Doesn't work that way as a comparison, unfortunately.
Firstly, premade components that are made to order to interlink exactly as designed are a far cry from premade components that do their own thing and need to be rebuilt to interlink, especially when the broken parts and jank of them need to be entirely reworked so they don't stick out like a sore thumb.
Secondly, Latecomer is a single person who is doing several other projects himself and has been noted continuously and consistantly, from a casual googling, as being very busy; not a vast array of employees who have been working in the industry and specifically with the premade components method to make them properly modular and interlink them from step 1. While they've been doing this for years, I don't think I'd put them at the same level as professional employees who work for a single company and specialize in that specific line of work, working on a single job site until it is done and only then moving on. EDIT: Especially after the remarks I've seen in these last few pages about how the machine translation is better than Latecomer's, since apparently not just coding but also translation was their purview; that to me especially doesn't bode well, especially as how coding is so specific with ensuring that you get the spelling and in-language grammar correct.
Thirdly, Dukez even acknowledged that it was a total hackjob (just spent 20+ minutes looking for this merge and info on it, a link would've been nice considering all the posts made, even by Dukez himself, with the word "merge" in it, and with little else to go off of, that broad search is what I had to use to hunt down anything; ended up with as reference for this), with him just slapping the jank together with rough code. By the simple definition of a merge, yes, it is, but it obviously is not what was desired, and a roughly merged product would require even more work to get it into order for the bugs and jank to be properly resolved as well. Better to fix things and rework everything to be modular to begin with, and then merge all those components together. Dukez mentioned in another post that most likely this is what is being done too, but silently behind the scenes. It's mostly just a lack of communication that ends up with people guessing and angry and frankly, y'all've every right to be angry about the lack of communication and updates.
Anyways, my comment wasn't about the game itself or trying to defend Bluecat's bullshit, only pointing out that your comparisons were terribly made and only used surface-level information to bolster your argument when looking just beyond the surface shows how incompatible it was with the point you're trying to make.