
Jun 9, 2017
I think it's mainly due to the long grind to increase the relationships and the rushed, abrupt ending.
Could you please tell me, what is exactly in the ending? Is it really so bad? Does Melinda's child was from MC? From earlier posts I discovered, that there is avoidable NTR, and it would be stupid and cruel from devs to won't let MC be the father (atleast biological), cant believe pregnancy points was just wasted mechanic. Thanks


Active Member
Feb 19, 2020
This game is one of a most-viewed game on this site. But I'm wondering why this game has low ratings?
Well I will speak of my experience. I've followed this game since early on. Originally it was somewhat interesting but as the development went on the grind became painfully repetitive. You needed a WT just to get anywhere and the WT was never fully up to date because the Developer kept adding things and removing others. Even the final WT is out of sync with the final game version. There were a number of updates that required a restart either because the updates were so far apart you forgot what was happening or because of the changes the developer made to the game. The game turned into a sandbox grindfest that really never advanced the main story much. Instead it focused on ticking off as many fetish scenes as the developer could stuff into the game including non-avoidable stuff like urination and defecation. The M/C was a total beta wanker and the times he tried to act like an alpha were laughable and pathetic. I finally shit canned the game after all that I stuck through to get to v5.0 only to have somehow missed a trigger to get the endings to play. I am done with this mess. On the positive side, if you are willing to endure through the grind you do get some steamy fap scenes with decent renders if you are into chubby chicks (Rhonda), annoying bossy bitchy chicks (Ann) or Hippopotamus sized big assed and big tittied MILFS (Melinda). There's also a couple of gals that could qualify as Lolis (Andrea & The yoga instructor's daughter). There's plenty of MILF orgies once you unlock them and a GILF thrown in early on as well. I think the Rhonda and Melinda characters are what drove the interest in the game until folks just could not take the grind anymore.
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Mar 22, 2021
Here is my FOTM I v12 WT, FOTM II WT and v10 holiday standalone

The v12 part in my wt was made while i was using my v11 completed final save

whats in my v12 walkthrough zip file

a text document of the walkthrough itself
2 images, 1 showing you the locations of the wedding ring, stones/hide eggs and worms, the 2nd one showing you where the hole is at in your bathroom
MY V12 WT is out of sync, use it as a reference

what's in my v10 standalone zip file
the WT and 2 images showing you the hot spots to click on

What's in my FOTM II WT zip file
3 images, one showing where the worms and trap are at , 1 showing where the 2 new hot spots are at and 1 showing where the peep hole is at in your bathroom, along with the wt

Because of the changes that was made between v1.0 and v2.0 for FOTM 2, i had to remake the whole wt, so now both versions are blended in together, there is no start and end for either versions in the wt, best to start over

saves go in

if you want to move it to a different spot or page or page and spot here's how
1-1-LT1.save, the first 1 is the page number, the 2nd 1 is the spot on the page
1-1-LT1.save, i want to keep it on page 1 but move it to spot 4 so i will rename it to, 1-4-LT1.save
i want to move it to page 2 spot 3, then i will rename it to 2-3-LT1.save

for mac, i have know idea since i don't own a mac

Remember, if you want the galleries unlocked when using my saves, you will need to move the persistent file over as well to the saves folder

FOTM 1 Saves
from start to end of v12 with galleries

FOTM 2 Saves
v2.0 complete save
v3.0 completed save, save is at the melinda sex scene, once you finish that scene, the game will take you to the main menu.
There is no scene repeat for v3.0
v4.0 completed save

always delete the FootOfTheMoutains folder in C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Roaming\RenPy
for mac and android, i don't know the location of that folder

why delete that folder?
The files in that folder will cause you problems
1) if you played it before then decided to follow my wt with a new game, delete that folder first, or you will have problems
2) when using my saves and you are following my wt, delete that folder or you will have problems

I ALWAYS delete that folder with every update or when i'm starting a new game and want to follow my own wt, so i wont have any problems and things will trigger like they should
So this is my first time using another save file.
Is this supposed to give me a save where loading that particular save would allow me to play all unlocked scenes in this particular game?
It unlocked the gallery for me but that's just pictures.....


Jul 29, 2020
I played through the FoTM1-v12 and finished all the available content and still wasn't able to get any far with any of the characters (I only got to teasing/voyeur scenes). And now I've downloaded FOTM2-v5(and played through one day) expecting more grinding and slow escalation for each scene(picking up from where the first game left), but the game let's you fuck pretty much all the characters right away [One of the characters(the doctor), I didn't even get the chance to have any interactions with in the first game.]. I feel like I've missed a huge chunk of the first game(the story in the middle of the two games).

Is there another game between the two games? or..

Was there full on sexual content available in the first game?, and have I missed such content in the first part??

This questions are for someone who's either played through everything or was involved in the development process.
Please help me out!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2018
So this is my first time using another save file.
Is this supposed to give me a save where loading that particular save would allow me to play all unlocked scenes in this particular game?
It unlocked the gallery for me but that's just pictures.....
for the gallery, it's just pictures, you have to play to see the content

I played through the FoTM1-v12 and finished all the available content and still wasn't able to get any far with any of the characters (I only got to teasing/voyeur scenes). And now I've downloaded FOTM2-v5(and played through one day) expecting more grinding and slow escalation for each scene(picking up from where the first game left), but the game let's you fuck pretty much all the characters right away [One of the characters(the doctor), I didn't even get the chance to have any interactions with in the first game.]. I feel like I've missed a huge chunk of the first game(the story in the middle of the two games).

Is there another game between the two games? or..

Was there full on sexual content available in the first game?, and have I missed such content in the first part??

