems to be losing some of it's focus... The first week of in-game content, even though it did have a lot of characters, still had plenty of focused content on most of the primary characters... It showed a lot of promise in how it's story progressed, how it was told, how meaningful it felt with many of the characters... But with the advent of so many new characters, and the latest content only briefly involving a minor amount of story about the characters people fell in love with from Week 1... It feels like this project has in a sense changed gears... Stretching out the story lines for the original characters, into thin wafers, while force feeding us a bunch of other characters that don't feel as well developed as the originals... I would have to hazard a guess that most were never intended to be in the story, and are basically just being added to make some quick cash...

Perhaps some folks want that, and could really care less about the story, or could care less about any promise that first week had... I just think it's a shame the developers are deciding to take what might have been a great story and choosing to instead just milk the project through the selling of custom content voting rights, personalized custom characters, and other money making gimmicks... With the futures only real unique premise of this project being a highly lengthy future of pointless characters thrown at the audience, some occasional short erotic content, a ever thinning main story, and very little else... If it continues like that, eventually the story telling will just become this chaotic mess...

Only reason I looked past the lower quality visuals is because I thought the story in Week 1 was fun and interesting... Week 2's visuals have actually degraded slightly from week 1's visuals, along with the thinning story lines...

I don't hate this VN... But I do feel sorry for what I'm beginning to see happening in both the story telling and the lack of focus... And it shouldn't matter if it's a pirated copy or not... The point of this thread is to have conversations about this project... To talk about the good things, the bad things, or even showing indifference... I'm not asking you to agree with me... Just voicing my thoughts and opinions along side my fellow community members...

Yeah the biggest hook for me early doors was it was the Sensei, his family, his specific class of students plus a small smattering of random neighbours and friends of the family. Still a sizable cast but a lot of development was given to the characters so whilst you've barely seen say Miku or Neko at all in the entire third week you know who they are and actually a good bit of detail on them from time spent with them in past episodes but most of the new ones - without cheating now answer us this random Ecchi Sensei fans...

What is the name of the girl you bumped into sweeping the corridor that one time?
Or the name of the girl who lost her glasses in the gym?
Or the girl who was running in the corridor and bumped into Sensei?
Or the twins with the horns who are in the martial arts club?
Or the homeless girl?
Without looking them up - do you know who Jenny is? Or Rui? or Reiya?

Maybe we will spend hours with them in next updates but honestly do we care enough about them that we would rather just not bother and instead see more of the delicious red heads next door (Kaede was presented as one of the primary paths you got day one... it was her or Tomoe. Tomoe has since become a marriage prospect to the Sensei and has had oodles of time with him but Kaede has all but vanished without a trace despite being considered one of the what 18 main characters by the OPs own listings). I actually really miss the classes where you of course were not getting sex scenes but Sensei taught and interacted with all of them soon getting an affection for them all and interest in the banned students to expand it. It was a focus which has been dropped since week one often now classes are a one throwaway sentence.

Now don't get me wrong I one hundred percent DISAGREE with this strange sentiment that the dev is milking patrons or money. That couldn't be further from the truth - is the T8s being added en masse over saturating the character list? Yes but I don't grudge either the devs for adding more characters nor the patrons getting a proper legit return for that kind of money (good on them I say) but I do feel its been too much too soon. There are over 30 T8s already and thats more than most fully completely adult games on this site offer lol - why add so many so soon? Why not say 5 per in game week with focus on them to develop them so we want more of them just as much as their own patrons? I think there could be a hundred no issue given how many days the devs are planning on creating for the game so whats the rush.

Execution has been a bit iffy in that regards but you know something it could easily be a case of month one release adding in more scenes to flesh more of them out so its more a case you you see a character and instantly think 'ah her, shes the sister of another love interest and maybe even has the same kink of getting turned on by smell. I know already from proper development that she is a very fast athlete, does not attend the school, has an interest in the sensei and Is potential track and field rival for Mao who has had heavy development in getting back into that'. Ill bet far more of you know straight away just from that who im talking about because of the level of development vs my referencing a different girl sweeping a floor who has gotten none at all.

Whats the incest in this?
Pretty much you think of it and the game provides it from the mother to the daughters to the sister to likely even soon the niece.

harem - king

Feb 26, 2018
That's odd, I'm pretty sure I remember giving Mika a good fuck when Matsu checked out the swim club sometime in week 3? Or I could be misremembering. Kaede is a case where we've fucked her mom and her lil sis and have seen Kaede or she seen us naked twice now, but she is totally uncomfortable with sex. She's not gonna be a quick fuck like some other girls. She's the prim and proper good girl after all. And while we haven't advanced with her sexually yet, it felt damn good telling off her mom finally.

