Ass prefer

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2022
Funnily enough the best for me is actually the true best! :KEK:

Really though throughout playing this game I think every LI has been my favorite at one point. Rose starts off super strong with you being able to not take advantage of her and is the first one to make any sort of "extracurricular" deal with Edwin, Veronica gets alot of really good stuff if you pursue a friendship with her, The most recent update does the same with Felica (with hints towards more interesting stuff with the upcoming exhibition). Hana gets similar treatment once she starts to take the club more seriously....Mina imo is just at the "start" of her really interesting stuff but could be the most widely applicable going forward.

I think it's a testament to the games writing that so many characters have possible reasons to be interested even when considering a borderline asexual perspective
But still, who are you absolutely sure of? or tell me which one made the most impression on you. If you can't decide. Who do you remembered more.


Active Member
Apr 18, 2020
Seriously? This scene was not very interesting.
I don't think a scene "itself" needs to be interesting for it to make "biggest impression". I would argue that the implications from the scene are very interesting though. IMO it shows that felica isn't on the same level as the other two, Rose is doing onlyfans/amateur porn with extra steps, Veronica admits that this whole thing is literally just kicking thr can down the road and that her gym is filled with problems.... but Felicia is not only trying to get more "power" and "connections" she wants to do it WHILE also enjoying the journey to get those.

Hell if kathleen wasn't borderline nonfunctional levels of sadistic then Felicia would straight up have no way to lose :KEK: who cares if she doesn't get to join the club it's not like kathleen can forbid any club member from talking to felica literally anywhere else in the world. It's only when kathleen puts the sadism above the pleasure that Felica starts to have the same amount of "skin" in the game as the other two (but they also have to deal with it)
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Ass prefer

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2022
I don't think a scene "itself" needs to be interesting for it to make "biggest impression". I would argue that the implications from the scene are very interesting though. IMO it shows that felica isn't on the same level as the other two, Rose is doing onlyfans/amateur porn with extra steps, Veronica admits that this whole thing is literally just kicking thr can down the road and that her gym is filled with problems.... but Felicia is not only trying to get more "power" and "connections" she wants to do it WHILE also enjoying the journey to get those.

Hell if kathleen wasn't borderline nonfunctional levels of sadistic then Felicia would straight up have no way to lose :KEK: who cares if she doesn't get to join the club it's not like kathleen can forbid any club member from talking to felica literally anywhere else in the world. It's only when kathleen puts the sadism above the pleasure that Felica starts to have the same amount of "skin" in the game as the other two (but they also have to deal with it)
Oh, I get it, you like her enthusiasm and determination. I can understand that.


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Turret is more dedicated to the idea the Sophie is "secretly" a "good person"/cares about Edwin than any of the people who want incest :KEK:
Like paragraphs and paragraphs of the same stuff reworded no matter how much you try to talk about her in anything but a positive light. Even if you think that she's "on her own side" as opposed to "kathleens side" or the "clubs/Edwin side" that's not good enough.
And here we have once again the problem with languages, since I have to explain stuff in English instead of my mothertogue in which I would be much more precise! While I think that Sophia is a better person than many players here believe, you also think that I do not see her flaws. That is not true I see her flaws quite clearly and that is actually one of the points why I would like to see a deep romance between the MC and Sophia.
As I tried to tell ffive in earlier posts, we have lots of variations of "standard romances" in Adult games. Sometimes really great/wellmade ones (for instance here in PC currently Hana and Felicia stand out), but we extremly rarely see unconventional romances, brush against the flow!
Sophia is an amoral, cold, eccentric nerd genius and we have our MC, who has at least some inklings of eccentrism himself. Coupling up these two in a loveydovey, HEA romance would not be easy to pull off, But I think TD is one of the game writers for F95 who could do it!
Their eccentrism, their edges, but also their fitting together stuff in combination with the plot surrounding the club, van Doren/Sophia having their own plans what will happen, would give us an unconventional, brush against flow, unusual romance, something we seldom see! A standout romance which is not the comedia del arte approach, but eccentrism going it´s own way. Hope you understand what I want to say here.

