Back once again.
Still are done, in all fariness to DPC an impressive total. Not Much to say on that front really.
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As for the animation. Quicker at 60 FPS than they were on the old cards? Bollocks. The average animations completed by week 41, 6.5 a week. Average animations completed between week 36 and week 41? 6.4 the second PC was being put together on the day of the August 11th, week 34 update. In other words even with the second system live animations stayed the same on average.
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For a quick reference Episode 9 had 303 animations that were produced at an average of 7.6 a week. In other words he is producing 1 less animation a week with 2 systems running 4090 cards. Perhaps if we're lucky the 3rd system will see upto 9 a week. 269+68=337 at an average of 6.5 that means completion around 8th December (plus beta testing). If he somehow hits 9 that would still be around 24th November ready for two weeks Beta testing.
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I saw this just yet, awesome btw... but... hmmmm
iam not that sure about the numbers here. Cause there is something that bothers me. Do we really KNOW that DPC was posing animations alle the time?
Especially for epsiode 10 iam pretty sure that he didnt pose that much animations that the render salves were working all the time on those.
My mind can be tricky here, but as i remember he already did nearly 100 animations late MARCH. and in june or something liek that those numbers didnt increase much.
Can totally be wrong here, iam not able to look back at those dev reports. But something tells me, he didnt posed those animations constantly. And is only rushing them as of late cause they are pretty much the only thing left to do.
Iam not so sure how fast he is really able to get animations out per week... well... we will see, he said himself now the art is DONE. and 68 animations are left to render, which means, he will not add fresh animations to the queue (if he doesnt change his mind which he does pretty much all the time)... this will show us the REAL animation render speed now... and with that we can see if DPC made a "render pause" in between, which iam pretty sure of.
But dont understand me wrong, if he paused the animation rendig, i dont think he does that to "milk" anything, i just would say he had to do other things at the time for the game.