anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
This story seems to be your general explanation here.
We will not invent something just to please you and your paranoia.
You are free to not believe us, but systematically claiming the opposite without even trying to verify if it's true or not is more than childish.

But such an accident can explain only a fraction of the now over 18 months since the last update. The rest is, as with some other developers here, a lot of hot air.
The 19 Feb, I told you why it took time:
"The chapter five is near to be finished, while the chapter one extra content, and it will be the same for the chapter two to four. [...] Her rework isn't purely some tweak here and there. She wasn't satisfied with the way she introduced the chapters, and with the tutorials, because all this was out of the story. So she redid all this, making everything parts of the story."

The 26 Feb, I explained that it wasn't just a small crash, but that she ended severely injured for months:
"No, the fact is that she had a car crash that left her with a severe injury. With the NHS being underfunded and over saturated due to the pandemic, and the staff being exhausted due to both, she needed near to eight months (from memory, perhaps a bit less or a bit more), and to go private, before her injury was fixed and she really stopped to suffer from it. Not really the good conditions to be creative and, as she recognize herself, too much free time to think about what could have been done better."

Note that all this isn't just claims I made, here 230 patrons and 7,xxx followers on twitter have nearly the same information and, unlike you who are neither one nor the other, they believe her.

1 Apr, again directly addressed to you, I explained that I saw and played the content you claim to not exist:
"I had the great chance and pleasure to see the new chapter one, so I know that it exist. And since it exist, then I have no reason to doubt that the rest also exist, this even if luck don't lasted long enough for me to see it. But I'm saying this knowing perfectly that you'll not believe me more than you believe her."

Yesterday, directly addressed to you, someone else explained the exact same thing:
"If you were, you would know that she does put out things for her supporters to test every so often, when she wants to get feedback on this part or that part. Can't remember what the last module was that we tested, but there are new things being shown all the time, they just don't get leaked."

And, from memories, there's two others like that those last two months, but I have more interesting things to do that search proof for someone who don't care about the truth.

Today, directly addressed to you, I explained what is the problem:
"It's your attitude, not what you say, that is, and have always been, the issue. Near to nobody care what are your thought regarding Notty, the game and the update. What people care about, what they reproach you, are the way you are using this thread to have the attention you're missing in life."

So, when I see you write, once again and to the umpteenth time in less than two months:
I think the probability is high that the development has really been stopped, or has become so minor, so to speak, that it is negligible. You should not give people here false hope. If the game catches up again, that's good, but it's not very likely.
It's clear that you are nothing more than a troll who's in deep need for a bit of love. So, well, goes were you belong...


anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
She already stated that she messed up with the code, because Ren'Py isn't done to do what she is trying to do; this is why I think she should switch to Unity.
But switching mid game is never the thing to do. This said, she considers Unity for her next game.

Also she is married and i wouldn't want to be one of those guys.
Her husband have an affair with an engineer who's not really good at keeping her balance when she's showering. So you wouldn't be "one of those guys", but the guy who saved her from an unhappy marriage.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
But switching mid game is never the thing to do. This said, she considers Unity for her next game.

Her husband have an affair with an engineer who's not really good at keeping her balance when she's showering. So you wouldn't be "one of those guys", but the guy who saved her from an unhappy marriage.
Ohh i wouldn't feel completely scummy then hopefully i can romance her in the future then lol


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
I think it's completely legetim, if a game gets no update for over 18 months, and the explanatory texts are getting longer and longer and more and more nonsensical, to discuss whether there actually is a realistic chance for this game. I find it rather strange how some people here still act as if everything is fine and you just need more patience. We are not talking about 1-2 months delay, of a maybe ideal timespan of 3-6 months, but about more than 18 months. Remember, updates are the only reliable way to see if something is progressing. Everything else is just claim, which after such a long time one could drop altogether. This has just as little value as the "dog that ate the homework". :ROFLMAO:
That still doesn't explain why you, personally, feel the need to be a Karen/Filius Canis here.
I don't know where you live, but in the free world, you don't have to pay money to be allowed to express your opinion. If not here, where else should we openly and fairly discuss the fact that something went wrong with the development of this game?
Two points.
First, I'm reminded of the many quotes comparing opinions to assholes, farts, and noses. This is especially true of uninformed opinions.
Second, it is your opinion (see above) that something went wrong with the game. That is not an established fact, no matter how much you want it to be.
Sometimes I really think some people here don't even want to look honestly at how bad the progress of this game is. However, the realization that something is going wrong is ultimately a necessary prerequisite for being able to improve something. After 18 months without an update, this should be clear to everyone here.
Once again, not an established fact.
I wonder, is it that you are naively idiot and truly don't get it, or are you just a troll who voluntarily circle around the issue, faking to not see it even when it's relatively explicitly pointed to you ?
I don't know--I watch a lot of Flat Earth and Young Earth debunking videos. It's amazing how adverse to changing their opinions some people are.
"You can lead a man to knowledge, but you can't make him think."