Why is there so much attention to Sophie? Why does everyone want Edwin to fuck her?
Because she is one of the wellmade unusual characters! But thank you for your post, because I and a couple other players fight this battle against all odds. Your post is proof we are being heard!:)

I remember a time when turrets paragraphs were about other aspects of the game and maybe im just unlucky but every time I see a post of his more than a few lines it's about her.
Seems you are simply unlucky, since I still write about other aspects of the game too, e.g. Felicia or possible plotpoints.:)

got my fancypants degree in psychology I can tell you that from a psychological perspective veronica is askually best (sometimes Felicia though)
Interesting viewpoint, but one I do not share. I consider Veronica among the least options for Edwin, e.g. her brainnumbing stubborness (she could start her dream anew without this baggage, but does not) is not a good basis for a lasting relationship.
My top three love interests for our MC are : Hana, Felicia and Sophia

Not some nerdy whore who does drugs.
Sophia is not a druggie, she sometimes tests her inventions herself. She is not addicted.

I think it's a testament to the games writing that so many characters have possible reasons to be interested even when considering a borderline asexual perspective
You know what the biggest joke in all of PC is? I think a majority of players enjoys the plot- and storylines outside the competition far more than the competition itself. I for one am rather lukewarm about the "Game Saturdays", the stuff around it is far more interesting!


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
who cares if she doesn't get to join the club it's not like kathleen can forbid any club member from talking to felica literally anywhere else in the world.
For that matter the whole idea of "Felicia only gets to join if she wins the competition" is quite a stretch, because who's to say she can't get invited and accepted afterwards like any other regular member to date. Chuck (or for that matter Hana, once she takes over managerial role) might do that just to see Kat's face when she hears such news.
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Active Member
Apr 18, 2020
Oh, I get it, you like her enthusiasm and determination. I can understand that.
Those are cool for sure but that's not far enough. For all the pain/negative emotions Rose/Vero are going through they are just playing checkers (just trying to solve the immediate problem) for Vero it's outright stated that the club will not and can not "fix" her gym, for Rose her immediate debt would be solved but what about college for her kid or any other financial stuff? At best she will still be at 0 (assuming her normal job can fully support her daughter until she goes to college).

But felica? Like I said she doesn't need to win even if she loses logically she can still make connections with other people there is no logical way for kathleen to ensure that doesnt happen, if you do the "finger felica during 2nd exhibition option" Chuck literally tells patrons to shut up so that "the moment isn't ruined"..... having Chuck on her side sure as shit sounds like some "power" outside her husband :KEK:

The only "wrench" in the plan is inviting her husband to the sex club..... but even that can't be used to (legally) "remove" power from Felicia it can just make her husband more cunty towards her.

You know what the biggest joke in all of PC is? I think a majority of players enjoys the plot- and storylines outside the competition far more than the competition itself. I for one am rather lukewarm about the "Game Saturdays", the stuff around it is far more interesting!
I'd argue it makes sense since that's the less vanilla part of the game especially once you make connections with the girls (that's kinda the point though since Edwin comments on it multiple times). Personally I enjoy them for the feeling of powerlessness Edwin has during them/other club scenes (and the implied catharsis when Edwin does finally get some "power"). No matter what you do one of the girls still ends up doing light "torture"/bdsm to one or both of the others girls. That feeling in my stomach during that scene is rare as fuck in this genre especially when it's logical and earned like it was here.

For that matter the whole idea of "Felicia only gets to join if she wins the competition" is quite a stretch, because who's to say she can't get invited and accepted afterwards like any other regular member to date. Chuck (or for that matter Hana, once she takes over managerial role) might do that just to see Kat's face when she hears such news.
Posted while I was typing but exactly this. Felica already won (even more so if you finger her during week 2 exhibition). All Chuck has to say is "felcia is family now nothing allowed outside the competition any more" and "say you understand kat" :KEK:
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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
For that matter the whole idea of "Felicia only gets to join if she wins the competition" is quite a stretch, because who's to say she can't get invited and accepted afterwards like any other regular member to date. Chuck (or for that matter Hana, once she takes over managerial role) might do that just to see Kat's face when she hears such news.
Have to agree with you on this. Felicia is already making some connections, as we have seen in earlier events. And even a "honorable loss" might get Felicia in. Chuck, Hana and even August would invite Felicia in a heartbeat, just to snub Kath when her Xanatos gambit cooks off.
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Bill Temple

