As things have cooled down on the thread, I can give my two cents on this:
I agree with a lot of your observations. In fact, some of them are the main reason I just deleted the game and likely won't bother coming back for future updates.
OK, talking about removing the game from your HD might sound like a "rage-quit", defo not a good start to introduce your opinion on the game.
On the character front, I was rapidly left not really wanting to interact with any of the other characters at all.
And it's already getting worse..
I'm playing as a female MC, but Chris is a bit too butch for my tastes, and her more aggressive dom style really isn't for me (and I kind of agree that her aggressive flirting with every woman she meets - and straight up molesting my sister under the guise of sparring - really doesn't make me all that sympathetic to her existence).
Er, what? You played as a female MC and found that Chris has an "aggressive dom style"??
As an experienced player of H5, let me strongly disagree with you:
1)"her aggressive flirting with every woman she meets"
Totally wrong! The only scene you witnessed of a "pseudo-flirting" is with Sarah during the Vanny's crisis. I say "pseudo-flirting" because if you'd have been more experienced about the game, it's totally fit Chris' pattern to prevent someone from freaking out. In this tense crisis, Sarah felt completely lost without the help of Sonia(the disconnected Vanny's AI pilot).. Sarah is a so-called "child of the blue" by Chris, if you know what I'm talking about.
And about flirting with Kelly, it's so anecdotal that I won't mention it.
2)"and straight up molesting my sister under the guise of sparring"
He-he, every time I read something like this about Chris' sexually assaulting/molesting our sister, I think here is another failed opinion.
Firstly, it's an optional event, not everyone has witnessed it. Secondly, you're the main cause if something went wonky, despite two failsafe options to quit. And Thirdly, your interpretation of the full optional event is biased and so wrong.
Cf. the spoiler in this post:
And the cherry on the quake, as a female MC, there is no domme route with Chris so far..
Sarah's ditziness could be appealing (and her character design is nice), but her kinks aren't necessarily something I want to explore.
OK, but triggering her "kinks" is not an obligation for having a romantic route with her.
For a while Annie seemed like a positive alternative, but then in the drinking scene she goes full-on stereotype Australian slang and smoking, and it killed most of her appeal.
Well, despite the fact that she is overplaying it (Yeah, she can hold her drink pretty well), your point of view..
It's a sad thing when the only characters you find attractive as potential love interests at all are the author-insert tutorial narrators.
Yep, so sad for you that HeavyFive_TheBonusGames-1.0 was never leaked here..
As for the other NPCs, most seem mildly intolerable, including our sister (I get they were probably going for sibling rivalry, but it comes across a bit too hostile and abusive for my taste). Mike's about the only one who doesn't grate, and that's because he's more of a non-entity than a full character.
Your lack of experience of the game is totally showing here. Nothing is straight forward in this game, especially characters-wise. Nottravis excels in getting you paranoid.. Whose are the ones I can trust?
(And if you've got problems with NTR - like you seem to from your post - the aliens feel like they've been set up solely to either present NTR-flavored threats to your crew or to straight up molest most of the female crew eventually.)
Tss Tss, using the three letters word on this thread is considered as a complete lack of argumentation. Last time it was mentioned here, two pages of methodical deconstructions of it were erased by the moderation, cause it took an unexpected turn... Never again!
I definitely agree with the limited time issues preventing real immersion when it comes to interacting with characters/the setting/the story, but considering I barely want to interact with them at all that's not much of a problem.
I guess you're talking about each day's free-roam. It's not an issue, but a feature. At each free-roams starts, there are more events available than your allotted time can cover. You have to schedule your free-roam to cover your best interested events, events that don't overlap each other and come one after another in time.
This feature makes your path quite unique, a personal one.
He-he, a reviewer tried to cheat by reducing the time spent on an event:
Yeah, I know where to find three specific power buses. Just replay the event and go straight to the three power buses to buy some time for the other events. What the..?? Nottravis used an anti-cheat trick. What a vile Dev, I'll whine about that in my review!?.. Low!!!
The MC being a bit of a passive observer (like you mentioned) and the awkwardness of the game interface at times (trying to explore and repair the base) make it feel more like a chore to slog through than something that encourages or rewards action on the part of the player. There may be a deep and interesting story hiding just under the surface, or waiting to blossom once the foundation is out of the way, but I have zero motivation to care or even look for it.
Really sad you deleted the game, plenty of rewards are coming in the form of achievements in the next release..
I mostly tried the game because it seemed like a lot of people were giving it huge positive reviews, but it feels like I can't possibly be playing the same game those people were.
Well, sorry you felt that way.
Can I suggest you to have another try later with the upcoming new chapters five or six with a refreshed GUI and an introduction to the up-to list of achievements?