But Sasha's earring was given to her by Leia, the woman she described to Nika apparently matches Leia. That's what I keep saying, Nami must be the daughter of someone close to William, like Daphne or Monica. Leia must be somehow to blame for her parents' deaths, that's why she kind of takes care of Nami from afar, and if we think about that, it makes sense that Nojiko doesn't like the Zanes.
Let's think that everything changed, William's relationship with Joe, Katie's blackmail, the reason he was arrested. The only person who managed to track William down was Leia after years, but he claims to be a writer, right? So he published a book using the name or surname Zane, so it became easier to find him. Having a son who ran away from home, meeting Joe and wanting to ease my wife's (Helen) pain and because of everything Leia went through with not eating and becoming depressed, I would do anything to find my son (William), including using illegal means, which would be Joe.
Nika and Nami's origins are still unknown, but from what they mention about their memories with their parents, it seems that they are siblings or share a common parent. But anyway, out of everyone in town, why would Katie show up out of nowhere just when a student from her college shows up at her book club? After all, it's been a while since Katie Zane showed up. If he's not a Zane, he's the son of someone powerful that they're afraid of, or he's simply a renegade from the Zane family. Anyway, for me, it all comes back to the gang war. William or Leia got involved with someone on the other side of the war and since they couldn't be "together", the boy was given up for adoption. Maybe Nojiko delivered the baby. I don't know, man, I'm getting tired of walking on eggshells.
So: Nami's earring (still writing drunk, so apologies) could be a sign of Leia's protection. Nami could be the child of someone Leia felt resposnible for. How that happens? I don't know. It doesn't mean that Nami is defintiely related by blood to Leia, or, Nami is related to Sasha. Sasha is a Petrova, and only fan theories explain the earring. We haven't yet come to Ocean's reveal of that, and that has never existed in any form of the game. We make conjecture, and they are good conjectures, but there will at some point be a canon explanation. While SG is on patreon, any theory that involves incest is false, or SG dies. Simple.
Dylan is shown as a beta, who will be cucked by William most likely. He is shown as relatively passive in his and Helen's relationship, accepting that Helen is shutting him out. As far as Willi being an author, he mentions that he kinda doesn't want to show Helen from memory, because it's an erotic novel or something. So Dylan doesn't follow the who's who of erotic novels. Not a plot hole. Leia has Emilio, who is her employer. Joe is in prison. Not a plot hole. Dylan might have looked earlier, but didn't have the time while dealing with an anorexic/bulemic/suicidal Leia. We know Abigail gets stonewalled in her investigations about Helen - what if Helen had asked Abigail and the villains stonewalled her ten years ago while Abigail tried to find Willi? What if Willi is the sone of the villain in charge of this mysterious group?
All fan theories. THere are plausible explanations, we just don't have one, and Ocean strings us along to keep us interested, like every storyteller does.
The Katie connection: Katie has a plot that needs a good basketball player. Hill was already stalking Nika when he was at Tropics high school. That is stated in game. Innuendo implies more, but it's not revealed. We've debated these things over and over but need more morsels to chew on, so I'd love to see WiaB Ch4 and SG S2Ch1 tomorrow. I really would, everyone in this thread would.
I don't remember the sentence very well, but he doesn't mention that he (Nika) is similar to someone familiar, like not in appearance but damn I forgot the word, it's something similar to attitudes and character, the word really didn't come to mind.
Nah, he mentions "She reminds me of someone. Also, do abackground check on the boy." Desiree "Do you expect something?" "No, no, but you can never be too sure." It's Bella who reminds Emilio of someone, not Nika. But he knows Bella well from all the haircuts, so I assume just poor portentious writing there.
I understand Yossa's perspective on this and he's entitled to feel like relationship and ties are not that important to a story. Or to this story in particular. I just vehemently disagree. What I take offense to is his notion that anyone who cares about these things is only in it for the disgusting incest angle.
The characters are the lifeblood of any story. How they connect to the world and each other is vital.
I don't need these characters to be related. I need clarity on who they are right now and how they connect to others. Even if there are future plot twists, I just care about what and who they are at this precise moment in the story. That's not too much to ask.
As much as I love theories, in this we agree. Dragging out the mystery to the point that it becomes boring doesn't serve the story. I suspect Ocean will reveal it when Nika next talks to Amber, and he talks about his and Nami's deal. We'll at least get some perspective. If OCean is truthful about every important girl getting a scene, Amber has a scene. It's probably a therapy session, and we'll get flashbacks and revelations. Maybe not enough, but more than now.