This questions are for someone who's either played through everything or was involved in the development process.
Please help me out!!
yes, you are able to have sex with all the characters in the first one, there is a lot that you have missed out on

the doc. can't remember if you meet her doing tennis on sundays with melinda or another scene, after meeting her, you will have the option to visit her after going to work for barbara
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Active Member
Nov 29, 2018
MAJ 06-09-21 je suis en train de corriger certain dialogue mal traduit. je mettrais une infos quand tout seras traduit, en attendant le lien est toujours bon.

Bonjour a tous désolé pour l'attente voici la trad de foot of the mountain 1 v12, avec cheatmod traduit, tut est en francais NORMALEMENT, si il y a un souci dites le moi, voici le dossier game a mettre dans le jeu. j'ai joint aussi le guide du jeu traduit en français et l'original en anglais

Lien du jeu: , https://f95zone.to/threads/foot-of-the-mountains-2-v5-0-finale-serialnumbercomics.21019/

MAJ 06-09-21 I am correcting some badly translated dialogue. I would put an info when everything is translated, while waiting for the link is still good.

Hello everyone, sorry for the wait, here is the foot of the mountain 1 v12 trad, with cheatmod translated, all is in French NORMALLY, if there is a problem tell me, here is the game folder to put in the game. I also attached the game guide translated in French and the original in English

Game link: , https://f95zone.to/threads/foot-of-the-mountains-2-v5-0-finale-serialnumbercomics.21019/
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Sep 24, 2019
This game should have a built in guide similar to Power Vacuum where it at least tells you how many times you need to repeat an event to make any progress.


Jul 29, 2020
Can someone please tell me, how far the player can get with Melinda in the first game?

I got to full on sex with both Rhonda and Ann, and couldn't get further than teasing with Melinda. Doesn't matter how much you grind you cant progress with her. (Then, I tried the second game and in that, all she wants to do is fuck, fuck, fuck)

I'm clearly missing a big part of the first one. Can somebody..

Please tell me what do I need to do to progress with Melinda in the first game?
(I'm currently at the point where you can hug her from behind in the noon and Where you can strip her and tease her during the night while she is drunk)

Deleted member 62788

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
Not played the game in a while but would love to start again. I remember it was grindy as hell though but noticed someone made a less grindy mod. I am downloading the first game, so is there a less grind mod for that or is it only available for the second game?


Nov 12, 2017
I am stuck at some point of v3.0, I can mix drinks in Melinda's glass and Ann or Daniel have fun with Melinda, or put the aphrodisiac pill and go with Ann and watch Melinda or stay with Melinda, but anyway can't trigger next scenes and I already gave up trying or looking for walkthroughs. I would appreciate any help here.


New Member
Jul 9, 2018
(im FR sorry <3)

So this game is a real pain in the ass... I'm at a point where I want to kill myself.
Actually melinda say she want to go see linda for the pills after sunbathing. Ok

I understood this game was stupid so i did all bathroom scene 5 time each maybe, after that i try all (10h) sunbathing route.. and..... ....... nothing.... Obviousy i already visit linda 9 years ago that and she gave me a pills. WTF i cant use it !?

The walkthrough don't help if u have play normally because it give 0 hint -_-

If u can unlock my situation i give u a hamburger :3
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Active Member
Nov 29, 2018
Hello, did you take the procedure I put above, because it goes up to v12, I followed it step by step and it works. to upgrade to fotm 2 v5.0, it's another game so just download it.

Game: https://f95zone.to/threads/foot-of-the-mountains-2-v5-0-finale-serialnumbercomics.21019/

Step-by-step help: https://f95zone.to/threads/foot-of-...rialnumbercomics.21019/page-1065#post-6502828


Bonjour, avez vous pris la procédure que j'ai mis ci dessus, car elle va jusqu'à la v12, j'ai suivi pas a pas et sa fonctionne. pour passer a fotm 2 v5.0, c'est un autre jeu donc suffit de le télécharger.

Jeu: https://f95zone.to/threads/foot-of-the-mountains-2-v5-0-finale-serialnumbercomics.21019/
Aide pas à pas: https://f95zone.to/threads/foot-of-...rialnumbercomics.21019/page-1065#post-6502828


Jul 2, 2019
Hello, did you take the procedure I put above, because it goes up to v12, I followed it step by step and it works. to upgrade to fotm 2 v5.0, it's another game so just download it.

Game: https://f95zone.to/threads/foot-of-the-mountains-2-v5-0-finale-serialnumbercomics.21019/

Step-by-step help: https://f95zone.to/threads/foot-of-...rialnumbercomics.21019/page-1065#post-6502828


Bonjour, avez vous pris la procédure que j'ai mis ci dessus, car elle va jusqu'à la v12, j'ai suivi pas a pas et sa fonctionne. pour passer a fotm 2 v5.0, c'est un autre jeu donc suffit de le télécharger.

Jeu: https://f95zone.to/threads/foot-of-the-mountains-2-v5-0-finale-serialnumbercomics.21019/
Aide pas à pas: https://f95zone.to/threads/foot-of-...rialnumbercomics.21019/page-1065#post-6502828
the start of game is in english and also the dialogue with caracters when can you finish this game rhanks


Nov 5, 2018
We could say the same about adding NTR to a game where it does not fit with the relations you have with the girls or game as developed. If NTR would be a factor in game from first update it is different, but adding it later will always generate a lot of hate, especially with much beloved chars :p

The reason why is simple though, women falling into the NTR trap willingly has an impact on how those chars are seen and destroys them for many players as LI's. Just skipping does not change that it happened or the impact on the characters, your fun is destroying the fun of others that have just as much right to their fun and with how this game was developed at start even more likely.
Or maybe you could just accept what the dev wants to do and shut your mouth :)
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