Summer is only clearly stated as related to Elsa. Bella who is well aware of who is who in the high society of Wollust did not knew who Elsa is or her family. So either Bella has a gap in her knowledge, with is possible, or Summer and Elsa families are not that well know/rich. Elsa goes to a more elite college than ZPR, I am not sure but she seems to be a model, so either she pays for her tuition working as a model or her family has good money.
Now if her family has good money, Summers being friends with Sasha is not that unlikely unless her family has problems with the Zanes, with also is not that unlikely. The thing that bugs me is that, Noji does not have money, so how cold she afford to pay for both Nami and Nika to go to the same school as the daughter of one of the elites family of the city ? There is also Nia, who does not comes from a rich family and the same reasoning applies to her.
I do not think that Summers or Elsa family have significant money, and going by how Elsa mother controlled her daughter, I don't think is a crazy assumption to think that they wanted them to marry up. My bet is that Summer's family is not all that important or have many relations with the others big families of Wollust, maybe they are outsiders trying to enter the inner circle or some minor family trying to moving up. Maybe doing dirty work that backlashed and lead to whatever happened to Summer ?
This is a really long text to say that at this point nothing is really impossible, Summer might have been Sasha friend or not am just throwing my two cents in the discussion.