EDIT: Yeah, definitely got some Mika time in week 3.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
That's odd, I'm pretty sure I remember giving Miku a good fuck when Matsu checked out the swim club sometime in week 3? Or I could be misremembering. Kaede is a case where we've fucked her mom and her lil sis and have seen Kaede or she seen us naked twice now, but she is totally uncomfortable with sex. She's not gonna be a quick fuck like some other girls. She's the prim and proper good girl after all. And while we haven't advanced with her sexually yet, it felt damn good telling off her mom finally.
Yes there is an Anal scene of all things with Miku at the swim club but after being so predominant in week one you ironically see far less of her after not only guaranteeing her placement at school but also after getting her a job at the club. She goes from constantly meeting the sensei at school and hanging out with Himiko to neither happening anymore (in fact Himiko now only really associates with science club regulars as far as I can tell) but you also no longer Can get scenes where you have dinner with students (like classroom scenes these seem to have been abandoned with instead one sentence references of him eating with certain students).

The anal swim scene just feels out of nowhere - she just happened to be there when you did and with little prompting you talk her into her first ever penetrative experience then quickly bugger off and leave her again lol. Felt the first week at least they were building things up with her, he even had thoughts in regards to corrupting her but it looks like hes already succeeded. She was hinted as being something of a love struck stalker in week 2 as well as using Himiko to get close to him in week one and was dressing slutty to seduce him (as well as getting threatened by Fuyu over her interest In him then too) but all that has been dropped and hes just kinda won already. Shes corrupted, is making less effort and so he doesn't need to nor does the story have to. It was anti-climatic. She was also at Art club arguing with some of the other rarely seen students (T8s no less which was a good thing at least IMO) but I think that was about it week 3 with her.

Ive no issue with the slow build up to finally having sex with her but lets compare her to Tomoe as the game literally made you choose between them at the start on day one. Can we honestly say there has even been close to as much Kaede story and development as there has been with Tomoe? Whom of course has had content featuring everything from secret places to chill with the sensei, multiple threesomes, family dinners, secret BJs at class, several martial arts club scenarios, is a member of the club we're guaranteed to be seeing much more of (as it has also not just got Mao but Fuyu present as well as several other Sensei class reps and a big martial arts content on horizon hes training them up for) or and of course all the dedicated storyline given to the banned students drama.

What has Kaeda had compared to all that? There isnt even much on the horizon for Kaede i can think of. The barely mentioned graffitti vandal? the rarely seen Disciplinary club? (of which when seen tend to be other members instead of her haha) or maybe her family? (who all get plenty of scenes and often are seen with each other but rarely her). I suppose defending her over her mothers jibes is a start but not seeing how it can develop into any big storyline going forward nor with Aki manager arc, same with shower scenes so far or the first kiss. Not a lot going on that i can see but thats just my opinion. Maybe BC simply is more passionate about writing other characters who have a bit more definded characteristsics to build on.
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May 9, 2018
Still not giving up on a hope to turn Fuyu into my personal cum dumpster by progressing her corruption story. But I guess creator gave up on that path D:


Apr 7, 2020
ok folks i am not going to say the devs are milking there patrons or story is bad or anything cuz i dont even played the first day (i am not going to play it with the current pacing and the gaol set for this game to be completed omg)

i have read zippitys review and comments from them i have the feeling that this Game/VN is going to take like atleast 24 years to complete 12 if dev hire like a dozen of peaple(and thats not gonna happen)

i am like free 24/7 free due to this covid-19 situation so i play these VNs more often. otherwise i am a student and i focus on my studies then these VNs but play them time to time. But next year i am going graduate and will find some work and get busy in my practical life and if i played this VN i am going miss this one because i will have no time for this shit. the reason why i am telling you this is cuz this is the story of every other player in this site. i mean only a few of you going to die while reading a VN others are gonna move to their lives get busy

so if some one is here for only meaningless sex scenes then this VN is good for you but if you are here for the story then i have a feeling either this VN is going to be abandoned or take like 20 years to complete(ofcourse with the current development pacing)

i personally pass on this one cuz i dont like uncompleted stories

sorry for my engrish not my native language
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Deleted member 1906916

Active Member
Jan 1, 2020
It just came to me if you got the dm patch your basically fucking under age girls mmmmm and you get rape to so there that as well . back to fixing my broken cock tks to this game oh who your favorite characters so far my r Fuyu,Tomore,Tara and Ina


Nov 21, 2018
So i have completed day 14 and moving on to day 15, but the dark mind patch doesn't have day 15-21 patch, it has 15-17,18-19 and 20-21, what should i download?


Sep 22, 2017
kind of a random question, does anyone know the name of the song that plays over the week 1 menu?

edit: nvmd, went through every song in the gallery and I must have just missed it the first couple of times
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Engaged Member
Jan 7, 2018
how to change pet name there is only a option for mc name in ingame config
Use the arrows next to the MC's picture than go to the end you will see Fufu's picture with her pet name for MC but if your looking for Saki's pet name for her love rod than there isn't an option unless I've missed it somewhere.
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New Member
May 28, 2019
Hi! This has probably been answered before but I can't find it mentioned in the thread. Anyway, I just finished week 1 and started week 2 and ... the MC's name reverts to the original and appears that none of the characters stats have transferred over. Did I miss a crucial step? Playing week 2 like this is like playing a different game. How can I fix this or can I? Thanks for any help.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
I agree with the previous posts about there being way too many girls. Frankly, I can't remember hardly anyone outside the family members and a couple of the main side-girls. But at the same time, I think it's on purpose. If they actually want this game to have an entire year of content, you need to have a lot of characters so you can actually reach that amount of content. I don't think they're milking or anything like that, although I generally dislike selling characters to patrons.