Look around you in the thread.

There's people who come, see the "abandoned" prefix, and ask what happened. Then, after having read the answer, after having thought about what they've read else on the thread, they go back doing whatever they were doing before.
Perhaps have they understood the situation, and are they just patiently waiting for the long delayed update. Or perhaps are they like you, loosing all hope that the next update happen one day. No one know, and no one really care. But, more important, they don't feel the need to say what are their thoughts, and to repeat it day after day, like you are doing. They are acting like the adults they are.

There's also two/three for who there's no doubts. They are like you, convinced that the said update will never happen. And you know what ? It's their right.
But do you see them arguing for days ? Do you see them systematically act like if they were the depository of the unique truth, like you do ? No, they don't.
Unlike you, they don't try to convince people who clearly know better than them, because seeing their pledge being frozen and having seen firsthand what Notty effectively do, that they are blind and lured. They don't do it because they are adult. They know that it would be useless and stupid, that it would make them looks like an idiot and nothing else.

It's your attitude, not what you say, that is, and have always been, the issue. Near to nobody care what are your thought regarding Notty, the game and the update. What people care about, what they reproach you, are the way you are using this thread to have the attention you're missing in life.
Perhaps the ultimate goal of the "Abandon Tag Fetishists" is to create a narrative that drives new fans away from a game in attempt to destroy something people like.
This story seems to be your general explanation here. But such an accident can explain only a fraction of the now over 18 months since the last update. The rest is, as with some other developers here, a lot of hot air.
Is this assessment based upon medical expertise, or personal experience with rendering and coding tasks? Or is it just an opinion you pulled from anus?
I think the probability is high that the development has really been stopped, or has become so minor, so to speak, that it is negligible. You should not give people here false hope. If the game catches up again, that's good, but it's not very likely.
You finally admitted that you think the probability is high. You have admitted that this is opinion and not fact.
Eh, you'd still be one of those guys. Wedding vows are sacred. Both people who took those vows should honor them.
So, you think that an abused spouse should remain in the marriage despite physical/psychological abuse because "Wedding vows are sacred?"
You're apparently "one of those guys."
Last edited:


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
On the contrary, I think being physically or psychologically abusive to your partner is a breach of those vows. After all, if phsyical/psychological abuse was expected or even allowed within a marriage, why on Earth would anyone get married in the first place?

i.e The traditional wedding vows end with these words: "I promise to love and cherish you."
I think you'd agree that beating the shit out of your spouse violates that promise.
But would you consider psychological/emotional abuse to be just as harmful?

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I don't know--I watch a lot of Flat Earth and Young Earth debunking videos. It's amazing how adverse to changing their opinions some people are.
"You can lead a man to knowledge, but you can't make him think."
It's a bit different, they stick to a narrative that reassure them.

Most Flat Earth believers have no problem with round planets, as long as it's not the one they live on. And if they have problem with Earth it's because they absolutely don't understand why it looks flat and why you don't fall when you're on what they believe to the "the wrong side".
For those who also believe that the Moon don't exist it's mostly because deep inside they are convinced that if such big thing exist so near to Earth, it can fall on Earth at anytime.
Both challenge way too much what they know, while opening the gate to the fact that they aren't as smart as they think. Therefore they stick to an absurd theory, and absolutely don't want to see the world otherwise, because then they would be the idiots, and not anymore the ones who are smarter than the majority.

For Young Earth believer it's a bit different. Globally it's a mix between the Bible (that in fact contradict nothing when you know that "seven days" were initially "seven periods of time") and the way too big number of billions years since the creation of Earth. If Earth is older, in billion years, than your life expectancy in years, you are nothing, and it's not necessarily a reality easy to face. But if Earth is 10,000 years old, then it's something like 110-120 times your life expectancy, and your existence become significant.

