The story premise is good, but unreal and rushed. In real life if you live in a city, unless it is a very large Metropolis like New York or others, there is no way you're going to not see someone or hear about someone who looks just like you. No officer of any law organization will ever recruit someone just because they "look" like someone if they are a total civillian, that is asking for way too many problems and will always end in failure, and the enemy thinking they killed you and reappearing is just getting someone else killed. Organized crime (Mafia) have certain rules to follow, and one of them is if you are supposed to be dead, you die, period, end of story. There is no realistic way to write around that, no one gets a pass because they lived, not even Harry Potter.
The looks of the one daughter, either Jasper or Sapphire is in what is known as The Uncanny Valley, where it looks close enough to be real, but just wrong enough to provoke an unconscious bias against it, as a former artist the answer why is simple, her eyes are way too close together. Watch a couple how to draw faces on youtube and you will see what proper proportions are and why they work that way unless there is a deformity.
The sex scene with the wife was mostly ok, but there was one problem with it, near the end you switched camera positions too often, either focus on the whole, or the individual, don't switch back and forth between them constantly unless you want to cause a seizure. Straighten out the scene to watching the genitals move for awhile, then to the whole body or vice versa, but that constant switching back and forth looks bad.
With those things in mind you can write the story you want, but you're going to run into a writing problem later if you ignore them, I hope I have given you some constructive criticisms to work with, and good luck with your game.