so, playing blind through ichibikun,
the health is mostly irrelevant, you do your job offscreen (unless there's an option to turn that off i haven't found) so the money thing isn't too too terrible even if you don't speedrun the nurse outfit to have sylvie help (it's basically overtime??? it gives extra cash), the bath stuff has a button built in, health mostly doesn't matter if you don't go out during rain.
the big thing is more you have to do groceries once every oh-so-many-days (slightly tedious but eh), the clothes shop is only limited by stats and money and you have no carry cap, and it's missing out on some extra scenes that the modded* 3.0.22 version has, and obviously it's vietnamese so i can't read shit unfortunately.
i dunno, i kinda want a version of it in 3.0.22 or even 4.0.0 but it's only gonna get more difficult to re-implement and balance.
In the meantime, waiting for 4.0 to be finalized and for mods to provide a version for it XP (bless the modders)