Active Member
May 20, 2021
Where is that picture from? Did I totally miss something like that happening? Must have happened in the latest update as I haven't had a chance to finish it
My memory of it isn't precise at the moment. I think it's during an early scene with Van Doren and Kathleen. They're discussing how she's going to circumvent August and Chuck for something she and Dr VD are planning. I don't remember if the drug is explicitly discussed then or not, and I think Sophia hadn't had been introduced as a named character yet, just seen with Dr VD. You're not the first one to be surprised. Pretty much everyone (myself included) hadn't recognized her there or connected that scene with Sophia.
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Apr 18, 2020
Pretty much everyone (myself included) hadn't recognized her there or connected that scene with Sophia.
I do think you are correct that Sophia had been seen but not given her summary/profile.... but yeah not even the big loreheads were pointing it out back then which is why its also the day when we learned to over analyze every single frame :HideThePain:

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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
My memory of it isn't precise at the moment. I think it's during an early scene with Van Doren and Kathleen. They're discussing how she's going to circumvent August and Chuck for something she and Dr VD are planning. I don't remember if the drug is explicitly discussed then or not, and I think Sophia hadn't had been introduced as a named character yet, just seen with Dr VD. You're not the first one to be surprised. Pretty much everyone (myself included) hadn't recognized her there or connected that scene with Sophia.
You are right on this, it is from a rather early phase of the game. Sophia at that time had "only" been van Doren´s personal "nurse". She selftested the newest version of her drug there, costumed as a housegirl, a ruse which threw practically everybody off, be it the Club patrons or us players.
At that occasion van Doren and Kath discussed the better performance of the new version aphrodisiac, that van Doren was pissed (at least officially) that the drug was to become an energy drink by the firm, part of their plan and I find it funny in hindsight that van Doren gave Kath a cryptical phrased warning, if what she had in mind would be the right thing to do. It is rather clear that van Doren and Sophia have plans for the Club, which do not include the current leadership staying in power.

I do think you are correct that Sophia had been seen but not given her summary/profile.... but yeah not even the big loreheads were pointing it out back then which is why its also the day when we learned to over analyze every single frame :HideThePain:
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Good observation in your spoiler, this might not be chance.


Active Member
Apr 18, 2020
Good observation in your spoiler, this might not be chance.
IMO It probably is his "model" but I dont really think that in story "Vincenzo" (ie the famous singer in universe) was banging Edwins mom :KEK:

Several things work against the idea namely he is known publicly and it wouldnt make sense for him to "risk" being caught/exposed in a random "non studio" porn just so he could share some lady with two other men? Not even mentioning the logistics of having talent on both Victoria (amateur) and Vincenzio (at least nationally famous singer)level......but technically Edwin only asked Victoria if she knew August he didnt specifically ask if she knew Vincenzio so I guess i cant claim it for sure was not him.

although you would think the amount of times he has seen the tape and how often he accidentally or otherwise sees Vincenzo naked that he would connect the fact that they have the same hair on their belly :HideThePain:
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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
IMO It probably is his "model" but I dont really think that in story "Vincenzo" (ie the famous singer in universe) was banging Edwins mom :KEK:

Several things work against the idea namely he is known publicly and it wouldnt make sense for him to "risk" being caught/exposed in a random "non studio" porn just so he could share some lady with two other men? Not even mentioning the logistics of having talent on both Victoria (amateur) and Vincenzio (at least nationally famous singer)level......but technically Edwin only asked Victoria if she knew August he didnt specifically ask if she knew Vincenzio so I guess i cant claim it for sure was not him.

although you would think the amount of times he has seen the tape and how often he accidentally or otherwise sees Vincenzo naked that he would connect the fact that they have the same hair on their belly :HideThePain:
While I agree with you that the chance the guy was Vincenzo is pretty small, it is still possible. We do not know how long Vincenzo is famous. The porn video is comparatively old. If Vincenzo became an opera star say six years ago, the video could have been done when he needed extra money, during the time he was still on the low steps of music business and nearly unknown.
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Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Where is that picture from? Did I totally miss something like that happening? Must have happened in the latest update as I haven't had a chance to finish it
It's from a cutaway to Abel and Kathleen chatting just before the first week's Exhibition (technically 6/05 on the in-game calendar). The two of them are discussing how Kathleen isn't going to tell August or Chuck about whatever her deal with Abel is. Kathleen mentions testing on a new version of the drug and promises to get Abel the data he needs, but it's not explicitly clear if the drug was involved in whatever happened to Sophia.

It was also very unclear that WAS Sophia on the table since we hadn't been introduced to her yet (much less learned her name) and other than her haircut there's not much in the scene that can positively ID her; it's not like she had small breasts or something distinctive like that! It wasn't until TD confirmed it in a post that most of us realized it was Sophia.

