I wonder why the final scene was with Jessica, I personally always saw Alia as the main love interest.
NLT Media run polls on Discord etc., to see what player want and who like best. Jessica probably voted best girl hence appear in last scene. Much of NLT Media games influenced by polls which is why character suddenly dropped (if become less popular like Alia say) and other given spotlight (because become more popular like Jessica say). Unfortunately many NLT Media supporters
are empty-headed semi-literate fuckwits who want sick thing and often make terrible choices during polls, which explain why Treasure of Nadia jump shark and end up hotchpotch dog's dinner lowest common denominator game.
When ship steered by hands of so many incompetent pilots, without a single (moral) compass between them, inevitable that vessel eventually founder and end up beached or on the rocks.
Garbage in, garbage out as computer people say.