I'm going to state my (potentially unpopular) opinion here and I'm wondering if you guys can change my views. I'll try to remain partial because maybe I'm just not seeing the genius that is Radiant.
I think this game is painfully mediocre and undeserving of all the attention it's gotten. Here's why I think so:
1. Gracie death was extremely weak, emotionally. We spent only 5 minutes with this character with barely any character development. All we know about her is she's a virgin and falls in love way too quickly. Her sole purpose was to bear the MC babies and die. She's like a character in The Walking Dead who is only introduced to be killed off. The letter she wrote did not hit me in the feels because I didn't care for her because we spent no time getting to know her. If anything, it made me roll my eyes because the writer expects me to be sad with no work on his part to make me feel sad.
2. Choices break character hard. I like being given choices in a VN but not ones that go so far against what a character would do that it makes other characters (who mind you, knows the MC better than you or I at that point) shocked that he would behave that way. I'm talking about the scene with the old buddy cracking a joke at you and you get the choice to chew his ass out over it. I feel sad for the old guy, having an undiagnosed psychopath as a "friend".
3. The cliffhanger is a terrible cliffhanger. We didn't know we killed anyone and we don't even know this random lady who came to knock on our door. Also, this whole thing is way too similar to how the MC finds out he has daughters. The three of him knock on his door, he opens, they drop the bomb on him. In the cliffhanger, she knocks on his door, he opens, she drops the bomb on him. What's next, will she ask to come live with him too? Maybe he'll catch her sleepwalking naked as well. Also, the two bombs were horribly spaced apart. It's better to take one conflict at a time. The current conflict is learning how to be a father, but now this shit comes and hijacks the story by making him feel guilt about something that happens years ago. Either it's a nonissue and there is no point in introducing that character, or she takes up time that should have been spent with the daughters instead.
Everything else was mediocre and not worth mentioning. I think what could've made the story interesting is if the MC really doesn't believe the kids are his (but we as the audience know) and he pretends he's their father so he can get in their pants. Maybe later on down the line, after he bumps uglies with his kids, he starts to remember Gracie and finally realizes that these are his own kids he's been fucking, and he's disgusted with himself. You can go dark by making him kill himself, or you can make the guy come to terms with what he's done and slowly accept that he's an incest loving daughter fucker.
Final score: 6/10 for me.