For that matter the whole idea of "Felicia only gets to join if she wins the competition" is quite a stretch, because who's to say she can't get invited and accepted afterwards like any other regular member to date. Chuck (or for that matter Hana, once she takes over managerial role) might do that just to see Kat's face when she hears such news.
Obviously they could choose to accept Felicia anyway, but why would they? Kat would bar her just for the pain it would cause, and she doesn't have the wealth and prestige that would usually be required (that comes from her husband, who a) is now a member himself, and b) isn't likely to support her further once he realizes what she's done). Meanwhile we know some of the members are quite misogynistic, and my guess is most of the rest couldn't care less about Felicia; they might find her interesting as a curiosity during the competition, but that is very different from finding her interesting (much less respecting her) as a peer.

Chuck seems to relate to her struggles, so I guess he *might* be willing to give her a shot, but I doubt he'd go to the mattresses for her and I suspect that's what it would take.

Chapter 4 Up 5 Preview (6)

View attachment 3854487

"I had met her on the first day of Freshman year, and as someone who began to withdraw into his shell in high school, her unrepentant enthusiasm slowly captivated me."
In other news, I finally dug up the one shot we've previously seen of the mysterious Marlow, the MC's former flame that apparently ended poorly. It does seem to be her in the preview. So either the MC is spilling his guts to Rosalind on Thursday, or he's due for some serious introspection on Friday. Probably the former, I suppose, but it's hard to be certain.
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Bill Temple

Active Member
May 20, 2021
IMO It probably is his "model" but I dont really think that in story "Vincenzo" (ie the famous singer in universe) was banging Edwins mom :KEK:

Several things work against the idea namely he is known publicly and it wouldnt make sense for him to "risk" being caught/exposed in a random "non studio" porn just so he could share some lady with two other men? Not even mentioning the logistics of having talent on both Victoria (amateur) and Vincenzio (at least nationally famous singer)level......but technically Edwin only asked Victoria if she knew August he didnt specifically ask if she knew Vincenzio so I guess i cant claim it for sure was not him.

although you would think the amount of times he has seen the tape and how often he accidentally or otherwise sees Vincenzo naked that he would connect the fact that they have the same hair on their belly :HideThePain:
(While Vincenzo is pounding some house girl into oblivion)
Edwin (thinking): Haha... Classic Vincenzo.
(Vincenzo looks over. Edwin gives him a thumbs up.)
Edwin: Get some, Vince!
(He gives Edwin a nod while never breaking his rhythm.)
Edwin (thinking): Hmmm... Now that I think about I feel like I've seen that belly hair pattern somewhere before.
(Edwin gets closer, stroking his chin and staring at Vinnie's belly with suspicion.)
Edwin (realizing): Wait a fucking minute! No... no, it couldn't be!
(Edwin circles around to study Vincenzo's ass hair for confirmation.)


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Obviously they could choose to accept Felicia anyway, but why would they?
Depends on her sponsor. Hana might see it as one of ways to alter the status quo of the "old boys club" to a more egalitarian establishment, as a way to make it up to Felicia for what she's been put through, and as sticking it to Kat. Chuck might see it as free entertainment for his playground, and that it'd rile up Kat would be probably a bonus. The other two obviously don't have an incentive for that, but denying Felicia entry is also not exactly a hill they'd probably choose to die on.


Active Member
Apr 18, 2020
While I agree with you that the chance the guy was Vincenzo is pretty small, it is still possible. We do not know how long Vincenzo is famous. The porn video is comparatively old. If Vincenzo became an opera star say six years ago, the video could have been done when he needed extra money, during the time he was still on the low steps of music business and nearly unknown.
The "issue" with the idea that Vincenzo is famous recently is that both the house girl he prefers (can't recall her name despite her being pretty cool) and Edwin both recognize him don't they? Do people (in the US) even get famous enough as a "tenor" for Edwin (who had been to a single concert iirc) to recognize him/his name? IMO it makes more sense for him to someone that was around where Edwin heard/saw him more than once. If he only came to fame when Edwin started to focus more on studies and being good (mentioned talking to the girls at the 2nd pre exhibition meal) then I guess Edwin has an appreciation for opera that hasn't been touched on :HideThePain:

Edwin has been watching that video (literally just watching it) since he "was a teen" so at minimum for 3 damn years at the start of the game :KEK:but since teen could be any time from when it was made to when he turns 20 its more likely closer to 5+ years of watching that video "regularly" (at least to the point where he has normalized the act of watching it).