I think this game is meant to be a fuck-em-all harem game, not a realistic story based game. Most of the girls don't have their own plots, they're just there for sex content and to fill up the game world. The only important characters are the family members and maybe 3-5 of the other girls IMO.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
I agree with the previous posts about there being way too many girls. Frankly, I can't remember hardly anyone outside the family members and a couple of the main side-girls. But at the same time, I think it's on purpose. If they actually want this game to have an entire year of content, you need to have a lot of characters so you can actually reach that amount of content. I don't think they're milking or anything like that, although I generally dislike selling characters to patrons.

I think this game is meant to be a fuck-em-all harem game, not a realistic story based game. Most of the girls don't have their own plots, they're just there for sex content and to fill up the game world. The only important characters are the family members and maybe 3-5 of the other girls IMO.
My thoughts too but as said why add them all now? If it's a whole in game year do we need to meet 100 of them in the first three weeks? It's kinda over saturated things and if your day a Neko fan then lol as randoms adding since then are getting screen time to be introduced instead which takes up dev time and people are already whinging about GB sizes (of which most could have been snipped as well by time x girl appears again no one remembers her being added in first place as it was so long ago - unless maybe new players marathon playing). I applaud the ambition but the execution shows things are maybe getting out of hand too fast and meantime your literally only sleeping with same characters in every single update repeatedly despite all of them wanting to bang the sensei and in some cases have been demanding it for weeks in game haha


New Member
May 28, 2019
Make a save after the last decision in week 1.
Then transfer over your save file from week 1 /game/saves folder to week 2 /game/saves folder ... Start the game and load the last save from week 1.

Saves are also located in x:\users\Your Name\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\... But try your saves located in ...\ES main\game\saves first.

Edit: AppData is hidden... You need to show all hidden objects in your explorer.
Thanks that did it. I should have known better.
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Apr 13, 2019
Skipped through most of this update, the sex is mainly with the older women (which is exactly the opposite of what I thought this vn was about, mc goes to new school and has loads of young students who it turns out are only interested in giving him bj's and don't want anything from him, but he mainly has sex with the adults who keep appearing, what!!!!) they keep adding more and the rediculous amount of bj's with the younger students is starting to get boring (another bj "yawn") and somehow anal sex with them is ok because it's not really sex, it looks like because there is no motherly incest like most games to be dragged out for months then you will have to wait for sex with most of the students and Himiko, or maybe they are too worried to implement sex with the younger students. Think I can live without the bj's, do you know how many that will be in a year, great idea for a vn but lost the plot so time to move on.


Mar 31, 2020
Does anyone else feel like episodes are really being rushed since about day 15? We used to see the entire day, now we get narrative saying "and Matsu did this and this and this....." instead of actual scenes. And why are a few characters just vanishing, like Akina from the Neko Club, she is just gone without a trace, her an Nikki would have been really cute together? I love the story and characters but it feels like BlueCat is now really rushing the story. And from a Patron supporter, not cool! Just my 2 cents.

Deleted member 1906916

Active Member
Jan 1, 2020
If your willing to spend about $500 a month you get and i quote "Extra Extra Screentime for your Creation" and people think Blue cat not milking for cash yeah right. Love week 1 and the past time it added back story for the mc and rest as well
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harem - king

Feb 26, 2018
And why are a few characters just vanishing, like Akina from the Neko Club, she is just gone without a trace, her an Nikki would have been really cute together? I love the story and characters but it feels like BlueCat is now really rushing the story. And from a Patron supporter, not cool! Just my 2 cents.
Well, for one Akina doesn't really feel like a character that cares all that much about sexual harassment (she didn't really do anything when Nikki was being molested during the club) so I'm not sure how you could get Akina and Nikki together in a scene, at least not until the next Neko Club, and I'm pretty sure sure Matsu already has slotted in a day for the next Neko Club visit.

I think one issue with T8 characters (and Akina is a T8 character, my personal favorite out of them all) is that if the person who proposed the T8 character drops their pledge then their character is almost certainly going to be buried if not completely forgotten. So yes, there will be characters that will likely just disappear after their short introduction I'm sure.

I don't really understand what 'rushing the story' means, but I do think that Matsu doesn't have the infinite amount of time between classes and after school that he seemingly had in the first 10 days or so. I don't personally mind the short narrative bits as it's just a shortcut/timersaver and so far there hasn't been much 'skipped' that would have benefited from the full scene being playing out.
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