I like what there is so far, but I do have to say that the game's progression as a Wild Elf feels a bit... Weird?
We start off sharing a moment with our girlfriend, before having to move out because a dragon is nearby, but now a human toddler shows up and our girlfriend runs off, who then dies, and we... Kind of don't talk about her after that. Oh, and human dad shows up, only to... Not really matter? At which point we run off to lead the dragon away.
I'll pause here to mention three points from this that seem kind of off to me - first, I don't really see what the humans add to that. Maybe it's because of my choices, but they were just kind of there, and didn't really add anything. Second, the origin didn't appear to tie in to anything; unlike other origin systems I've seen, it just explains why you're on the road, without actually tying in to the game's main plot. The main character doesn't really have any reason to stay with the other characters. Third, the main character seems to get over seeing her girlfriend killed in front of her pretty quickly - she barely brings it up afterwards, and can start hitting on her companion what feels like the next day. I'd suggest making it clear that they hadn't been together long if her death isn't to be a major plot point.
Okay, so after that, you randomly get blessed with magic, stop at an inn, score a free night, and immediately join up with two random humans and a halfling; you randomly get told that somehow your pretty vague condition is linked to the Awakenings, then rescue a hapless bounty hunter, find a murdered princess, and break into a city under lockdown.
I'll pause here again to mention a few points where the progression seems weird to me with this origin; joining up with the humans as casual travel companions seems fine to me, but why am I staying with these people when things get rocky? Rescuing a distressed bounty hunter who's about to die in front of me, fine, but I'm not exactly keen to hide the death of royalty. And we honestly have no real reason to be so eager to get into this particular city; we could just find an expert somewhere else, and we don't have much reason to believe we're really a hero to begin with. Sure, the others have a reason to desperately want to get in, but none of us are really friends to begin with. And we really have no reason to trust the walking disaster who almost killed herself multiple times, has shady friends, and could have made up the whole bounty hunter story to begin with. And all of this is exacerbated by the fact that the main character comes from a society that is strongly distrustful of outsiders.
But regardless of whether each individual piece works... Isn't this all a bit too much, too soon? I mean, we go from dead girlfriend to exile to magic possession to legendary hero to bandit rescue to murdered royalty to breaking in to cities without almost no downtime between any of these things; it all feels a bit too busy.
I do enjoy the game itself, though, and appreciate the wide variety of choices available to the player. It just feels like the pacing could use some work, and that the main character should be given a stronger motive to follow the plot.