So I finished this game a couple of hours ago and I have to admit it was an enjoyable read,I played both parts to get the full story,Part 1 was decent I like the story and characters,Marek is a good protagonist so I liked reading him rise from the ashes to the top.
Now the only issues I had with the game are

art 1
1.The pacing:the fights mainly,it would start off saying this fight would be hard or long and literally the next 2 lines the huge battle is over enemy defeated and every once in a while we would fight a major boss which would either be fodder or a bit of a challenge causing me to reset the fight once or twice.
2.Marek's Base:everytime we got back to his base, I would have to read the pointless greetings(tho some where interesting) and some paralogues where just a time waste like a whole dialogue about eating potatoes....
(Part 1 and 2 Main Issue)
Now to the thing I dislike the most about this game that I would have deleted it,But I spent so much time reading the game I decided to see it to the end,just so I know I didn't waste my time and that is Bosun(The Main character for part 2 who appears a few times in part 1 and is mentioned quite a bit in the first part as well),He is considered the main main character since he is the one who has the h-scenes with all the girls and corrupts them,but that is besides the point,The main issue revolving around him is his character,He is basically the laughingstock of the imperial family,He is Fat,Retarded(By his siblings and people who know him standards but he is smarter than he looks obviously otherwise he wouldn't be the mc) and worse yet is his personality,Reading his dialogue just makes me want to off myself,Out of all the characters the dev could have made for us to play as it had to be him,It felt like Bosun was the self insert of some overweight loner who has fantasies about corrupting everyone,Like why couldn't the dev just make Bosun a normal character,Hell he could have just been the underdog of the imperial siblings but with his *powers* he rises through the ranks and takes over the empire,Still its not all bad I did enjoy Part 2 more than part 1 but everytime Bosun appeared i wanted to delete the game,cuz I honestly couldn't handle how he would stutter every fucking sentence and how he acts just made him one of the worse protagonists on this site,Still I do like how he progresses in the story as more plots become revealed,I still wonder want went on in the original devs head when they where making him as the guy to do the corruption.After my rant here id say this game is interesting at least,It's a kinetic novel really and you only make one or 2 choices in the game while most of the choices that decide the ending is by winning or losing battles.Still it did keep me till the end and after reading all of it,I would give it A solid 5.5/10,this is just my personal opinion but if The dude we played as was at least a better character,The game would be more enjoyable for me.