TL;DR - my review of updated game: good game, okay update. Good lewds, stellar events/scenes, but too much unnecessary dialogue; more show less tell.
I love the game, easily in my top 5. I've played the game through a few times, but I don't like the recent update as much.
The lewd scenes are great, but the dialogue felt too explanatory; like characters talked through their actions, opinions, thoughts too much versus letting the visual scenes speak for themselves.
For example, in the previous updates Wilfred would do things or have plans (e.g. call Luna when MC wanted to know about her past, his short/succinct conversations with MC or Cordia, his actions involving the son of the family's head that was shot in the warehouse) such that the reader could infer what he's thinking/what he's planning. If he ranked someone 'strong' like serpent-level or if he had a certain way of doing things because of something in the past like his moustache and the DeLuca girls there would be a short flashback or quick couple lines.
But in this update for example, Wilfred would have a lengthy explanation about each of this thoughts e.g. talking to MC after fight, talking to his posse about his plans for MC and Gracie, explaining his role in the previous fight, why he didn't or did do certain things, etc.. Instead of showing a few slides/scenes here or there that would show what Wilfred was doing/planning or facial expressions so I could see how he felt or thought. Even Luna's talk about explaning the shooting game was so long and the reader just knows that MC will defeat the sharpshooter using the special win rule; versus a quick explanation and visuals. I like some explanation but instead of having an air of mystery where the reader unravels the character, it's more of a wikipedia summary in dialogue form.
Besides that I liked the new characters like glasses sharpshooter dude and Wilfred's posse, overall events and scenes were cool to watch, and learned more about old characters like Gracie, Wilfred, and even Joey.