I'm honestly surprised that he sees Vincenzo fucking the house girl in what is seemingly his preferred position (him on top sadly for his partner) and doesn't go "huh I saw this exact thing in that video I watched......"

Also you would expect kathleen to at least drop a hint that chuck/august/the club knows that Vincenzo fucked Edwin's mom, how much that mentally messed him up, yet still wanted him to work there and be (indirectly) subservient to Vincenzo :KEK: she's talking about how her "plan" might cause her to lose everything but wouldn't play a card with no downsides for her to bring Edwin to her side? #notmykathleen

Obviously they could choose to accept Felicia anyway, but why would they? Kat would bar her just for the pain it would cause, and she doesn't have the wealth and prestige that would usually be required (that comes from her husband, who a) is now a member himself, and b) isn't likely to support her further once he realizes what she's done). Meanwhile we know some of the members are quite misogynistic, and my guess is most of the rest couldn't care less about Felicia; they might find her interesting as a curiosity during the competition, but that is very different from finding her interesting (much less respecting her) as a peer.

Chuck seems to relate to her struggles, so I guess he *might* be willing to give her a shot, but I doubt he'd go to the mattresses for her and I suspect that's what it would take.
i dont think Chuck would have to go to "bat" for someone in the same way kathleen would. If Chuck wants her there she's there just like how Chuck doesn't want boring solutions so august has to go under the table to keep things smooth. Unfortunately kathleen and or august wouldn't be able to keep felica out without Chuck noticing. That being said I meant more like "outside" the club...for example mihir thinks it's interesting that she wants to join how could kathleen stop him (or anybody) else from helping her literally any other time and place was my point.

More interestingly imo is what the hell is kathleens plan with Elias beyond it being hell week and trolling felica? Most of the people there were excited that his wife was there are they going to be all buddy buddy just because he's there? Samson/Police Chief isn't going to call him a cuck? Like I don't see what gains at all :KEK: dudes already fuck you rich he can get house girls whenever he wants, Veronica sure as shit isn't his type, Rose wouldn't be a good trophy wife/fuck....... like seriously the "Elias is an actual cuck" is a valid angle

Edit: iirc multiple patrons call him "that prude Elias" also kahtleen is really fucking over Edwin unless he's about to do the whole 3rd exhibition in a mask :KEK:
Nov 17, 2018
Those are cool for sure but that's not far enough. For all the pain/negative emotions Rose/Vero are going through they are just playing checkers (just trying to solve the immediate problem) for Vero it's outright stated that the club will not and can not "fix" her gym, for Rose her immediate debt would be solved but what about college for her kid or any other financial stuff? At best she will still be at 0 (assuming her normal job can fully support her daughter until she goes to college).

But felica? Like I said she doesn't need to win even if she loses logically she can still make connections with other people there is no logical way for kathleen to ensure that doesnt happen, if you do the "finger felica during 2nd exhibition option" Chuck literally tells patrons to shut up so that "the moment isn't ruined"..... having Chuck on her side sure as shit sounds like some "power" outside her husband :KEK:

The only "wrench" in the plan is inviting her husband to the sex club..... but even that can't be used to (legally) "remove" power from Felicia it can just make her husband more cunty towards her.

I'd argue it makes sense since that's the less vanilla part of the game especially once you make connections with the girls (that's kinda the point though since Edwin comments on it multiple times). Personally I enjoy them for the feeling of powerlessness Edwin has during them/other club scenes (and the implied catharsis when Edwin does finally get some "power"). No matter what you do one of the girls still ends up doing light "torture"/bdsm to one or both of the others girls. That feeling in my stomach during that scene is rare as fuck in this genre especially when it's logical and earned like it was here.

Posted while I was typing but exactly this. Felica already won (even more so if you finger her during week 2 exhibition). All Chuck has to say is "felcia is family now nothing allowed outside the competition any more" and "say you understand kat" :KEK:
bro the best part about the game night is to find out how much of a degenerate and cool that Chuck character is. He imo right now is the most interesting out of all the characters in the game. Holy fuck he is mysterious, can be kind(or atleast acted like he is kind), moody af, powerful enough to hold his own vs a fucking mafia gang boss(august), intimidated everybody when he wants to. I just love whenever that guy is on screen. Holy fuck what an absolute chad of an Uncle. Pure alpha male and i don't think many games got his energy, or any for that matter
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