And it continue like this, whatever the theory, even Q, all the belief are based on fears and are a way to stop being afraid. But for him, where is the fear ? That the game is abandoned ? Then he should be reassured by all the people saying that it will not happen, yet he isn't. In fact he act at the opposite, he clearly prefer to live in fear that the game will never be finished, than imagine that it's just a big delay.

Perhaps the ultimate goal of the "Abandon Tag Fetishists" is to create a narrative that drives new fans away from a game in attempt to destroy something people like.
Then it's a revengeful act and, as far as I remember, against the rules.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
If you don't like that the game has the abandoned tag,
From where the fuck this come from ? Where the fucking fuck have you seen that I don't like it ? I'm even pretty sure that I have explicitly wrote that I don't care.

All you have to do is release a new update.
Fuck, why no one warned me that I was Notty ?


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Man is this reaching. If you don't like that the game has the abandoned tag, then there's an easy and simple way to remove it so listen up.

All you have to do is release a new update.

View attachment 2519901
Unfortunately we can't do shit to get the tag removed because we can't release a new update. However, it should be obvious at this point that it's not the tag we have problems with, but the people who keep giving an 'automatized' tag and his own ill-fantasies much more weight than several informed opinions stating the development is not actually abandoned. Those people are the ones who may be breaking some rules, not the ones who put the right tag, obviously


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Wherever the game is or isn't abandoned doesn't matter anymore. Once a game fails to release a game update at 18 months or beyond then the tag is applied. 18 months is the essentially the deadline and Heavy Five failed to meet the standard.
Again, the tag is not the fight. It's obvious that the claim of rule-breaking is aimed at those who keep insisting in the game being actually abandoned when they are told ad nauseaum that it's not, twisting our words and doubling down their own uninformed opinions and wishes


Sep 22, 2019
You're confusing Nottravis with Braindrop who has a history of lying to his patrons and then putting out crap work. In the end your opinion doesn't matter as you have no monetary input.
Im not trying to jump on the Notty hate train here, but telling people they aren't allowed an opinion because they don't pay money to Notty is kinda insane. She has literally paused her patreon. No one is paying money to her
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
You clearly do care because you've been arguing against everyone who supports the abandon tag being put onto this game.
You clearly have a comprehension issue.
I've argued against one person who repeat ad nauseum that Notty is milking and not working on the game. Would he have said that three months ago, I would have done the same.

Now going as far to say that people who think the abandoned tag applies are committing a "revengeful act" How on Earth would the be an act of revenge? Crazy.
Do you read what you answer too ?
I answered that to "Perhaps the ultimate goal of the "Abandon Tag Fetishists" is to create a narrative that drives new fans away from a game in attempt to destroy something people like."
Therefore it clearly have nothing to do with the fact that you believe or not that the tag is legit (scoop, it is legit, everyone said it), and explicitly target a person who would instrumentalize it for a personal war.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
It's more a difference in perspective. Not everyone is invested into this game as the fans of Heavy Five. Point being is that fans are happy to hear from the developer, just like GOT fans are happy to hear from George R Martin, just telling them that they're alive and are "working" on the project, regardless of any reveals or releases.

Other people are not so invested, and if they don't see any new content/meat then it may as well be abandoned because the well dried up, there's no rain in the desert, that sort of thing. The point I'm trying to make here is fans are happy to stand in the desert waiting for it to rain, whereas others will just move on to greener pastures.
Somehow you forgot the fact that some of us aren't invested fans, but betatesters who have seen part of the work that it's allegedly not been made. That's where our certainty comes from.

I'd really wish people could actually move on to greener pastures. What we are witnessing here, however (and especially from a couple of very specific users) it's exactly the opposite: their greenest pasture seems to be fishing for our raged reactions when our words are constantly being doubted or plainly ignored, using dumb logic and going over the same absurd claims again and again.


Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2019
Because you have a mental condition, it is called "Dissociative Identity Disorder", but you don't know that; in fact you actually are Notty, me and ItzSpc at the same time.
See ? Just as I all told you. It's all coming together now. The game's up.

Why am I talking to myself o_O?

Have you ever thought about the possibility that all posts here are made be alt-accounts of the dev ?
Maybe she has MPS, and you are an alt-account as well. Yes, that must be it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
I'm one of the official testers for Heavy Five. Look at this and tell me no content has been made...
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Ignore the version numbers. The 1R tests are for CH5. The rest are for the GUI upgrades or portions of CH5.
This is why I think we should "not talk of them, but look and pass on".
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